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Everything posted by CE

  1. Penix boss is back in Portrait of Ruin? Sweet.
  2. I love seeing VGDJ on the little top ten list at podcast alley.com's mainpage. It's like "HUUH YEAH! Imposing my podcast choices on everyone else! Take that podcasts below VGDJ!" Feels good
  3. FF3 looks awesome, it's one of the DS titles coming out that's a must-have.
  4. I don't know what the debate over tetris music is but...
  5. Do not skip on Dawn of Sorrow. It's one of the best DS games out there. You might also consider Pheonix Wright.
  6. I trust gamespot the most: 7.5 I can't afford a 7.5 game.
  7. Same here. I thought it was going to be in the same place as before. STOP MOVING THE DOWNLOAD I found it straight away. You're all retarded. Yeah, I was like "where's the download button" then remembered how everything's on tabs now and went "duh, over the write up" and there is was.
  8. This is awesome stuff. I always enjoy songs that try to mix techno-ish beats with orchestral intruments, or any other kind, like this mix does. Great job with the strings. And great job on getting OCR to 1500! Keep it up!
  9. Wut? How big is the XBL userbase? Then again it is paid. I'd actually prefer a service like theirs to what it has now
  10. I just played a 60:00 mins match against a friend and 2 lvl 9 pcs. All items on max, Green Greens and normal everything. It was awesome. I won!
  11. I like how 2 reviews counts as inflated for Starfox Command Btw, I'm guessing that you're a contract employee no? Most testers are, so... I don't work for them anymore, so no, no longer a contract employee. And guess what? I'm still enjoying Deep Labyrinth! Starfox Command is absolute crap. I've played it. For enough time to know that it sucks. But have fun with it. Most gamers are masochists (just look at the popularity of Final Fantasy 7). Maybe SFC got better after the demo you played...
  12. I play with every character. I guess my focus usually goes to Mario, Samus, Kirby and Peach. Not in any particular order, but I'm into nimble characters. Ganondorf and Link come at a close second.
  13. They are still saying that hardcore players are elitists. The hardcore players here are trying to say that they are ok with both ways of playing, and that they respect casual players. The casual players here are saying that playing hardcore is playing anally, and that the hardcore players are elitist. Maybe I'm missing something here? #3907 and Red Shadow, I play SSBM competitively.I know all the advanced techniques and everything. Am I an elitist? Do you think it is stupid to play the game competitively? How exactly are hardcore SSBM players elitist? Are you just saying that because they play hardcore? Remember, I'm a hardcore player, and all I've been saying is that I respect casual players and the way the play the game. I just wish I would get respect back, instead of being called anal. Hardcore = Disregarding casual play. ergo Hardcore = Eliteists. You don't disregard casual play. so You = Not Eliteist.
  14. No one called you an eliteist.
  15. fixed. Anyway, like others have said, playing competitively and casually are both fun. Especially since competitive play makes you better at the game and allows new opportunities for casual play. Try this: SUPER SMASH BASEBALL Stage: Hyrule Temple Damage Ratio: 0.8 Stock- Infinite No Time Limit Items: Bob-omb only on Very High (for humor's sake the Home Bat can be added but its not part of the game) Okay, the basic gameplay is this: Two teams (for our sake we'll use red and blue) face off in alternating innings on hyrule temple.There are four players on screen. Two red, two blue. In this instance, blue is pitching, red is batting. Blue pitcher stand on the raised platform on the left side of hyrule temple (the thing just before the little pavillion). Batter stands on the stair case to the right. Two outfeilders (one red, one blue) stand on the opposite side. {itcher throws a Bob-omb at the batter. Batter takes the Bob-omb head on (you can choose to hit it or not, but you cannot catch it, that results in a strike) and the blast sends him flying. At this point, batter has become the ball. The blue outfeilder will attempt to KO the batter for an out. The red outfeilder must not let that happen. The pitcher may give chase, but he'll be needed later. Once the batter has regained control (aka he can move again), he must make a dash down the cave, into the pit and up through the shaft back to where he batted from (home base). During this time, the red outfeilder must defend the batter. The pitcher obviously, must guard home base. There are three bases,the far right side of the stage, the entrance to the cave, and the stone walkway below the temple. If the batter is KO'ed before reaching home, you must remember which base he touched because when he bats again, he cannot be touched (but can be followed) to that base. If the batter reaches home a point is scored. Once the batter has either scored or been KOed, all players KO (just jump off the edge) and get in position for the next bat. Then the two reds switch roles for the next bat. This continues until three outs. When the inning is over, obviously now blue is batting, and red is pitching. GOT IT? Haha awesome, someone else got gems like these?
  16. Here's what I see happening: Starfox Command getting inflated reviews when it's not that good and Deep Labyrinth getting bad reviews when it's actually pretty sweet. I understand the reliance on reviews, but you're kind of cheating yourself out of a good game based on arbitrary scores. Might I recommend borrowing Deep Labyrinth from someone to give it a try and see if you like it? I don't know anyone with Deep Labyrinth yet (portugal remembe?) and renting games is nonexistant here. That's why I trust reviews so much. I gotta, because 8/10 times, the only way I'll get to play the game is buying it. I've noticed that 90% of the times, my opinions match the reviewer's. There are cases where it doesn't of course, but it's usually spot on. And I rarely go for any game below an 8/10. Besides, DL isn't out here yet, and I reserve the importing for major titles, like Megaman ZX. Which I will undoubtedly import. As I said, the resons for me not to get DL are that it's like The Elder Scrolls, only inferior yet portable. And I don't wanna spend 40 euros on the difference sorry
  17. I do not approve of playing SSBM without items. I do not approve of wavedashing and other fancy tricks and glitches. But seriously, Melee is one of the few fighters that I think should never be played as competitive. To diminish a game with such a casual and light facade to a series of abusive glitches and cracking the game physics kinda goes against it's purpose. But I guess you can play it however you want. I just find those tiers ridiculous.
  18. I'm curious as to whether or not I'm the only person here who is good with the ice climbers specifically after forcefully eliminating the cpu controlled one. wut? how? Jump off the edge and grab onto a ledge. I know that, I mean how are you better?
  19. I'm curious as to whether or not I'm the only person here who is good with the ice climbers specifically after forcefully eliminating the cpu controlled one. wut? how?
  20. I'll skip Deep Labyrinth. The reviews have been a turn off, besides it looks a lot like the Elder Scrolls series and for that I have... the elder scrolls series By the way, Starfox command is almost out people. Who's gonna get it? I won't, UE's told me not to. But I will ignore him if reviews sing it high praise. I confess, reviews mean a lot to me, especially Gamespot's and Gamespy's as a confirmation. I've found that my opinion has been more or less the same as the GS reviewer's ones. No harm to you UE or anything about the SFC thing haha.
  21. Oh man, my computer underwent repairs and I still haven't re-sunscribed! Will do.
  22. VGDJ is back on the air! Yeah! Motherfucking downtime on my motherfucking VGDJ! But you prevail.
  23. Hahaha, that's awesome, but we still need the Noob only picture with the similar font underneath.
  24. Jill should take a Pic of noob and write NOOB below. Then we'll act all eliteists around the web and hotlink every noob we find in anygame to the pic. Then we'll start an underground culture and then it turns into an internet meme like orly owl.
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