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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. AWESOME I caught it this time!
  2. damn kids stealin' my avatar
  3. What the hell is fusion I listen to Rock/Flamenco fusion.
  4. So uh, did Bean ever finish those?
  5. "Effect" as in "Chrono Trigger will 'directly cause' sales of BotE"? or "Affect" as in "Chrono Trigger will 'indirectly increase/decrease' sales of BotE (due to stylistic similarities)"?
  6. many happy returns when does the public get to hear that album
  7. http://www.ocremix.org/remixers/?&offset=0&sort=mixcountdesc start there
  8. thanks, I could never figure out which way it was
  9. yet again do I say, " returns the text to the standard color" lalalalala oh hey, look, regular colored text with no code
  10. well the DS sound chip (thing whatever) itself isn't all that great so that's to be (somewhat) expected
  11. uh guys, my GPU "beta" says that it expired on August 2nd and refuses to load, and nothing I do will make it do otherwise halp?
  12. Aside from the adaptation for a piece of game music to orchestra, I think the "bias" against such arrangements is actually... *ahem* orchestrating an orchestra of an adequate level of performance to pass judge standards rather than any kind of genre bias on the judges' parts.
  13. Sorry, that was way too acerbic. I really need to watch my morning posts. It was kinda hard to understand, but you might just try upping the volume a bit next time.
  14. thanks for not mumbling so that it's fucking impossible to understand what you're saying at even the highest volume
  15. Just checking to make sure. Some people seem to think that 3D was the first.
  16. if you're calling it the original, you had better be talking about the three-3.5"-floppy, three-episode DOS game featuring Duke Nukem vs. Dr. Proton
  17. oh my fucking god why did this have to come out while I was away on vacation Also, I've seen the title a thousand times, but I only just got the IDDQD reference. (and I call myself a Doom fan) Downloading now and seeding for as long as it takes.
  18. sorry, Coopie, I just have to laugh at this
  19. like change from scout amirite just makin' a joke don't hurt me
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