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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. torches, people torches every single time I've lost less than three stacks of material in the month and however long it's been since discovering this method, and I've gone through hundreds of thousands of blocks
  2. haha wow I've had this track for how many years now? good to see it finally on the site
  3. reason that north is bottom down: 1. The map coodinate system in minecraft itself uses east (relative to sunrise) as up 2. the current trend in isomentric maps is to use up-left as "up" not that it makes it any less stupid, but that's why
  4. not to mention notch specifically programmed servers to kick players that attempt to fly
  5. I'm going to ridicule dupers though I'm not even playing on the server mostly
  6. hi sup who said that no one was against ops handing out blocks I'm just as much against that as against duplicating
  7. Where are you getting that from? And how much does it really affect anything? The amount of data necessary to define an object in one inventory slot is not all that big. You've got two bytes to define the item number (since there are over 255 different item types) and one byte for the amount (since it's (artificially) limited to 64) for a total of three bytes, not counting how the game keeps track of inventory slots. So that's three extra bytes per item slot. That's so insignificant so as to be totally ignorable. As for map size, each block is one block type and each chunk will be exactly the same size regardless of what normal blocks are in it. You could have a chunk with nothing but air blocks and a chunk with nothing but bedrock all the way up to the skytop and both chunks will be exactly the same datasize because they are using the same data block#@position# data. Only special blocks with extra variables assigned to them will be the only blocks that have a larger datasize, such as door blocks, sign blocks, torch blocks, and the like. So the only way duplicating would effect a larger map size would but if you made a huge amount of switches or something and placed them every damned place. All of this is, of course, assuming that the way data is handled works as it seems to me. The amount of players that are currently in the server faaaaar outstrips any increased memory usage that duplicating would effect.
  8. As much as I abhor duping, I sincerely doubt that duping anything will actually cause any problems with the server seeing as it's a simple value lag that causes the duplication.
  9. I am a survival purist. You saw my library. I built that painstakingly, smoothstone by smoothstone. Also I'm pretty much bored with SMP until mobs and damage are fixed
  10. really? They've been fairly persistent on the unmod server (albeit unusable) Edit: The way that notch has had boats working in SMP is client-side only, which is why you can't see other people's boats. Minecarts were being handled by the server which is why they didn't work at all, but also why you could see other peoples' minecarts. I'm fairly confident they won't despawn like boats. as an aside, I'm pretty sure that Notch has been working on server-side boats as well, so they should stop despawning as well (boats are so cheap though it really shouldn't matter, but at least people will stop water-skating)
  11. gold derp my brain's not entirely here this morning
  12. blue = diamond block (fucking cheater) yellow = pumpkin maybe? black = obsidian white = snow or cloth
  13. I'm still not in love with the wiimote either tbph Being a person without a Wii, the only games on wii that do interest me right now are the ones that make minimal usage of the wiimote as a motion controller (Oboromuramasa), or even the games that don't use the wiimote at all (Taiko no Tatsujin games.)
  14. oh do we still have the old data I thought we'd already gone to a new version
  15. Sorry AnSo I beat you to it several pages ago
  16. I'm also being an ass for the sake of being an ass
  17. who cares about efficient efficient is ugly
  18. rofl double click the thread title from the forum
  19. oh hey my town got a five guys recently I should try them out
  20. alright library essentially finished
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