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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Pretty much. For changing the strings: whatever you do, DO NOT REMOVE ALL THE STRINGS AT ONCE, this removes most of the pressure on the soundpost and the possibility of it becoming displaced is VERY high, necessitating a visit to the local violin shop to have it reset. I did this once and it is embarrassing sitting at the shop having the guy telling you off for not doing it right. Change them one at a time, and once they're all in, stretch them out by retuning the violin every half hour to hour for the next day or so.
  2. It really depends on what kind of strings you're planning on getting and also how often you play. I play (or at least used to) quite frerquently and I changed them at least once a year. If you're playing seriously as a soloist, this is my recommendation. If you're playing at, like, orchestra or something as a side activity, you could probably get away with two or three years since your old strings wouldn't stick out as much. Also, are you changing them yourself, or having someone else do it?
  3. Hot damn once I get MGS4, I'm getting this
  4. Oh yeah, I meant to download this ages ago. thanks atma
  5. what that wasn't even an opinion
  6. it was either way, "Mr. Snow" is hilariously bad at internet acronyms
  7. Alright, I'll leave it up to the discretion of our overlords. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=50NG0TTF
  8. Not only is that not one word, but it has been mentioned several times already. Nice work.
  9. he's turning into a facsimile of his own worst nightmare or at least his perceived internet arch-nemesis
  10. that's what I said, dammit or am I just too damned cryptic when I actually try to use a little tact around here?
  11. it has to be a really good game for you to waste more than a sentence or two on it, though
  12. say that again in four months
  13. lol newb the most of review you're going to get out of atma is either "this game is good guys you should play it" or "this game is terrible you all are terrible" only a few games get the atma seal of approval though
  14. oh HO so that's who you are busted btw Spore is very not free unless you like pirating shit
  15. If I Toss? Ipecac Identification Tally? Ibex Innovation Term? Intern Induction Throng? I Ignore Thalzon?
  16. do the mechs themselves HAVE to be in a game?
  17. dammit, I wish I had a tablet or a scanner or SOMETHING so I could input my drawings digitally I would totally make something for this
  18. so, uh, who won? edit: oh, "synchronicity, sinewave, magflare, richard and bouncer boy 15" lucky :[
  19. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17500 just sayin'
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