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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. that was a great release party, and the music was awesome
  2. I know interest is waning, but I really hope you do the final round, since you hinted at its source being something very interesting. I would really like to try it.
  3. I'm planning on being there tomorrow. What's the benefit of pre-ordering, besides knowing that awesome music will be delivered to your inbox the moment it's released?
  4. Matt, thanks for the props! :D I am quite proud of the work I did on MF's track :) and hope to continue improving.

  5. Happy birthday (now that I'm a day late > )
  6. I has a proud great work Main Finger, and great job on the vox wildfire!!
  7. Hey, since I'm on it, any chance I can hear it?
  8. Just submitted my mix. Did it all yesterday because I'm going to the Reno GAME Convention this weekend
  9. hahaha MP! Actually, it looks like I'll be going after all, thanks to Flexstyle's generosity in allowing me to road trip with him. Thanks man! Watch out Reno, KT's bringing his tunes your way!
  10. Won't have time to look through my collection for a while to make suggestions, but I could suggest some of my own mixes even though they're not posted.
  11. yaaay happy birthday Amph! I hope we get to compete again in this year's SZRC
  12. I'm HOPING to attend but the only way I can do so is if I get about $100 bucks real quick here
  13. Woo! Thanks everybody, I'm honored to win this round Now I'm just waiting for the next source to be announced
  14. This I got married in September 2010. I've known the girl since high school, and we only dated for 3 months before we got engaged. We have a daughter who's two months short of two years old.
  15. has anybody else noticed the supreme dearth of orgasmal remixes? Wondering where they are....
  16. Haha, thanks Jim! I just sent you an e-mail but I see now that you've submitted your song already You've been a great "novice" and I'm really proud of the track you cranked out!
  17. What, you mean this? At first I just thought you were referencing game pieces lol. This is a lot cooler.
  18. yaaaayy I'm listening now! Just realized too that since Cash & I are partnered up in ReMixing with the Stars he may be using some of my tips against me > And to clarify on the voting, you vote for your top three picks, right? so like 1. Artist #1 2. Artist #2 3. Artist #3 right? And those of us participating in the compo can vote too?
  19. So in the case of Lava Reef Zone, you'd have to specify Act 1 or Act 2, right?
  20. I listened to this and Rachael (my 2-yr-old) danced the whole time I did notice a couple meh transitions but overall it was great! I wish I could have come but I was working I find it interesting that your live performances are very similar to : not *quite* as well produced as our recorded material, not a ton of people show up, and they hardly ever happen :/
  21. Mine's pretty much done, I'll just tweak a couple things in the morning before submitting. Thanks for the extension
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