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Everything posted by CE

  1. lol wow hey, it's rick! all set for starcraft 2
  2. Oh go whine somewhere else you cripple. Can't you even detect sarcasm? And it's "finally" rudd. Oh and yeah, I consider Guild Wars substancially better then WoW. It's still crappy, but it's better then WoW. And in case you weren't being sarcastic (the concept seems to confuse you) if you can't leave a city without being in a group of 5 in Guild Wars, well, you pretty much suck.
  3. By that definition, WoW's 6000000000-player instances are RTSs too.
  4. I'm going to see them in a festival soon. Not see THEM, see the other dudes, they just happen to play in the same day. I think I'm going to bottle them.
  5. Ice Cap Zone
  6. No, it's a minimum delay until April 2008, at the beginning of the new fiscal year right?
  7. I don't see the RTS part here. Make the ship combat like an RTS and you got it.
  8. Oh man, the "It's not an MMO" bandwagon is growing! I don't know what to think. On one hand, Koreans love the original Starcraft, which is an RTS. On the other, they also churn out MMO's, so I can assume they enjoy the latter as well. Would a MMO Starcraft cause a crack in the potential buyers userbase, dividing the RTS players from the Starcraft fans, or would it join the two in epic money? The main reason it shouldn't be an MMO, however, is the fact that it could cut into the WoW userbase. Plus Blizzard themselves aren't bad developers, so they ought to know there are a ton of people out there that both enjoyed the previous games (me) and dislike MMO's (me again) and that a non MMO Starcraft would become the perfect complement to WoW: one attracts everyone but MMOers, the other attracts the rest.
  9. Don't you have some Magic playing to do, xeno scum? I dislike Warhammer Fantasy as much as I dislike WoW. World-wise, that is. "Hay lets use the same overrated setting over and over and over and over and over again guys!". 40K on the other hand is just superior to Starcraft in every way possible. I'm talking about Dawn of War and Starcraft of course, not the tabletop and Starcraft. It's the setting that's so damn good. Shove that tired carcass of LOTR-fantasy setting in space and BOOM, it's fresh again. Plus religious fanaticism. Ah, to be a Space Marine in the year 40,000... What the hell, this didn't make sense.
  10. Why the hell would you want to play a Starcraft MMO when there's a 40K one coming out. Heck, Starcraft was what Blizzard made when Games Workshop pulled the deal of making a 40K RTS with them! Same goes for Warcraft, it's Warhammer. So yeah, get 40K instead, xeno scum. For the emperor.
  11. Well if it's about Blizzard's MMOs, uh... yeah! /r/ golden age of rts
  12. Fuck Blizzard, NO MORE MMOs! Stop it!
  13. It's wow who cares.
  14. DeuSex 10freakingcharactersdoyouneverfixthisshit
  15. Man I loved that part of transmet so nice sig
  16. Oblivion with guns, freaking bring it on.
  17. Everyone Who Is Anyone Will Wear Balto Or Die!
  18. If it were 5$ less and shipped to Europe i might buy it
  19. *There was once a forum on OCR named UnMod. It's gone now.
  20. seriously, it's pretty damn bad bishie
  21. ew world of warcraft
  22. Wait, it's Europe, therefore topless women at special events is ok? Not that I mind them personally but uh great assumption! It has to be the alps. They emit radiation and affects us all mentally.
  23. gg jeez you guys chill, its just good clean fun i mean you all eat dead animals anyway, most of them even were in much worst conditions prior to cooking then this goat it's actually pretty funny, it has that excellent WAAAAAAR feeling to it kudos sony
  24. http://kotaku.com/gaming/meat-soup/goatgate-sonys-side-of-the-story-256325.php
  25. When I read the thread title I thought they'd discovered how to generate Antigravity. Sadly disappointed.
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