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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Not sure if I should put this here, if not, sorry mods! So, I'm an assistant band director at a high school, and a good deal of my job has me shouting/yelling/projecting my voice. This is especially true now during marching season when we have practices outside. The problem I'm having doesn't deal with my speaking voice but my singing voice. Simply put, I'm losing it. So far I'm experiencing decreased range, more airiness, and a general loss of tone, but I know that if it continues it'll dissappear entirely. When I was in high school I had the same thing happen from shouting during hockey matches and other sports in general. It was to the point that I had a difficult time singing anything even in an alto range, and my speaking voice even lowered (those of you who met me in real life would know; My voice is pretty low for a girl). So, is there anything I can do? I can't really stop the shouting part, though we're going to get a bullhorn for outside, which will help. I don't want to lose my voice, not only because of the difficulty of actually teaching music with no singing voice, but because I love to sing! Please help!
  2. I had originally been thinking about Brand New Day for the Rt 10 theme, it fights well with the 'anime opening' lyrics and such. Besides, Proph, Viridian Vibe is such a cooler, aliterated, name. Also, Sweet Olivine is the best thing we've come up with, which works fine for me.
  3. The only thing I'm looking forward to see (can't wait, actually) is The Golden Compass. But that's a ways away (December I believe).
  4. I was originally intending to do the jiggly as a joke, and then Prophet did that awesomeness with it. I'm all for using it as an interlude, or whatever.
  5. Covers aren't terribly hard to do, I've got a couple under my belt. Audacity works well, because you can import a track as a referrence, mute it, remove it, etc. Similarly, you get a nice visual image of the voices so you can line stuff up easily.
  6. Well, I woulda humped your leg too, but I'm shy like that. Goddamn this song is teh sex.
  7. I'm impressed, but it seems a bit literal to me. Still a nice arrangement.
  8. Sorry, bad wording. Timing as in I'm really busy right now.
  9. I play trumpet. But. I'm seriously out of practice. And. As I said before, not sure what my timing would be like.
  10. Count me in as interested, but I can't be sure if I'll have time to do it. Started a new job and all.
  11. I really like what was done with this track. Great expansion on the mood of the original.
  12. Pretty sweet track. Not my favorite genre, but something I can listen to and enjoy. Needs more ending, though.
  13. Holy crap I really want to know what the third midi is, because I used to have it on my computor (mislabled as something from FF8 ). I haven't heard that in years.
  14. Congratulations! It's amazing to see life created, isn't it? I can't imagine what it's like to create life, though. It definately has to be undescribable. BTW, I haven't forgotten about your mix!
  15. I wrote some lyrics to Zelda's Lullaby a couple years ago, and did a recording of it acappella about a year ago. It's certainly nothing special, and boy does that song have a range! Here's my recording
  16. Unfortunately, HoboKa, Nutritious has actually already sent me a WIP and we've started collabing on this. I'd be interested in working with you in the future though, PM me.
  17. I remember the Cantata something something from FF6. The demo cd was just a handwritten thing, if I remember. I don't think they had time to make up lables or anything.
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