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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Obviously, I'd just never encountered that usage, and I sing a lot. And quite frankly, I dislike it, but whatever.
  2. well that's what my first thought was and my second was wondering if I watched the same video that he did
  3. Mass Effect 3 aaaaannd can't think of anything else I have difficulty believing that AC3 will be released a single year after Revelations, but what do I know? I'm excited for the Vita, even if I'm not excited for any of the games.
  4. well I wasn't intending to do it initially it was just one of those "just give me that damned thing" moments
  5. ehhhh there are pads with better d-pads but I guess if you haven't got anything else
  6. I'm waiting for the updated torrents before I go ahead and do that actually
  7. ewwww ew ew ew ew ew maybe as an option but definitely not only that
  8. ごめんごめん though tbh I'll probably use a gamepad to finish this thing
  9. I... what? ZXC do you only have two fingers on your left hand or something? おとうさん*
  10. not my opinion, ask LT for the proper capitallization
  11. oh, I guess I'll change that on the first post
  12. that has got to be the shittiest scaling method I have ever seen
  13. what a coincidence, I was listening to Secret Menu Memories when you posted this
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