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Everything posted by CE

  1. God of War 2?
  2. Both WoW and FFXI are flawed MMOs. Again, it's just that one is american and the other japanese.
  3. Final Fantasy storylines are getting generic. Warcraft storyline was based on Warhammer Fantasy's storyline. They're both cliche'd and overused as hell. It's basically Japanese cliche VS American cliche. Pick your poison.
  4. Just.. like in real life?
  5. CE

    Sony PS3

    Holy fuck Playstation Home and LittleBigWorld. gg sony
  6. CE

    Sony PS3

    Talking about the PS3 and not knowing what Motorstorm is is like discussing slavery without knowing what a black person is. Granted, it's not THAT good, but it's enough for a new IP, like burnout.
  7. CE

    Sony PS3

    The backwards compatibility has been fixed with the 1.5 firmware update in Japan and America. In Europe the BC is limited (they claim it's still over 1000 games though, not confirmed) and the price is jacked up to corresponding 792$ approximately. So yeah, apart from Europe, crystal clear backwards compatibility. And it's still a bluray player. Sony's cheapest Bluray player is currently 600$, so why shouldn't you get a PS3? It is worth the price. Oh and kidThunder, there's already a thread for this. You haven't stopped making random threads in pretty much 6 months? Wow.
  8. Man, she's fucking anorectic or something what's with that waist?
  9. -It's the sidebar again. And it's even better. -You still have to click the repair icon and repair each building individually. -The support unit can be build from the start of the game in the defenses icon. It's 1500$ and it has no weapons. You can send it to somewhere in the map, set it to deploy (it takes about 20 secs to deploy) and once it does you can build stuff around it just as if it were an MCV. Good to gain fast control of Tiberium patches.
  10. I've noticed, it's kinda annoying. I'm counting on the modding community to get my Klepacki on though.
  11. I was hoping for that mouse patch, gg. It's overall pretty good. It's like Generals, but with the little things I found very annoying in it (multiple superweapons, worker units) taken out from it and infused with C&C classic goodness. The FMVs are very good and I get all giddy getting a good job commander from Jennifer Morrison. The new nod units are very cool and so are their new abilities. It looks like they've made Nod and GDI a bit more different this time around so they'd have different fighting styles against the Scrin. I'm also wary of them, I don't know if they'll be good or overpowered... Yes, the mammoth feels VERY strong, much better then the Avatar. Some of my favorite new additions are the Generals or CoH-like bonus powers like the bombings and special missiles and the multiple building queues. Also that support unit is pretty damn cool, no more building MCVs to expand Tiberium collecting. It works wonders with multi-queuing since you can stack 3 turrets, 1 power plant, barracks, tib refinery and tank defenses so when the support deploys you can place them instantly and have a decent new base in less then 5 seconds. Shaping up to be a great entry in the series and the C&C fix we all need. It's not bad, but it's ages from Klepacki's stuff from what I've heard so far. I really, REALLY hope we can get custom mp3s in this thing, since it's pretty lackluster.
  12. Looking at the gaming momentum of the Wii only, it's pretty damn bad. What are you guys getting Wii Play and Sonic? Man, Wii Play's more of a tech demo, you pretty much buy it since hey 10$ for a game, and Sonic has a 50-50 chance of being utter fail. We're getting uh Eledees soon and I dunno. Seems to me like they rely on the VC too much.
  13. No, the day the intense japan-ism completely invaded sonic and gave it one of the shittiest storylines known to man. So what if he was Eggman in Japan? He was renamed when they tried to give Sonic a serious storyline other then the perfectly acceptable "HAY GUYZ ROBOTNIK IS BAD HE CAP DEM ANIMALS LETS SAVE DEM", but instead failed miserably. I mean look at Sonic Adventure 2, it's almost like it's ripped from one of the DBZ sagas.
  14. Sonic died the day Dr.Robotnik was renamed to Eggman.
  15. bumping it
  16. This flatout spells fake.
  17. Especially if you already have the damn game. If you're willing to purchase all the SNES games you had all over again for the DS/GBA, it'd be cheaper to just buy a PSP, the emulation would be better. The only reason I buy these is that I never had them, and since I knew they'd be re-released I never played them on a emulator. Which I dislike doing on the computer anyway.
  18. Haha Atma Weapon lol If it's a remake of a game you have why are you buying it? Are the extras enough, if it has any? I wouldn't buy something I already have a copy of.
  19. Wait what? There are no "random change cam views", just a slight pitch of the camera at times. Nothing you wouldn't expect from a fully 3D game. Honestly, it'd be better to make everything 3D but keep the enemies and characters 2D sprites, since a highly detailed 2D sprite always looks better then a 3D sprite when it comes to side-scrollers. Just look at New Super Mario Bros. Ugly as sin, give me a Paper Mario, polished sprite instead. And you can really tell this is still lacking major development from that, the models look fugly. And no, it's not the resolution. Honestly, a remake of Rondo with polish and translation plus a remake of SOTN with polish > pseudo 3D Rondo and polished SOTN. But hell, just the fact it has a souped up SOTN is worth the 50$ already, let alone with a remake of one of the best classic Castlevanias. But back to the 2D sprite thing, a super detailed Alucard with flowing cape is much more impressive then the 3D equivalent, just because it's a spirte. Never the less, awesome.
  20. According to some opinions.
  21. I actually bought this one. Zircon... eh, not really. Sorry Zircon, but you your name isn't in any Command and Conquer sound credits
  22. Bleh, I don't care, we'll all have to switch sooner or later anyway. Or you can go all rebel and shit and use Linux or something. A lot of gaming will require vista anyway...
  23. I actually liked that, to be honest. It felt somewhat like a MGS parody, and the Mantis fight scene was hilarious.
  24. Why do we want this thing on the DS again? Have you people not had enough of it? It's like those people who want to remake Ocarina of Time. Why? I say the more we try to push a classic, the less classic it becomes. With Advent Children, that meh TPS with Vincent, and the bajillion FF7 cameos (coughsephirothcough) do you still feel such a need to play a probably watered-down version with flimsy touch-screen addons? And this goes for all of the so-called "classics" like Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear. The games are all masterpieces, but even a masterpiece becomes banal if you're force fed spoonfuls of it every day of every week.
  25. Mischief Makers is not a crap game!
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