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Everything posted by CE

  1. This is why I started saving like... Last freakin year. I won't be here for this exact reason lalalala i can't hear you.
  2. Yes you can. What you want to say is I am very excited over this game. You CAN wait. olo But in all honesty, I've waited for this single game for far too long. I damn sure hope it blows my mind. But still, they've always delivered over what I hoped for anyway. Except with Wind Waker. Too much easy too little challenge. Also, the Great Sea.
  3. This is it people. In about 2 and a half weeks, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be released on the Wii, across the US. As far as we Europeans and the Japanese go, well, it's a matter of waiting and avoiding anything that spoils the game more then a simple review score. I'm making this thread now because, and I must admit this, if there's a game series I'm a fanboy over, it's The Legend of Zelda. Maybe not an overall nintendo fanboy. But a Legend of Zelda fanboy? Hell yes. So I gotta be the creator for this thread right? Right. Yeah, well, anyway, the real reason I made this was to discuss the game and the countless videos the internet has of it until launch day, day when I'll disappear from the Internet for as long as I can, maybe peeking in once or twice, until European Twilight Princess launch day. Damn spoilers. Finally, the main motivation for this thread are the new trailers Nintendo released for Twilight Princess, on November 1st: Trailers from the Wii website. The first one is the intro sequence to Twilight Princess. It has a distinguished Shadow of Colossus look to it (someone affiliated with Nintendo made a direct reference to SotC inspiring TP in some areas, I can't seem to find that interview link right now...), and one of the classic Zelda tunes with an appropriate choral version. It's a nod to the intro for The Ocarina of Time. Instead of Link riding epona at night in a field, it's Link riding Epona at sunset in a rocky setting. The other one is a typical game trailer, with the same music as this year's E3 trailer. As far as I can tell, the graphics seem to be equivalent to a souped up Metroid Prime 2. Which is saying something. From what we saw with SotC, we don't really need mind-blowing graphics to create visually appealing games nowadays. We get to see Zelda (or so it seems) locked up again, doing what she does best, and Link's transformation into wolf form, which looks kinda lame. He's then dragged by... something and locked in the castle at the Twilight Realm, where the thing we know as Midna helps him get out. After E3, news got out that the Twilight Realm would not be in black and white, but in what could only be described as full bloom and tons of contrast. Frankly, what you'd get a headache with. Well, it seems they've toned it down, as it's a bit easier on the eyes. It's now sepia toned, with a bit more color. Link running through a town with ghost, fighting white wolves, getting back to normal, the E3 demo dungeon, some generic fighting and Epona riding, Link rowing (!), fighting a boss by throwing him around, the balrog-looking boss from the original trailer and in the end the scene where he gets the master sword. Clocked at 2:05. So far so good people! Let's get on with the over-hyping and getting our expectations higher and higher and higher and then utterly crushed! Or maybe... not.
  4. Would probably end up being a Samus clone, and they're already Zero Suit Samus in there, so no don't think so My friend was telling me that zero suit Samus would only appear if your regular samus gets F'ed up by something like the acid in Planet Zebes. Can anyone confirm that or was I blatantly lied to? p.s. Thanks for the info CatPhysician. I probably should head back to smash forms for some more info, but I hesitate to because the information there is a little hard to grasp sometimes. And if were character speculating....How about Argus/Dart/that other guy (all three berserkers) from Fire Emblem? The Samus thing is true. Once she uses something like her new "hyper" move, or maybe an extremely strong beam, or other criteria, she'll lose the suit and turn into ZSS. I don't know if she can get her suit back (think Zelda/Sheik) but probably not. We'll have to wait and see if this fits into gameplay well, but since Shiek did so well, and Melee broke so many barriers the original had... ok, wrong way there. But you get it.
  5. Sola is actually sole in portuguese. Man. Like the fish.
  6. The people who have it are saying it's like a 7/10... Tons of grinding. Also... Capcom's making a stock trading game similar to Phoenix Wright. http://au.ds.ign.com/articles/742/742271p1.html lol capcom
  7. Uh slight problem. TheWiire says that they'll show gameplay of the new characters like Wario, ZSS and Snake, but gonintendo, in the link posted in the Wii thread where I got the original news from, say it'll have a new character. Personally, I think there's been a translation error here. Since I trust The Wiire, im inclined to believe that they are correct... who knows. http://gonintendo.com/?p=7628
  8. GUYS GUYS http://www.thewiire.com/news/538/1/Nintendo_World_to_Host_Smash_Bros_Footage New footage ahoy! This doesn't mean we'll be getting trailers NOW, but soon. They'll be revealing a new character. Now I wanna fire up a debate. Who here thinks Sonic should be in it? I have a personal thing against the NEW BADASS YEAH sonic from the 3D games, so I can't really comment on this since my opinion would be FUCK NO. But what about it? Also, since the chances are high that it's another Konami character, start digging through your archive of old-konami-character-that-was-in-a-nintendo-game-somewhere. If you have one. My personal bet is on a Castlevania character, which would kick copious ammounts of ass since Castlevania is one of my favorite series. Maybe one of the Belmonts, either Simon or Julius, but it'll most likely be Alucard. C'mon, you know you wanna use that white boy body do deal the pain don't you? Alternativly, Liquid or Ocelot aren't far off. They could just go the clone way to give more depth to Snake's single player and missions and whatnot. Personally: Top contenders: -Alucard -Liquid Wait for it... wait for it... SPECULATE!
  9. CE

    Sony PS3

    WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Come on! That was the most drugged up playstation brand ad I've ever seen. And I've seen a whole fucking lot of them. Christ.
  10. Well Gamespy gave it a 2/5 and the current GameRankings average is 61%... I'd buy it if I weren't saving money...
  11. This is the reason I haven't bought any single games apart from the Dawn of War + Winter Assault (30€) combo. I've been saving A LOT to get a Wii with everything I want a few DS games, and all the stuff I've missed (like 2 or 3 games) at christmas. Man, I'm good at planning ahead. Check Bahamut's sig and you'll see I haven't "splurged"
  12. CE

    Sony PS3

    And pretty good for that time. Yeah! Djiggy-djiggy! Go Nintendo! Djiggy-djiggy!
  13. CE

    Sony PS3

  14. CE

    Sony PS3

    What the... ok? lol Haha what the heck? Well, at least the other one I saw, with the kids going to the roofs of their houses and with the phrase "the wait is over" is nice. Really appeals to those people who bought the PS2 for casuality and got bored of it and are currently waiting for the PS3... Still, those people are the same that don't keep up with gaming news, so the price tag might be a harder hit then they expected... :S
  15. CE

    Sony PS3

    If as many people buy the PS3 as they did with the PS2, this'll lead to hellish levels of confusion at costumer services.
  16. Guys, guys. It's Neskvartetten. If you are reading this to check if you should download this or not, you're doing it wrong. It's excellent. So smooth, I can't believe it ain't butter!
  17. A pretty good, guitar-driven, high-powered remix. Fun to listen and fun to airguitar. Also has a great title. Would download again.
  18. Where can I get the 10 day trial for this?
  19. I have my games all around the house. I've misplaced Trauma Center a couple of times too.
  20. CE

    Sony PS3

    The same reason I don't want the 360's Oblivion also stands here. No mods. D:
  21. CE

    Sony PS3

    the 360 has mmo's? huh... makes sense... I wonder why I never know about that...
  22. It's official, SSBM has ruined my GC controller. After hours and hours of fun, a part of the analog stick's outer perimeter was cut making the plastic turn upwards. This made it slowly sut through the rubber above as it was used and spun around during game play. Now, all I have is the plastic stub. It's playable, but it kinda hurts. Here's to years of fun. Here's to my half normal, half transparant controller of luck. Bon voyage good buddy. It seems you unwrothy shell was not enough to contain your awesomeness.
  23. Politically correctness demands that you call him your "life partner".
  24. Great idea, I'm all up for making OCR more streamlined. I remember when I read somewhere that pixie and BGC were judges, and I couldn't find the thread, I was searching the write-ups high and low for the info. I liked that format, but since that still exists, all's cool. Nice work.
  25. zircon does vgdj too and he is also a mod, and still he manages to be a great judge, but I'm sure that you already knew about that hey guys sup, can i talk in size=7 too? Ya, don't worry, we know how to budget our time. We be jammin' wif da votes and da vee gee deej. By the way, I just wanted to point out the BGC is really cool. I like him already! So I'm sure you all will, too. ^-^ Oh man. You're giving me diabetes pixie.
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