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Everything posted by CE

  1. Yeah it looks like it. Where the heck it Muse's account here anyway? Some server error deleted the info?
  2. Cool, maybe we should think about that castlevania one you mentioned about an year ago.
  3. I tried looking in .org and he wasn't in the member list. I don't even know what the heck remod is. Also what do you mean Arek? Hey Arek, you still doing projects?
  4. Hey wingless the music kicks in at the pseudo lesbo scene. Comments?
  5. Hey I was wondering if anyone here has seen Muse in a while. He used to post here but I lost track of him. I tried searching for his profile to get an AIM address but no luck. I wanted to see if he still wanted to play a few DoW matches, we played that a long time ago. His profile just isn't on the datebase, did he delete his account or maybe it's an error in the page's script or something? Anyway, has anyone seen Muse?
  6. In before revelation that gunman was a 4channer.
  7. So two white, heavily armed kids only kill like 12 people and a Asian kid with a gun kills 32 and wounds more? Hm. I guess all that Zerg rushing and playing Gunz online really does improve your reflexes! Maybe he even used his mad DDR skills to dodge projectiles.
  8. A little water... A little fertilizer... What online modes do you think the game will have? How custom will it be? Just stock? Stock and time? Coin? Special? Even more? Completely custom damage settings and items settings? GROW MY CHILD! GROOOOOOOOOOOOW!
  9. http://www.rapidshare.com/
  10. hey muse there's a thread with your name on it
  11. Wait, who changed the thread name? It's [sSB Thread]
  12. Regarding the lameass music, has anyone found out a way to take the dynamic music off and allow people to put their own mp3s in it? As in, Frank Klepacki music.
  13. People, people, calm down. It's not the songs, it's the rock out factor. And since you have a plastic guitar, the songs could be failed jam sessions and still ROCK OUT.
  14. not confirmed, Uematsu himself said he'd love to do the rest of the music
  15. It's real, they've been working on it for a while. Also OLD Seriously people, if it gets here after Kotaku has it, it's old.
  16. No, not wierd huh, awesome huh. i buy that magazine i went to a ssbm tournament hosted by them too
  17. Aw man, so this is still up?
  18. Wait guys, I'm here to get my hat. Ok I'm gone now. EARemix respeckt.
  19. The demo is awesome, but then I saw videos of the DS version and it looked much, much, much worst. So I'm either waiting for the PC version or until I get a PSP.
  20. Screw this, I'm leaving too, never to return ever and ever.
  21. Buying it tomorrow when it comes out here. Does it conflict with Oscuro's Oblivion OVerhaul?
  22. It's great, save for the music. I'm gonna try to find someway to allow us to replace it. The cutscenes are just right, the AI is good, it's pretty much oldschool C&C. The series are fast-paced RTSs and this is what C&C3 is. Good job EA. Plus the online has a bunch of cool little features like that commenting thing. I look forward to more EA games where they allow the developing teams more freedom.
  23. SONIC IN BRAWL SINCE HE'S IN A MARIO GAME!!!11 Seriously guys, Sonic would blow in Brawl, people should stop pining over it.
  24. 100 METER DASH: SONIC VS MARIO! IT'LL BE A CLOSE ONE!! Wait, no it won't.
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