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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. yeah no I paid $200 for the best PS3 there is.
  2. I own a PS3 I paid as much for it as I paid for my first PS2.
  3. for fucking serious I can't even get through the damned levels, much less beat the bosses
  4. even if it is (I have no idea if it is), that's not the point he wants shmups developed for the mac
  5. because he wants a mac and will not be convinced otherwise
  6. I can't stand it, if that says anything.
  7. aw shit yeah, I would probably buy a whole new PSP for that.
  8. Looking forward to any improvements you guys do.
  9. start selling the albums for a buck then let people give it to all their friends
  10. Yeah about that, it looks like a few extra expenses came up so I can't make good on my offer. Sorry. Man, I love being a college student with little to no extra income.
  11. aaaaaaaaaa that is not doom
  12. What happened to that FPS that was supposed to be Wii exlusive and also supposed to push its graphical limits and be generally awesome?
  13. Listening now. This better be good since I had to delete one of my BT albums to fit it on my mp3 player.
  14. uh is that vid card integrated? I'm no expert but that seems like a bad idea if you're already spending that much. also that power supply is probably overkill
  15. Yep, my experience with the demo was that it was a less enjoyable (read: retarded) version of Psi-Ops
  16. I'm gonna go ahead and list all the great Doom remixes (creepy and just plain awesome) Creepy-awesome: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01396/ Ghosts of Mars. More creepy than awesome but still pretty good. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01431/ Jade Spawn. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01387/ The Dark Side of Phobos. An absolute must-have. It doesn't get much creepier than this http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01198/ Iron Demon. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01412/ River Styx. Another must-have. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01120/ The Calling. pretty good, maybe not creepy enough From Dark Side of Phobos (that I haven't already listed): http://doom.ocremix.org/main.html Infilrator Infected Lab "Secrets and Lies" is extremely creepy Aria of the Damned "ElectroCute Bunny" maybe From Delta-Q-Delta (that I haven't already listed): http://doom2.ocremix.org/tracks/ Adrian's Sleep "Westside Archvile" this one is fuckin' awesome Crushing Headache "Silent Healer" is somewhat creepy "Icon of Sinwave" inherently creepy as hell The End of Hell Red Waltz
  17. Surely there will be another opportunity to listen to this thing. It wouldn't be like zircon at all to produce an hour long mix to only air (or distribute hint hint) it once.
  18. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00809/ That Balcony Thing
  19. aw dammit, I was out doing stuff and forgot about it
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