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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. your Cirno was practically screaming for a gif so I made one http://i.imgur.com/AEXem.gif

  2. yes, everything previous to current times was in The Golden Age
  3. it only takes ~10-15 minutes to get through the demo on normal
  4. yeah, that made me think of Dead Space (which I adore) so much that I'm pretty much sold on the game
  5. Finally watched Akira today. There's something so very visceral about a lot of these older traditionally animated animations that just doesn't seem to happen in newer stuff; I love it. I had a similar reaction to Jin-Roh when I watched that a couple months ago.
  6. I don't have it yet, but it's a Wayforward game with music by virt which means I'm pretty much sold as soon as I can get some cash
  7. some of the audio sounds oddly compressed considering how nice everything else looks (and it seriously looks fucking amazing), but that may be because of demo
  8. not to mention the people that downloaded something then bought it later
  9. they were one of the better sharing sites that I'd had experience with hardly any waiting times and one hell of a high download limit even for free accounts; you literally had to download gigabytes within an hour to hit it
  10. hahaha holy crap a hallucinogen episode in Nadia well it isn't strictly the whole episode, but it's fun seeing that kind of content in old shows since you can't do that kind of stuff any more Be warned, there are some filler episodes for some reason. I'll not tell you which episodes it start; but, if you absolutely cannot stand filler, when it starts to get filler-ish, feel free to skip to episode #30. (spoiler'd) There's some cute stuff in there, but you'd honestly not be missing much. You can pretty much guess the direction of all of those episodes from the first one, but I'll leave it up to you.
  11. well that's an endorsement if ever I've heard one
  12. my own, based on interest of either artwork or synopsis (Nadia was added based purely on artwork, yes I'm shallow like that >.>)
  13. I will admit that the first time I watched Eva, I bent to popular opinion on hating it; but when I watched Death, Rebirth, and Rebuilds 1.11 and 2.22, I made my peace with it. I'm impatiently awaiting 3, but it's good to see a release date on it.
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