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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Offhand, I would suggest Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade; but I'm not terrifically well-versed in animes from this era, so I couldn't name too many more.
  2. yeah, I watched it ~5 pages ago
  3. The period is "supposed" to go inside the quotation marks; but I almost always ignore that rule, myself, since I view it as analogous to putting a mathematical equals sign inside of a set of parentheses.
  4. so does FX1 or FX2 exist and does anyone know where to get them if they do
  5. I freaking love Jazz Jackrabbit I dunno what you're talking about
  6. you have no idea how much I'm salivating over that bow I just hope it's appropriately powerful (a good english longbow had something crazy like a 150 pound draw weight and could knock a man clean off of his horse)
  7. sexy as hell edit: Watch out if you're listening to the NSFs. Reconstruct seems to have a loop; I was listening to it for seventeen minutes before I realized.
  8. Boston seemed pretty developed for the time. It's no Florence or Rome hey they were just getting started characters n shit
  9. I have to realize that he's not bleck every time he posts
  10. I know you can play high-level DJ Max songs this shouldn't have been a surprise
  11. sure but none of that had anything specifically to do with the Go all of that was on the original PSP before the Go even came out
  12. sweet I really like your style, even if I think you're a bit of a silly person
  13. What makes it really bizarre is that the Go had 16G of internal memory, and the additional 16G M2 (also sony proprietary) that I bought for mine cost me less than $20 ('course I know where to get memory cheap so) it's like they wanted nothing to do with what the Go did, even if it was an improvement
  14. oh lol I already have the mixtape from december I guess I'm more on top of this stuff than I thought
  15. man, I was hoping that the original B&W was going to be on 3DS guess I gotta keep waiting for the 3DS's killer apps
  16. I'm going to need playing gloves
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