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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I wasn't aware that that was even a thing
  2. copy it to your PC/PS3 then copy it to your Vita? I can't imagine it being any more complicated then that
  3. the best part is that it was done with the vanilla textures
  4. (other than the official virtual console games (and the exact emulation abilities of the DS since it emulates the DS?))
  5. this is fantastic and you should feel fantastic for posting it
  6. this is generally true of rhythm games I mean I am pretty okay (for an american) at Taiko no Tatsujin and I can't even pick out a single kanji; I can complete most Oni level tracks but for the hardest 10's and have even gotten several full combos on 9's.
  7. I'll probably buy the game then play the japanese version on my computer
  8. the PSP doesn't display a resolution higher than 480p though; and even if you adjust the display mode, it just stretches it
  9. I'm not sure I get why you wanted to put Derpy there, then.
  10. it's just an icon name, don't think about it too much
  11. oh cool I didn't realize we had canned responses for whitelist requests
  12. I am fine with this 'Mega Man' by the by
  13. I know it was a joke and stale joke a dude-did-you-get-this-from-your-dad? joke
  14. Okay look, cut that shit out. I am seriously tired of seeing this joke every freaking time someone is doing anything vaguely related to something that isn't the 'cool' part of pop culture. (i.e. videogames) It's gotten seriously fucking old. also, 'kitchen' jokes any time it's a photo of a female doing something impressive
  15. I swear I changed the title the other day
  16. there is a thread on the first page of this very forum
  17. I was actually thinking about this one last night when I was rating a few DSiWare games last night. The channel itself asks whether the game is more appropriate for "Everyone" vs "Gamers" and if the gameplay was more "Casual" vs "Intense" and nothing else about the game. It just seems like it boils down the game to a pointless dichotomy that doesn't even mean anything any more. Why would you make those two the most important questions to ask if they don't actually tell you anything about the game?
  18. wait where was megaupload based I missed that detail
  19. oh man, I freaking loved these things when they came out
  20. if you don't have Shantae on a DSi or 3DS, you should get that http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/shantae-riskys-revenge/id431535202?mt=8 it only costs 4.99 compared to the 3DS's 11.99 so you have no excuse
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