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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. Wow, you have pretty much the same collection as me lol. I have "The Art and Craft of Popular Music" which is pretty much just a collection of his old stuff, and it has a few great tracks (like "Sugar Rush"!). You're right, "My Grandfather, the Cubist" is pretty awesome, but I don't have anything after that :( Now that I have Spotify though I guess I should go listen to it all!

  2. I love Joy Electric too! I figured someone on OCR had to have heard of him :P The album that song is from, "Ministry of Archers", is my favorite of his - I have a tendency to like his newer-ish stuff more than his old (cheesy, imo) stuff. I actually have that album on vinyl, and it sounds fantastic! So glad he released it on vinyl since he doesn't do it too often, and when it does it's not always easy to find.

  3. Congrats on FIRST PLACE in Round 2!!! Well-earned :D

  4. I made a YouTube playlist of all 10 songs: This could making things interesting for voters.
  5. You know... Logic *does* have a reverse function, but it never occurred to me to reverse an existing cymbal sample XD
  6. I would do that with the transients, but I literally can't even find any reverse cymbals in the drum sets in Logic X.X
  7. I could use some good cymbal swell samples. Some drum samples in general wouldn't hurt
  8. That was great. That piece reminds me of this because it's one long bout of dissonance that when it ends with the lovely resolution it's actually really really really cool. That Joy Electric song there is actually, oddly enough, a great headache/tension remedy.This reminds me, for a while now I've wanted to start a thread on OCR about production found in music by popular artists (in any genre). For example, I post a song by, say, Armin van Buuren and ask people what they thought about the production; or maybe even an alt rock band or hip hop or whatever. It would be best executed if I could keep the actual artist a secret until people posted their thoughts and then I would do the big reveal, saying something like "well did you know you've been posting so many critical things about [big name artist]???" /off topic (Don't worry Darke, I'll post some reviews soon )
  9. DUDE this is the best poo I've ever heard this poo is real clean srsly though the mixing is great and i love the way it feels and i love the gtr
  10. WTF O.O I mean, I love me some 20th century compositions but this is nuts. And yes, I've heard some other stuff that has overloaded my musical capacities but it does take quite a bit of work EDIT: Ooh I like this one: by the same composer.
  11. noooo do teh guitarz remember what we've all been saying... "be true to yourself" and what not... and besides you yourself said you want to make music for yourself as a "vol. 2" of splash woman ish.
  12. Of course, but this is art, not food. With art you should try a bit harder (imho).
  13. I suppose you're right, but it's hard (for me anyway) to tell when the line has been crossed from one into the other; I would venture to say that even the greatest producers (of any style or genre) disagree on things they think are within the realm of "objective".
  14. I'm intentionally vague, because where's the line between "opinion" and "objective"? And I'm not referring to genre of music here; I mean if a popular alternative rock band does some experimental things on their newest album without straying out of the bounds of alt rock, who decides wether those experiments were objectively good? Even if a well-versed, alt rock music critic states his opinion on the matter, isn't it still his opinion? Perhaps "fault" in this context should be re-defined - in my case, if I say "the producer is at fault because popular opinion says his music is bad" then I mean "the producer failed to create a product that pleased the general public". I don't mean "he *should have* or *could have* done better, because not only are those phrases pretty useless to begin with, I mean he tried his best with what he had and what he knew but was it good enough? So like you said, it's the effort that counts. That's the problem with art - objectivity/subjectivity is very much a grey area.
  15. It's the producer/musician's fault inasmuch as it's his/her fault that if s/he has poor eyesight; I guess it's still "the buck stops here". And as far as being mind readers: Absolutely, if we want success and success is defined by popular opinion.
  16. I think a lot of people go into art (of any kind) without really thinking about this; it's a painful truth you have to learn to live with every day as an artist. EDIT: Then perhaps they should be? I'm not really sure how to rectify this but it's still a reality. Perhaps I'm being harsh, but I try as hard as I can to recognize the "circle of influence": basically, what am I in control of? really, not much; but I can choose to change myself and what I do. It may be difficult for a producer to get the resources he needs to change his style but he can choose to live with people's opinions of his style. I thought CDs usually cost $10?
  17. He's right, in a way. You're responsible for your art; it doesn't necessarily mean that you should change but you must accept that not everyone will like your art that you created. It's a "the buck stops here" kind of mentality. Yes, people can be close-minded, but you need to be prepared for that harsh reality, because chances are you're not gonna change all those people's opinions and make them more open-minded. EDIT: I saw what you ninja'd in there, Timaeus, and I think you're right; the point here is that you can't change that really, and so instead of "blaming" others, learn to either accept yourself and your art, or change (or a decent balance of the two). I think your point and mine/KgZ's go hand in hand.
  18. This is probably the most important thing, guys. When I make music, I try to make music that I would enjoy listening to. I do want others to like it too, but it's a delicate balance. With these two ideas in mind, I constantly try to grow as an artist and learn and improve. That being said, not everybody is going to like what you make, and will have various reasons why or why not; some those reasons will be relevant to you personally and what you're trying to accomplish, and some of them will not. That part aside, intros do make a very big difference in hooking your audience; that doesn't mean don't make long-winded intros or whatever but be careful. I read an article recently that said you should save your crazy intro ideas for live performance where they'll be more appreciated, because in the context of recorded music people really don't have the patience to wait through such ideas; I suppose this has more relevance in the context of "popular" music and stuff that's played on the radio, but it still holds some weight here too. Ultimately, like KgZ said, be true to yourself but also recognize that sometimes certain musical ideas aren't as "good" or as well liked as others.
  19. KgZ's statement may seem a bit arrogant, but I actually agree with him; I'm not saying "30 seconds" necessarily but when I vote if I enjoy the song from the standpoint of musicality, I can usually take a step back and thoroughly analyze the source usage and see that the arranger/musician did a good job on that front.
  20. Thanks for the kind words Matt :D Would you mind taking a minute or two to post in my Workshop thread about what I could've done better? Thanks :)

  21. Alright so this was my entry for round 1 of last year's WCRG. newest update: https://app.box.com/s/c0uxdx8hcojkv50rctv2 EDIT: new version #2: https://app.box.com/s/9b2yxw3xxnxpi8abn897
  22. Are you sure you want the public to hear even part of your mix before you submit it? That may change/swing the voting results for your round...
  23. Hey man, just wanted to say I love your approach to your collab with Hoboka that just got posted on the site. I like that you are a fantastic producer, but more than that I like when you say "ah just screw it" and do something creative that doesn't necessarily fit in the box of "proper" production.

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