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Everything posted by CE

  1. How the hell could they make PW2's music suck? The first one was awesome! EDIT: rofl
  2. I was gonna do a thread on this and go wtf shael riley?
  3. Sorry what? Too busy playing WarioWare.
  4. I don't want to import more games since it's expensive, so I'm still waiting for EBA, PoR and JFA. :[ I wouldn't buy them now anyway.
  5. I suppose that's another take on it. But even then the "Legend telling" still has a ultimate purpose.
  6. My opinion is this one. Point by point, phrase by phrase. I wish Blizzard had never found out that MMOs print money.
  7. Ever since Ocarina of Time was made, Miyamoto has had a master document with the entire zelda timeline planned out with areas that could have more then 1 game in between them to cover unplanned developments. So there is a over-arching storyline.
  8. Why do people like this thing so much dammit. It's fucking archaic as far as RPGs go now a days, but still too young to have any nostalgia to allow it to be remade like FF4 or 3. Plus if it's coming out somewhere it's on the freaking PSP. It's practically decided already, everyone knows it'll come out sooner of later, it's just a matter of when, not if.
  9. My fingers twitch when hearing a song that's on Guitar Hero 1 or 2, as if playing it.
  10. No it wasn't.
  11. Yeah I noticed and did the same think. I kinda like the interface too. I'm happy with iTunes.
  12. <3 Aw man, I can't wait.
  13. Death Race was fucking amazing. I wish GX had it :[
  14. I was there right now. I'm Portuguese, so Spanish comes naturally. I've seen some stuff I wanted to download, but not on this PC. As far as the labels go, I remember there being a Mute City song on the link Sadorf provided and it had a label with GX Falcon on it. And it was from FoF.Spain. Nice stuff.
  15. Bumping this. I find the lack of posting on the subject of Frets on Fire appalling!
  16. Awesome. I would use objection! a lot too if I were in an English country.
  17. All Game Over songs should be in it. EDIT: Also, where can I get Queen songs?
  18. That gap kills any song that uses the F5 key. Man.
  19. If Walan does this, he'll be even awesomer. And I don't know if that's Dhsu, but I'm downloading it anyway.
  20. Alright, I think there probably was a thread about this a while ago, but I'll make a new one, since something this awesome deserves a thread at all times. It's somewhat old, but oh-so-worth it. Frets on Fire This is guitar hero. On your computer. You use the F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 keys as the guitar's frets and the enter as the pick button, just like you would in Guitar Hero. It's 33MB and it has high scores and the ability to edit songs and make your own. Contrary to Guitar Hero though, this lets you import songs, either ones you made or songs from a already growing database (link later). It's pretty low end, so pretty much any PC can play it. It comes with 3 songs, a somewhat easy one, a medium one and a hard one (each of these has a Easy, Hard and Amazing setting itself by the way). You hold the keyboard upside down, with the F buttons facing down. You can play without doing this, but it's tougher, less fun and generally fgty. List of songs By the way, do any of you know another database for this? With more songs? Have you made any? Use this thread to post high scores and stuff too! It's insanely fun, and like a modded Guitar Hero! Not that different from the real deal, so if you already own it you might want to skip this.
  21. Ok, in the Wario Dance Group microgame, the dancing one, who does all the moves and not just the ones you HAVE to do? Man, the walking one and the swiveling one are fun.
  22. Yeah, the battle sequences sucked so bad I turned them off altogether.
  23. I guess we are. vbulletin s0xxx!11!11 But yeah. MODS: PLEASE CHANGE THREAD TITLE TO "[smash Bros.] Twiddling our thumbs...".
  24. Oh God yes, DKR was just so much better then Mario Kart 64. More courses, 3 vehicles, better multiplayer maps and power ups and much solider (and fucking tough) singleplayer.
  25. Fucking wingless stole my reply.
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