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Everything posted by Strati

  1. Ha, join the club! Added.
  2. Hmm, all right. That's a better idea.
  3. Not to be harsh or anything, but no. I mean, what would it be, a figurehead position?
  4. Added and added, Bren and linkspast. I want ops!
  5. it is very, very late. i am very, very tired. but I would just like to say, that both sides are throwing out stuff that is not helping the situation, and it sucks, frankly. good night.
  6. Added! Also, I was thinking, Tauce, this tournament will be Vs. only. If someone wants to do Time Attack, they can specify that if they win and choose the game.
  7. Though, if demand was up, we COULD do both...
  8. Seriously, PriZm, I love you. Anyway, yeah, they're a good band, but not really my type of music. I think it's the drums, I don't know.
  9. Added! And Tauce, you could pick up a USB gamepad, they're, like, thirty bucks at most. There are SNES to USB converters out there, but I've never seen one in stores.
  10. Quoted because it is fucking brilliant!
  11. I laughed, and I'm not even that big a fan of Naruto! Nice, man.
  12. You're welcome.
  13. Though I can kinda hear that (St. Anger seems to do that to me, but that's the only album that does), I find myself rocking out again when I listen to the new stuff. Have you heard their new songs? It's some awesome stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snPAOzp2YOA
  14. *currently jamming to Metallica - Shoot Me Again* I like St. Anger. (I mean, it's different, but it's still good.) Of course, I also liked Load and ReLoad, and think S&M is one of the best albums by any band period, so I might be slightly flawed. But they got their producer from the Justice era back, and the New Song and Other New Song sound promising, so, hey, they might make some sort of comeback. And, man, I need to see those movies.
  15. ...St. Anger?
  16. Added, and you can do what I did, if you can spare it, which is pick up some sort of USB controller. I use a wired XBox 360 controller, myself. $30 at GameStop.
  17. I don't know anything about Linux, so I can't help you, sorry. Hopefully someone else can... EDIT: I haven't added you to the list yet. When you get things working, let me know and I'll add you.
  18. Okay, I've got a problem with iTunes. I have roughly 2300 songs in my library, and three songs are acting up weirdly: they're not reporting the song length correctly. In Flames's "Scorn" is reporting a minute longer than it actually is, DevilDriver's "Hold Back the Day" is returning four minutes longer than it actually is, and, also DevilDriver, "The Fury of our Maker's Hand" is reporting a minute short. The ones that are being reported longer are no problem when I listen to on my iPod (it sends the same song length over), they cut off when the song is actaully over and go to the next song, but the one that reports too short is actually cut there on the iPod, and I don't like that, as it's one of my favorite songs and I'm losing a minute. I've deleted the files from the library and readded, and it still returns the same length. Anyone know how to deal with this?
  19. Wait, STILL?
  20. Yeah, of course, I hear you. Of course, they don't deserve "I'd like this if i was still interested in acting gothy and pretending to be depressed."
  21. Thanks, I'll throw that in!
  22. Okay, I'm going to lead this thing. Here are the rules: 1) To join, post in this thread. You have until midnight EST on Tuesday, January 16th, 2007. If you decide to drop out before then, you may, just PM me and I can remove your name from the list. 2) I'll put all entrants into a single-elimination bracket. Positions will be decided randomly. In the occurrence of an odd number of participants, the last person to be (randomly) decided will be given a bye for the first round. You will be notified by PM who your opponent is, and when I get a bracket drawn out, it will be posted in this thread. Once a match has been decided, I will notify both participants of the next round. 3) You will have three weeks to organize your game with your opponent. We will be using the SNES version of Tetris Attack, so how you organize your game is up to you, as long as it gets done. Wins will be based on a Vs. best of five points match. (In other words, there's no need to play anymore once one person has reached three points.) I would appreciate no last minute results, as the sooner people get their match on, the sooner I can figure up winners. Times for each round will be decided depending on number of entrants. If the match is not decided by the alotted time, then both people forfeit. If one person in the group is being deadbeat about it, notify me, and I'll see what I can do. 4) When an outcome to a match is decided, both people must PM me with the results. That way, I can verify that both people gave me the same result. (I'll have the bracket, so I'll know who plays who.) I'll update the bracket accordingly. Oh, also, a person may forfeit. In this case, only the person forfeiting has to PM me. 5) Winner of this tournament will be allowed to choose a game for next month's tournament, as we are hoping this can be a continuous event. More details when it comes to that. As for other prizes, I really have nothing except bragging rights. Maybe if a successful sig maker could whip up something cool *hinthint,sigmakers!*, but don't plan on that. If you have any questions, or feel I left something out, feel free to PM me, and I'll clarify things! And hopefully this will work out, and be a fun event. Best of luck! Instructions: First, you need a netplay-enabled emulator (I suggest the latest version of ZSNES, link provided in Links below) and Hamachi (ditto on the link). ZSNES comes in its own package, so just download and extract from the ZIP. As for Hamachi, you'll need to install it. Once installed and configured, click on the Join Network button and join network "OCR Tournaments" and password "ocremix", both without the quotes. (I would appreciate that you do not join the network unless you are ACTUALLY in the tournament.) Once connected to Hamachi, you will have a special network IP. Open ZSNES, and click on NETPLAY, then on INTERNET. It will ask you to either start a server or connect to server. You can work this out amongst yourselves, because it really doesn't matter who does who, just be sure to give the other person your Hamachi IP. Once connected to each other, you'll have to both load the same ROM file (or compatible, they have to be the same type). One person can send a copy of the file to the other person, if necessary. After this, the game should start, and you can both play! Links: ZSNES: There is apparently a new version of ZSNES out, v1.50. v1.50 has no netplay, so you will need to use v1.42. 1.42 (Windows): http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zsnes/zsnesw142.zip 1.42 (Mac): http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zsnes/zsnes142.zip Hamachi: http://hamachi.cc/ As for the ROM, we're not allowed to link to it, so you'll have to obtain it on your own. Participants so far: Mewtation kamoh Atmuh Noodle Calpis Xerol Oplan Geoffrey Taucer Psychotic Ninja Bren linkspast DarkCecil13 dPaladin LongeBane FiremanJoe Arek the Absolute vega12 ProjectSpam the-almighty-tallest
  23. Come on, dude, they deserve more credit than that.
  24. I think Mahaboo got the go-ahead to replace it in Help and Newbies, RD. EDIT: Yeah, link: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6144
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