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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. Hah, then I assume you've seen the If that's a challenge then I may have to take my keytar out of its usual "live performance only" role.
  2. https://soundcloud.com/darkesword/sonic-spinball-toxic Darke used something called "Loopy" to make this? Don't know what that is, but it may help you in your endeavor (which is sounding pretty decent so far BTW ) and just FYI you know all those vocal haters out there, who hate vocal mixes as a general rule? Yeah I'm the opposite (assuming it's good vox anyway)
  3. You want vox eh? I'll see what I can do in future rounds, and I'll take you up on that final round rap battle > BTW how does the final round work anyway? EDIT: I'm keeping a running total of votes in a spreadsheet; I'm assuming that each 1st place vote = 3 points, each 2nd place vote = 2 points, and each 1st place vote = 1 point, right? and then each participant that votes earns one 1st place vote for his/her team?
  4. I'd like to point this out specifically because I think this particular point is tough for me; at least on my track for this round specifically, I've received some feedback that some of the 4 elements (lead, accompaniment, bass, & percussion) things overlap in frequency range, making it hard to clearly discern all the parts. Production (in terms of EQ) can really help with this, which I actually did a lot of on this track, but the best thing you can do to prevent this problem is to choose patches/samples/what-have-you that don't interfere with each other too much; i.e. like Darke said, don't make your lead so low that it's in the same range as your bass. This overflows to the actual structure of your patches/synths as well; if the notes of your melody occupy the mid-high range but the synth itself exists in the mid-low range (maybe because of harmonics or overtones or resonance or whatever) then it will interfere with whatever else exists in that frequency range. Again, EQ can help with this but it's better to *start* with patches/whatever that you know will have little to no frequency overlap. And actually, this can occur with your drums as well - your kick can have too many low-mids, or your snare too many high-mids, etc. or your other sounds could have too may of those frequencies and it'll all make a big mess. Again, this is something I often wrestle with so I'm preaching to myself here
  5. Almost asked for these but discovered that they are on the SoundCloud page
  6. Greatest Platformer EVAR Seriously though, this game is beautiful to look at and ridiculous buttloads of fun to play. Let me know if you manage to unlock the final secret level, "Land of the Livid Dead." It's tough to unlock, but insanely tougher to beat. (I've done it but I'm out of practice so I can't beat it anymore. Yes, it's one of those)
  7. @Jivemaster: !!!! wow, similar production sound to old school jive, but this awesome track sounds like a combination of Sublime and Red Hot Chili Peppers. and still manages to sound amazing 0.0
  8. I used the MIDI to start but then edited the crap out of it. I humanized it, took out notes, changed notes, changed lengths/timing, etc.
  9. well here's mine: https://soundcloud.com/kingtiger/space-pirate-attack-galaxy-man
  10. this. but unfortunately the Genesis version was made by Virgin, not Capcom
  11. Hey man, just wanted to personally thank you for your awesome WCRG sig :D I know it must've taken a while to do all of those sigs so I really appreciate the time and effort put into making them look so great!

  12. I actually thought at first that it was 1 PM EDT like before and I'm glad it's later instead, because it gave me a couple more hours to polish things up. this EDIT: track submitted!
  13. If I'm not working or at church, then yes EDIT: Don't know how y'all are doin, but I'm preeettty much done with my track I'm not submitting until Saturday night, though, in case I notice anything that warrants fixing/changing, or in case my teammates have anything to say about it. EDIT EDIT: Darke, just to confirm the file naming rules, for this round my filename should be: Robot Master Royalty - KingTiger - blahblahblah (Galaxy Man and Adventures in the Magic Kingdom - Pirate Island).wav ORRR would I leave out the "Adventures in the Magic Kingdom" part?
  14. Matt summed up my musical arrangement/production thoughts pretty well here (I LOVE how many musical nods to various Sonic tunes there are), but I'll add that I not only love your sounds/atmosphere/groove/etc. on this track, but I feel that it's some of your best production work as well. I've already told you a couple times how much I love this song, and how it always gives me effing chills when I listen to it
  15. well my track has turned into a rezzy fm funk monster.
  16. Sorry for the double post! If it helps any here is the game and the pirate stage in action: http://youtu.be/Q3tzcF2h5no?t=8m34s
  17. I second this. EDIT: buuuut it looks like Capcom wasn't involved with the Genesis version? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TaleSpin_(video_game)
  18. I'll be going first for Robot Master Royalty. Nice twist, Shariq!
  19. hah I think I've had a bit of that before too. Aw man. Well please do it as soon as you're able. I work later tonight and would like to get a bunch of work done on this before then. EDIT: realized that may have come off rather demanding, sorry. I blame the pain and the drugs.
  20. hahaha nice Actually I've got some strong painkillers in me right now, and since all I'm doing right now is waiting for this announcement, I keep dozing off and having hallucination-like dreams that it's announced o.0
  21. Well you've got a week so that should be enough time to complete the transformation right?
  22. alright, it's 1 PM EDT, I am no longer waiting patiently and am tapping my foot impatiently
  23. ^this^. I mean, i really enjoyed it, and I think it's worth it, but it gets rather exasperating at times because you're not really sure where to go next or how to get there; it's important to take lots of breaks with this game.
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