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Everything posted by CE

  1. Ok fine, I'll do you, quit whining. alternativly backwards pantless hug?
  2. I feel your pain. Lets hug each other in a heterosexual way now.
  3. This game is rock. Hard rock. Everyone should have this.
  4. Oh my fucking god, you like My Chemical Romance to boot? Jesus Christ, you could not be more annoying.
  5. Gonna go buy Super Castlevania IV and SimCity today :]
  6. Urgh. No thank you.
  7. Europe has Donkey Kong Country for the VC. Scratch that, I have DKC for the VC. Hell yeah. We're also getting WarioWare on the 12th.
  8. I have the whole Lumines OST and only played it once. Wasn't mine of course. Lumines, that is.
  9. You start questioning this shit and the whole gaming universe goes to shit :[ Why doesn't Zelda send a gigantic army with Link, trash the dungeons, grab the item, kill the boss and get the artifact? He always goes alone for some reason.
  10. How? It was short, the storyline was straightforward, the puzzles were easy, the music wasn't that good and the environments weren't really that well made. And the main character was annoying. >:[ This is why I'm liking Hotel Dusk, even though it's made by the same guys, it seems to be going in the opposite direction.
  11. It's old, but it's still good. gg
  12. Well, the DS is getting it's share of unusual games with tons of charisma. Elite Beat Agents and Phoenix Wright come to mind, along with the upcoming Square game It's a Wonderful Life. And now this, Hotel Dusk: Room 215. It's noir-like mystery game and, pretty much all the info on it is in the quote below. It seems to be coming out on the 22nd in the US. Is this a "more serious Phoenix Wright" endeavour, poised for sucess? Or something not as spectacular, like Trace Memory? Who knows, but here's a japanese trailer and damn does it look good. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ds/awij/player.html?mv=movie_3d&width=626&height=430
  13. I think they're just forgotten with the passing of time in Hyrule and eventually destroyed by erosion or even monsters.
  14. There was a 360 release? whoa.
  15. FYI, not that many people did from the get-go.
  16. I'm ordering in Phoenix Wright Justice for All and Portrait of Ruin on the 16th. And getting WarioWare on the 12th. It'll be a sweet week for gaming.
  17. Don't we all...
  18. Oh God yes. Sweet, sweet orange.
  19. That's what I wanted to do :[ Still not bad.
  20. Well, there are two games that I know of who have similar soundtracks. The first is the well know original The Sims. The buy and build mode music sometimes resembles this. The other is the Monopoly Tycoon for the PC. At times, the music is somewhat similar, but to a lot lower extent. It's more jazzy and upbeat, characteristic of a certain era, other then this kind of music.
  21. I went to dinner with friends and then we all went down to the beach to watch the fireworks. Then we went partying at the marina. : D
  22. :[ Oh well. btw i like it how bahamut is now our source for info.
  23. That's because you're closer to the server, you have a faster intarwebz speed. Or something. What's this about more avatars, I'm seeing a few more, but not the gigantic pile of avatars the sitehelp thread had. Any idea when those will be implemented?
  24. Are there spoiler tags now? And where's the orange :[ wow nice copying my thread in unmod arek :]
  25. Guys, #1 is where it's at.
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