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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I'm actually watching the original series now. All I have to say is "what the hell that isn't bulma"
  2. I do too, but size efficiency is more important, I guess.
  3. tch, there'll be no such thing as a perfect DS once this come out. course this downloadable content could turn out to be as big of a flop as the PS2 HDD
  4. well as long as you haven't forgotten about it
  5. ahaha that's exactly how it is I think I'll use that elsewhere and not give you credit
  6. if this means that new DS Lite will be sold cheaper, then why the hell not? I definitely ain't buyin' this shit since it won't have a GBA slot. I like my GBA interconnectivity, thanks.
  7. I take it you've never played any other classic Mega Man game.
  8. Violations will get a warning PM. Resistance will award punishment. most likely They keep on these things.
  9. how is this thread different from that one
  10. I was gonna link the other one, but decided against it.
  11. But damn, if ever you wanted a micro computer (like I would actually) that's one sexy looking thing. I might actually start saving up for the 2009 run now. I just hope they make enough off of this run to be able to make a second run asking a bit much for a $330 handheld that's the size of a DS, aren't we
  12. Aight, I requested a "sample". We'll see how this works out.
  13. So it's basically a micro computer with a gamepad. Sounds cool, but my PSP does what I need it to do well enough. Not to mention that it's a biiiit beyond my price range as a college student.
  14. He understands this place well enough. Now shut up about it, this is the FAC thread.
  15. I will say this: We use that as an emoticon at Remod (and as you will see, he linked it from thence). It was meant as nothing any less innocuous than a simple I mean to convince you of nothing, so take that as you will. Now stop posting about it and let this thread be. ======= NOW THEN when are votes due by?
  16. I give this a out of :darkesword: drama points. As for the compo itself, does Samus really count as mecha?
  17. happened it thus: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18611
  18. I use GIMP plus the animation package you'd probably find it clunky, but that's what I use
  19. I can't remember the last time that actually happened
  20. I guess that eliminates the possibility of seeing that monster fansig compilation that Oddllama had, again.
  21. Speaking of Sierra adventure games, all the people dying in Laura Bow II creeped me right the fuck out when I was, what, 4? especially the methods that they had been killed
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