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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. especially when it gets stuck half an inch from the end
  2. doesn't mean that I don't want it I'd get them to release it this instant if I could
  3. The project has accomplished its purpose. We other listeners are secondary to that and should feel lucky if it gets posted at all. They'll release it when/if they feel that bLiNd has had enough "exclusive listener" time.
  4. I just noticed that the water rods treat the orange balls as environmental objects rather than attachable objects (like the target object)
  5. someone watch this and tell me just what the fuck happened right after the thing clears the stage http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=802870 edit: just the things: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=806051
  6. srsly here's mine: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=800707 I could probably do it with less wheels, but I love putting fucktons of wheels
  7. I got this one to work completely by accident: http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=636530 (Handling)
  8. yes, and I think it's fairly safe to assume that most or all of the interact-able objects in the demo have such a low surface-area to mass ratio that air resistance is a non-issue when comparing freefall speeds I mean we're talking about steel chunks and humans here, not elephants and feathers
  9. And I'm saying that if you've even taken an elementary physics course, you should have known that all things fall at the same speed regardless of mass. (Ignoring air resistance, of course)
  10. if the physics are based off of a real model, you really should have expected this now if you'd said that force pushing a single trooper through a stack of tie-fighters has the same effect as force pushing a tie-fighter through a pile of troopers, then we'd have a problem
  11. phenomenal unless you're making some kind of joke that went straight over my head
  12. if my internet weren't shit, I'd have had the download completed last night
  13. the Home button has been on every single PSP ever produced, just FYI it's just labeled with the playstation logo now
  14. not really? I love the heft of the PSP compared to the DS Lite's apparent weightlessness (that and the DSL really is too small for me to be able to hold comfortably for long periods of time).
  15. or you could get someone to give you a link for the completed ones
  16. why mess with a good design I'm still quite happy with my PSP 1001, but I see no real reason to complain if they keep refining the system (as long as they don't jack the price up with every iteration) also, they wouldn't add some radical new functionality to a system this late in the game, like touchscreen. That would just totally fuck up the dynamics of the system. Not only would current userbase would be livid about being "left out", but for a developer to make use of the new functionality, they would have to ignore about 90% (yes, numbers out my ass, yay) of that userbase that doesn't have the functionality, thus reducing their possible profits from a game and therefore the feasibility of producing a game with the new functionality. in other words, even if it were added, it would never be used
  17. I think I made a circle of CCW wheels around the "planet" with a wood rod (or three?) attached the thing and one of the wheels to swing it into the area.
  18. I can almost flip the thing over using a kind of flipping bulldozer scoop, but it doesn't want to go all the way.
  19. 14 was pretty neat. I skipped "down-under" to try again later, but now I'm stuck on "Handling"
  20. I haven't once "pissed my pants" for any game this generation. (Came close with MGS4, but that's about it)
  21. AH, that's right. I've been meaning to get Gurumin for a while. Thanks for reminding me.
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