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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I guess, but rape works better imo ravish makes it sound like he's literally sicking his penis in your backside
  2. This is a pretty good typo. (psst the word you were looking for was ravaged)
  3. bah, I have a hard enough time finding the concentration needed to play the damned games normally, much less intentionally crippled
  4. Costa del Sol? Pendulum? Sign me the fuck up~!
  5. that's not Shepard with the abs; that's a romanceable teammate Shepard's the woman
  6. dammit man, I was just getting ready to play Vagrant Story I literally just put it on my PSP
  7. this actually describes me pretty well
  8. Well fine, I'll give that the story intent of it was done well enough; it's just every single picture of the zero suit straight up screams BOOBS LOLOLOL
  9. It's an open can of worms that can only be closed by a moderator? (n.b. I am not implying anything)
  10. Oh man, the door thing reminds me of one time I held open a door for a female friend of mine; well it was a double set of doors and she held open the second door for me with the biggest grin on her face. I'm pretty dense so I didn't realize the implications of that until several hours later.
  11. Okay, so does that mean that you're accepting 320 CBR now? Also do you that mean that v0 VBR is unacceptable?
  12. I still say that I would totally play a volus in an ME MMO and be a biotic god.
  13. After playing it (and RE:R), I think I'm going to have to invest in a Circle Pad Pro. Face button camera control is for the birds; I had enough of it in the PSP MGS games.
  14. This right fucking here. Mandatory touchscreen menus were low on the list of things I liked about the DS when it first came out and that still hasn't changed. I was mashing buttons for two whole minutes on the display model I was trying before I figured out it wanted a touch input. I'm still going to get one because I'm a techwhore like that, and I'll probably end up paying full price for it; but damn if this forced-touch-contol shit isn't getting annoying. Touch controls are cool; button controls are cool; forcing the user to use touchscreen contols when there are perfectly serviceable buttons is not cool, even infuriating. How bloody difficult can it be to program mixed input for fuck's sake? The system has two control systems, use both! This was the biggest reason I was never able to get into the DS Zelda games: there are buttons; why the fuck can't I use the buttons?
  15. yeah I know it was a total cop out
  16. I like how they still don't want to actually put Minecraft fully into a 'Bundle
  17. To be honest, Steam has inured me to digital distribution; and if the retail release things end up just being cases with download codes in them, I think I'll end up getting everything off of PSN anyway. I still prefer physical media if it exists for the system (I buy UMD games for my PSP Go, for example), but I'm definitely okay with digital only.
  18. uhhh all of the PS1 games released through PSN had scans of the original manuals
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