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Everything posted by CE

  1. I have Trace Memory. Worst DS game I have. It's just so shallow it hurts.
  2. Holy hell, that's like artwork taken from Magic the Gathering art. And that's saying a lot. Awesome.
  3. Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good. Wikipedia is wrong. Every single Link was intended to be left-handed. The only time Link isn't left-handed is due to sprite-flipping in LoZ, LttP, and the handheld games. Other than that, Link is always a lefty. Uhh... So he's not a lefty in those game right? He's at least ambidexter. My point is that Link, as a character, does not have the fact that he's a lefty or righty defined.
  4. Yeah, I couldn't beleive my eyes. Damn, I got goosebumps from watching this video now, it brought back those feelings. Awesome.
  5. SHIT GUYS SORRY : ( : ( : ( ( ( (
  6. TP is set about 30 years after OoT from what I've heard. It's been confirmed to be "several decades after Ocarina of Time" Goddamn you. *Adding another theory to the gigantic pile* Also, if this new secret thing is real, kudos to Nintendo's special hype section. They sure know how to handle a game. By the way... [slightspoilers]http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/744/744044/the-legend-of-zelda-twilight-princess-20061103051517992.jpg[/slightspoilers] dayum boy
  7. If you didn't notice, the "electric powers" you speak of appeared when ANY character attacked another, along with a slight pause, a la the "hit lag" that occured when a character was hit in the original Smash Bros. Also, the new Fox looks dumb, dumb, dumb. Yeah, he kind looks like he flew too close to a black hole. Meh, I hated his 2D look in Command but he's not that bad in 3D. I don't usually play with him anyway. Also, goddammit people you all KNOW Twilight Princess Link is the coolest character around now! Damn right! Also Wario's awesome. Which is expected from my favorite Mario character. Nintendo needs to make more Wario Lands.
  8. I-i can't help it... D:
  9. Dude, my hueg storyline post is right up there! Taking home console Zeldas into consideration only: OOT>MM>TP>WW>LTTP>LOZ>LOZ2 Most of the handheld ones are pretty vague as to where they are, but we know for sure that Link's Awakening is after LTTP and that The Phantom Hourglass is after WW. The Minish Cap and both Four Swords games are between WW and LTTP and after The Phantom Hourglass (unconfirmed). Finally, the oracle games are after MM and before TP (unconfirmed).
  10. No, no, storyline-wise, The Wind Waker is not by far the most recent one. Remember those Deku guys that wanted to spread the Deku Tree's seeds? They succeeded and the roots of the Deku Tree spawned all the land of Hyrule replacing the Great Sea. But Phantom Hourglass happens before this unification happens.
  11. Coming 2007
  12. No, it's been officially announced as taking place immediatly next to The Wind Waker.
  13. curious to see how you can link all the zelda together. Well, it's not that tough! Naw I'm joking. As of now, it's not set in stone, and the fanbase is still debating it, but my personal look on it is: The first game of the series, storyline-wise is The Ocarina of Time. This proven by the fact that Ganondorf still doesn't have the Triforce. Right next to it is Majora's Mask, which features the same Link. Next up it's most likely the Oracle games, but this fit pretty much everywhere. Personally, I think Link and Zelda are new, but since there are some charactres from Oot, I'd say it's right after Majora's Mask. After the Oracles it's probably Twilight Princess. If in the end of the game Hyrule is flooded, or something leads to the flooding of Hyrule, then it's proven that Twilight Princess is before Wind Waker. Alternativly, if this is not the case, either there's another Zelda between TP and WW or the timeline at Oot splits off into two points. In one of them Link returns to his childhood at the end of Oot and then grows up to be TP Link. In the other he carries on as adult Link and eventually something leads to the flooding of Hyrule after Ganon's return prior to his death. I think it's Oot-TP-WW, but some would disagree. Confirmed, directly after Wind Waker is The Phantom Hourglass, and it's the same Link. As far as The Four Swords, Four Swords Adventure and The Minish Cap, these are probably in the timespace between The Phantom Hourglass and Link to the Past, in that order. After Link to the Past is Link's Awakening, it's the same Link. Finally, the last two ones are The Legend of Zelda and Link's Adventure. It's the same Link. At the end of Link's Adventure, Zelda is asleep, and it is unknown what happened to her since, leading me to believe this is the final game so far. The creators maintain that the series has a set timeline, but due to the poor translation protocols in the 1990s and debate over what counts as "canonical" material, the available information continues to be disputed. Aonuma has since promised he will do his best to patch it all up and reveal the timeline someday, and Miyamoto stated in a 2003 interview that there is a master document containing the timeline, but this document has not been seen publicly. So yeah.
  14. That's no fun doulifée. I already have several possible storyline scenarios mapped out for Twilight Princess, including the infamous, LINK DIES one. Yay.
  15. According to the storyline, there are several Links. Ganon is always Ganon, and good is able to simply stall him for a while by imprisioning him. When he releases himself it might take years, more then a normal human lifespan. That's why everytime Ganon returns, Link and Zelda reincarnate. So far, there is something like 6 Links already, along with 6 Zeldas. It's completely possible that this incarnation is right-handed, since it's a different person. Reboot storyline. why always trying to connect all those story. i see them as variation of a legend maybe. Miyamoto has said that there is a master document that links all the storylines together. Also, Aonuma said that he plans on revealing the connecting points of the storyline in the future. So I guess that when they made the first storyline zelda (A Link to the Past) they wrote a document that acted as a pseudostoryline.
  16. Tell me all the wrong points in this video review: http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?id=1684 It's the first video. Is the game this unbalanced?
  17. Most, not all. I guess the option would've been nice, but wouldn't it conflict with cutscenes and what not? I mean, when drawing the master sword, they'd have to alter the cutscene... I guess an option would be doable and good.
  18. According to the storyline, there are several Links. Ganon is always Ganon, and good is able to simply stall him for a while by imprisioning him. When he releases himself it might take years, more then a normal human lifespan. That's why everytime Ganon returns, Link and Zelda reincarnate. So far, there is something like 6 Links already, along with 6 Zeldas. It's completely possible that this incarnation is right-handed, since it's a different person.
  19. How do you know it lacks this option? It is sort of wierd that Link is right-handed in this one, but I guess that makes more sense for right-handed players. Link is never shown as being exclusivly left handed. On this incarnation it's possible he's right-handed, even from a storyline point of view.
  20. Personally, I'd like to see a slight nerfing of Fox and a slight unnerfing of Kirby.
  21. As far as I remember, only Japan had that problem. Europe and America can still buy it in stores.
  22. Come on, this is clearly the most important image of the trailer you heathens.
  23. List of overall changes introduced by the new trailer: -Backgrounds are now rendered in full 3D, and change accordingly with the camera's panning. -Stage's looks can now change, either mid-battle or as an extra option. Look: two versions of the modded Battlefield stage (noon and sunset) and two versions of the Yoshi's Island Stage (noon and sunset). -Some, if not all characters can now walk while crouched. If this is triggered by a button-combo or by simply walking forward while crouched, it's impossible to tell, since Pikachu just does it while Snake does the patented SNAKE ROLL AND DROP to do it. -Wario features strange moves. Think of him as the bastard gameplay child of Game and Watch and Luigi. -Metaknight can plane into descent. And deliver some mean A attacks. -Zero Suit Samus seems to move a bit like Shiek does. -Snake's basic A attacks are his triple combo from MGS1 and 2. He can roll and drop into crawling. It seems like one of his down+A attacks involve taking out a rocket launcher, pointing it downwards and hitting the opponent with a blast for a low-blow. -Fox now has a new stance and keeps his blaster out at all times. Also, something that resembles a mine can be seen attached to his belt. He seems to be totally re-done, probably due to balancing issues. Stage Related Changes: -Mario Kart Stage, similar to F-Zero Mute City, with Shy Guys in karts. -Yoshi's Island Stage. -Pit has a Parthenon-like stage. It features destructible platforms. These, when destroyed, are replaced by a cloud of smaller size. -Pokemon Stadium now has actual stands. Not a gigantic bottomless pit. -In the scene where Metaknight appears. Something seems to be floating in the sky behind Wario in a yellow bubble...(Bigfoot says it's the moon. I'm embarassed.) -When Zero Suit Samus appears, she's standing in some kind of sky stage... -There is an Outer Space Starfox stage, and it might or might not have low gravity. -There are at least two Metal Gear Solid stages. They seem to be from Metal Gear Solid 1, one of them inside the base and the other on the outside, maybe near the helipad.
  24. Aight, new trailer and here are my thoughts on it. And by this I mean analysis. It starts off with Mario, Kirby, Twilight Princess Link and Pikachu fighting in the stage we all know by now, the one that looks like a modification of Battlefield. The thing to notice here (besides the omg graphics) is the fact that while the camera pans to follow the characters, the background shifts, proving that it is now a fully 3D rendered background. Yeah. Then fight on what I think is the early metaknight stage or something. Then Mario is shown running on a Mario Kart stage, with platforms similar to the F-Zero challenge in Melee's Adventure Mode. Following comes Pikachu, in what I think is a Yoshi's Island stage, complete with jittery crayon-simulating backgrounds. It cuts to a shot of what seems like Pikachu... crawling (?) in the Mario Kart stage as Shy Guys zip by him. Looks like a new take on the classic Melee F-zero stage. Following him comes favorite marshmellow Kirby who is shown in the Yoshi's Island map whopping Mario and Pikachu, and finally, crouched as Pikachu approaches him crawling. This is proof that in Brawl you can walk while crouched. Good stuff. Handsome boy Link is shown in a bunch of menacing, yet little move-set revealing poses in the supposed Fire Emblem stage, the Metaknight stage, and what I assume is the Pokemon Stadium. Tagging along is Wario who is shown in his WarioWare outfit. He's seen running in a peculiar way and then turning around. He runs funny. Fact. And promptly headbutts/falls into Pikachu. He kicks more ass in convenient A-moves and then is sworded in the back by good old Metaknight. He's shown looking suspicious in the Fire Emblem, castle and then in his own stage, dodges Kirby and gives him a flurry attack. Finally you can see him hovering with his wings. Probably like Peach, only with no limit and with a downward vector. Nice. Next up: Pit. He's shown in a map I cannot identify, but it probably is his own. Then he's seen running in what people say is inside Fire Emblem stage or a Castlevania Stage. Then comes Zero Suit Samus, which looks a bit like Shiek and finally, and I cannot describe just how cool he plays, Snake. Go see him. Dayum. What follows is a flurry of shots ranging from outerspace maps with what seems to be low gravity, the Pit stage, located in a Parthenon-like setting with features destructible platforms, the Yoshi Island map changing from noon-setting to a sunset-y one smoothly, an outside MGS stage (think the initial part of MGS1) and the title. And finally, Fox, with a StarFox Command look, badass like hell, in an awesome space level. And I mean awesome. The improved background, which is Earth makes it looks incredible. Overall, fucking win. I'll be posting a list of perceptible changes later
  25. Link dies. What??!! Hah, it's one of the storyline theories.
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