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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. I have a WIP of a vocal arrangement of You're Not Alone that I've gotten many comments on, specifically towards the effect that I should get a new arrangement. I figured I could put an official "I would like someone to remix this for me." If anyone is interested, I'm open to any styles, and am actually very interested to see what people's ideas might be. The original arrangement is a cover, techno(ish) based. If you'd like, you can see the almost finished version Here, specifically regarding the 4-20 version. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM or email me. I'm also looking for anyone wanting to remix anything that's in my website, as well as looking for people interested in writing for some Chrono Trigger vocal arrangements. I'd love to hear from you!
  2. I'm not stuck with it, it was just like; you're so excited to be able to catch your first pokemon, and it's...Bidoof... Just...dissapointing, I guess.
  3. Got it this morning, havent stopped playing since. I picked Piplup (water pengiun) because the others were ugly (I actually am a "fire" pokemon trainer, so a big change for me) and I couldn't resist naming it 'PenPen'. So far I'm on my way to the first gym battle, and am desperately looking for another pokemon besides Bidoof to offset my normal pokemon. Stupid rat-beaver. I'm definately willing to trade with anyone, especially if you want to provide me with the other two starters, lol.
  4. This is the last update. I hope. If no one points anything out, I'm going to send the vocals over to someone to get them processed. 4-20 Update
  5. Bump me up to 75% chance. I talked to my brother today, and he's cool with it, I'll just have to make plans and such.
  6. If someone wants to do any sort of arrangement, I would be honored. Usually any requests I've made have fallen on deaf ears, so I'm generally in the position that if I have any sort of arrangement, it's better than nothing. If anyone's interested, PM me. As it is, I'm still going to finish this one since as I'm almost done. Here's an update with the last two verses and the ending. At this point all I have is touch-ups. Update
  7. Dude, you aren't just going to make it an "OCR Meetup and help me move my stuff"? Since my brother lives about 20 mins outside of D.C. I might be able to get my act in gear and come up, but I would have to work out some logistics. There might be a possibility of my brother coming to the concert as well, if that were to happen. I dunno, right now, maybe like 25% chance of me having this happen. EDIT: Oh, and I'll only go if someone promises they'll trade Pokemon with me. Lol
  8. Melody changes only With Harmony Added April vacation has been a blessing in getting work on this done. Here is the first four verses with reworking. Opinions on any part of it are appreciated. The file cuts off after the last verse is sung, so yes, it probably did download all the way. I didn't do anything in terms of lessening the volume of the harmony. I'll worry more about that later.
  9. Here's to trying something new Well, this is the "testing the waters" recording. It's rough (oh, intonation I miss you), so a warning to all. Attempted some changes in melody, some changes in harmony, quieter intro section. The first set of harmony needs work. That I most certianly know. Thoughts?
  10. This is awful. I don't even know what to say to it. I hope anyone injured recovers, and that the families of those who died are able to grieve properly without too much media intervention and such. Jeez, this sucks.
  11. Goddamn man, that's the best criticism I've gotten in weeks. The harmony will most definately be brought down, I just didn't get around to dropping it before I exported to mp3. It's certainly pretty overpowering at times, and causes clipping at one point. You're exactly right, the harmony was originally improved. And no, I don't really have much experiance in improv, whether singing or on my trumpet (shame, too, I always liked jazz). I will definately take the time to write them out and work with it. Both yours and Snappleman's comments on the dynamics strike true, and I'll honestly admit that I didn't think and disreguarded volume. When I originally recorded I found it (still do, stupid quiet voice) difficult to bring my voice up over the volume, and when I finally could (maybe?) I most certainly got carried away with it. Perhaps a rerecord will be in order (square one....again, haha), though it's been a tiring journey on this song. I will get it done though. As for the change of lyrics/melody, the lyrics most certainly have grown on me over the course of two years, and any time I've tried to change them I just can't seem to. Changing the melody...never occured to me. Just like dynamics. How silly(and stupid). So I guess I have plenty of serious thinking to do on this mix. Oy, why can't things be simple, eh? Thanks, again.
  12. Alright, I'm going to ask everyone to drop the issue, just because it's causing arguments and debates beyond the original posts and I don't feel like causing more internet drama than necessary. Liontamer already felt that he had to come in, and I don't want to bug more moderators (or anyone, really) over something as stupid as this. Snappleman, or anyone, I would appreciate any comments on specific areas in the mix that need work on the harmony. Whether it's intonation (yes..."faith" I know, and some other areas, but point them out anyways. It might be obvious to you, but I might have missed it, I never had the greatest ears for intonation) or the harmony not quite fitting in right. If anyone want to email me some ideas on how to improve vocally in general, that would be great. Fishy, your comment on doing the best you can is certainly valid to me too. Maybe people don't realize this, but right now, I AM trying the best I can on this. Blame it on excuses or whatnot, but I'm learning on my own, and I don't have money or time for lessons, which I would certianly love to do if I could. As for the track itself, it's not gonna change. I know for a fact that Efields doesn't really want to revisit this one, so in a way I'm stuck with it. Personally I like it, but I know very little about the actual mixing and such, so what other people are commenting on is going right over my heads.* It was originally intended as a cover, which I again should have mentioned early on. That's my fault again. So, again, let's drop the matter, start over again, whatever. Let's just put all the shit behind us, please. *Of course...if someone wanted to make another mix for me....just kidding.
  13. Lesson fees are variable and will depend either on the teacher or shop/school they work at. The shop I teach trumpet at charges $20 for a lesson, whereas the community division at my school charges $35. Private teachers on their own might chart more or less, etc. My old trumpet teacher taught out of her home and charged $45 for an hour lesson.
  14. Another update, hopefully with near-finished vocals AND harmony. Just melody With harmony added I'd really appreciate some feedback on the harmony, because I'm not sure if it's too much in some spots, too little in others, etc. Thanks!
  15. That's my fault, sorry about that. I should have been clearer in the first post. The track was written by Efields (then known as Georgasmaster). I commisioned him way back in '05 for it.
  16. Yea, well, my friend wrote that in one weekend, and it was also within a week of getting the program. It works for me though.
  17. It's hard to learn how to sing on your own, just like any instrument. A lot of people had good tips. Sing whenever you can, as mentioned. Singing in the car is great fun, because you get to 'practice' AND people look at you funny. Never try to strain or tense up when you sing. Being relaxed will help create a better sound. For now I would get used to singing where your voice is most comfortable, then worry about how big your range is and how to expand. No need to take on everything at once. Again, recording yourself will help. You'll not only be able to hear where you sound best, but you can start to identify how you made that sound. (again, mentioned above) Always have fun, of course. If it starts to anoy you or anything that you can't do this or that, take a break. Never frustrate yourself over it.
  18. Hi, thanks. I sing for fun, and really don't care if you don't like my voice. Go listen to something else then. Have a great day!
  19. ^Certainly not. The plan (hope) was to get a majority of it done well in one take while my voice was in the same mood, and then later on do the touch ups. I've had some recordings were I break apart the verses in days and the voice just doesn't have the same quality. I find it distracting, so I was hoping to get as much done as possible. I did record last night, but haven't editted yet, so I'll check into that tomorrow. I don't think the results were very good though, so it might have to wait. *sigh*
  20. You're misinterpreting what I'm saying. I've always recorded things in takes, usually a phrase or a sentence at a time. For example, in one of the verses I did 13 recordings of it before I felt I had enough material that I could get everything in tune. What I wanted to do was get the whole song done in a sitting, as opposed to doing one verse one week and another the next week. Speaking of which, I should have an update tonight if my roommate has rehearsal like I think she does...
  21. Thanks to everyone's comments. The Joker did amazing work with this track, I was amazed to hear what he did from the original. The lyrics are there, but they really aren't anything special. At all. I tried to focus on the different things in the stage, and that was the result I got. Certainly nothing to write home about. I'm glad it added to the overall creepiness of the piece though.
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