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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Congrats to all the winners! I can't wait to hear the end output from all of you. This was definatly a lot of fun to do, and while I wished I could have pulled something better together, I'm still happy with what I created. When's the next round start?!?
  2. I don't know whether or not this is a minor detail, or if you planned it anyways, but guests can access the WIP board, which used to be locked unless you sign in.
  3. Wha wha!?? I'm not going to say who I think should win, but it's clearly one of the entries. As opposed to? Anyways, I agreed with Zolborn at first, but changed my mind. I'm really digging track #* now. EDIT: Removed number...silly me.
  4. I didn't mention how awesome I think this song is yet? Where have I been? I can't believe this is improved. Holy freakin' crap dude.
  5. Just to let you know, the files (at least for me) for 6, 7 and 10 are a little screwy. Definately still readable, but just some "f0" things and "U8239" or something before some lines. Definately some pretty good submissions, but I think I have my choices. I wish I could have gotten a rerecord with this, but alas, no alone time, and still kinda sick anyways. Oh well, I'm still somewhat satisfied with mine.
  6. A post-Christmas Christmas song review! I love how these two songs are melded so well together. Dale certainly makes them flow very nicely with smooth transitions, and a nice calm feeling throughout. I play this each year around christmas. My only gripe is the ending seems a bit ubrupt. Nothing to really take away from the overall feeling though.
  7. Thanks to everyone for their kind replies. This was a great christmas present for me and EFields! I'm certainly glad that people enjoyed it. As for the mouseclick; ROFL! Zircon actually mentioned it at one point, but didn't say exactly where it was so I never heard it. I thought it was maybe his speakers or something (Lesson learned; always trust the judges). Even after knowing I barely heard it! BUT:Summoner's Love (NOW LESS MOUSECLICK!) Oh man, I don't know what he would have said to that. That would have been really awkward. I can ask Efields (he has a forum profile, but really only so he can view responses and stuff, he's not a forum person), but I don't know if he has a place to upload it. Again, thanks for the reviews, and I've already got another collab with him in the works! It's gonna rock!
  8. Here's to hoping a get a chance to rerecord. I'm definately not really all that happy with my entry before, but I wanted to get something in. I'll definatly try to refine/resubmit!
  9. I have a recording that was a first run through, but due to having a cough might be the final thing. Anyone want to help a not-know-how-to-add-reverb person out? PM me!
  10. Well, it starts whenever I get contacts from people! Email me!
  11. I want to do a vocal song for Sigma's Stage. If anyone's interested, contact me.
  12. it's in the 'to be posted' section of the judges decisions. i say that we stop posting in this thread and instead post adulations of praise in the review thread when it gets posted =) You're silly, Proph. I'll take money over praise anyday (just kidding of course!) Actually, I'll take more people willing to arrange new stuff for me over all of that. The judges decision will get posted when the song is posted, that's usually how I've seen it run.
  13. It says 'to be posted'...is there something I should know about? Aw, Larry's just teasing you. Yes, it passed! Geez, I actually had a dream about this last night. AUGH! *phew*
  14. It says 'to be posted'...is there something I should know about?
  15. *SHHH* it's supposed to be a secret. ...*does a dance* Thanks, both of you
  16. By text to you mean a .txt file or in the submission email somewhere? Does it matter?
  17. ^There's probably not much going for you in terms of inspiration to take from. When I write for RPG tracks, sure, there's a point in the story where the track first appears, or whatnot. This...not so much. Hey, if you want to go that route, good luck!
  18. I've finished PRC entries in the first 3 hours. From scratch. And won. But most times they were crap. Bring it on. Just stirring up the competition a bit, I'm ready.
  19. Time to get the competition worried. Lyrics = done Melody = 75% done in my head
  20. For now I'm keeping this to CT, simply because it's big enough as it is in terms of a 'project.' And with one mixer and 2 voices who want to join up, it's looking like not much is going to happen with this soon anyways. If things start going well, maybe it could be expanded, but the original idea was to be able to fit this onto one cd, at least hypothetically. Anyways, thanks for the support so far, hopefully this will take off soon!
  21. Ok, I know I write really long posts. Bear with me. And yes, I know we've seen tons of CT lately, but...who cares, it's a great soundtrack. I've been thinking about starting a non-site project covering certain themes from Chrono Trigger, adding vocals to the main melody. Much like Final Fantasy Pray, Love Will Grow, and Song Book Mahoroba. I want to incorporate different styles of music, as the FF titles mentioned did, but stay within CT, as well as make sure the lyrics are appropriate to the game. That being said, the problem I have, as some know, is that I don't mix. I wish I could, but I've never been good at arranging, and don't really have the time/desire to sit down and really work on learning how to mix/arrange. This is where you come in. I'm looking for people interested in making accompaniments for me. Also, I'm not opposed to getting some other vocalists on here with me, so if you want to try some songs, feel free to join in! All that above being said, here's the songs I'm looking at doing so far. I have ideas for some, haven't thought about others. If you think of something and you think it's feasible, mention it, by all means! 1-05 Memories of Green 1-06 Guardia Millenial Fair - I want to borrow from this. I haven't asked him yet, however. 1-09 Wind Scene - Lyrics are written, thinking a ballad style. 1-15 Manoria Cathedral - Some melody over the original. I'll explain if interested. 1-19 Kaero's Theme (Frog's Theme) - May have this worked out already with a mixer, so this is sorta on hold....maybe. 1-21 Kingdom Trial - I might ask Ubernym if he's willing to do something with this with me. He had an amazing WIP a while ago. 2-04 People Who Threw Away the Will to Live - acappella cover. I need a male voice! 2-06 The Day the World Revived 3-01 Singing Mountain 3-03 At the Bottom of Night - Lyrics are written, thinking a jazz ballad. I play trumpet, and am looking for trombone, piano, bass, perc. 3-04 Corridors of Time - something techno-y? 3-08 Undersea Palace 3-13 World Revolution 3-16 Epiloge-To Good Friends - This one's already covered, I just have to record. Hopefully this piques your interest! Feel free to aim(XdarlantanX) or email me (darlantandragonavenger@gmail.com. My PM box is pretty full, so...don't try to get me there, thanks!
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