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Everything posted by Cerrax

  1. I'm simply very disappointed with Nintendo in general. I have not enjoyed any of their games in a long, long time. They haven't done a game I truly enjoyed since N64. And I only own two games for the Wii. The amount of use my Wii gets is on par with my old XBox. That is not a good thing. I admit I'm bitter with Nintendo. Please disregard my last post. But do not label me as some XBox fanboy FPS player. I simply hold games to a high standard (maybe too high). The argument isn't HD graphics, it's that Wii games get held to a different standard than other games, and that's not right. Shadow Complex was fucking genius. A fresh spin on the Metroidvania formula with excellent production value. I want a sequel so fucking bad.
  2. It could be that the Wii gargles balls compared to other systems. Let's be completely honest, if Other M was released without Metroid in the title on XBox Live Arcade, it would fade into obscurity for the rest of human history. Standard definition, last generation graphics, with ancient controls, and incredibly sappy japanese storytelling to boot? There are $8 XBLA games that have better production value than Other M. Other M sells completely on the fact that it's Metroid and Team Ninja. Nothing about it is terribly new or extraordinary. And while it is a well done Wii game, it's still limited by the fact that it is a Wii game. How come no one goes on and on about Red Alarm, an above average shooter from the Virtual Boy? Oh that's right, because Virtual Boy SUCKED.Yahtzee simply knows a poor investment when he sees one. And the Wii is a very sorry investment. A technologically inferior system with massive amounts of shovelware. Nintendo, for all it's innovation and expansion of the gaming world, neglects to further the medium as an art and are simply more content selling it as a toy. Name one Nintendo title in the last decade that has presented video games as a valid art form.
  3. I wish the Evade ability was in the campaign. I don't think I ever found that ability among the many scattered among the maps. I ended up always using Sprint unless a Jet Pack was required. The Evade ability is really awesome (hence why it's probably not in the campaign). Drop Shield is cool, but there's only a few times I've really needed it. Same with Armor Lock. They're temporary solutions to a permanent problem. Honestly, the Sprint ability is your best bet when under heavy fire, because enemies can still enter the Drop Shield and you can't move at all when in Armor Lock and the enemies are smart enough to stay away from the shockwave it sends off. Sprinting behind cover and reloading/waiting for shields to recharge is the safest thing to do rather than throw down temporary cover. There's enough health packs scattered around that the Drop Shield's healing is rarely useful (unless you play co-op, then it is only slightly more useful).
  4. Really? Even Firefight? Firefight is like a never-ending campaign, but without the retarded AI teammates!
  5. I already finished the campaign on Heroic. Good, but extremely predictable. Oh well. Nobody plays Halo for the single player anyway. All the standard multiplayer stuff is there. Theater Mode is exactly the same. Forge is even more complicated than the last attempt, but they get points for trying. Firefight is ridiculously fun.
  6. Me too. Ever since Prime, Metroid has really gone way off course with the music. It's great to hear Ridley's theme the way we've all wanted to hear it. Even though I know Tanaka wanted to keep the soundtrack minimal and ambient in the first Metroid, I really enjoyed the music in Super Metroid. It was atmospheric and orchestral without being overbearing or distracting. While the newer Metroid games are trying to stay true to the original vision, I feel like Metroid could really benefit from a much more involved soundtrack than the mostly ambient and minimalist stuff they use now.
  7. Honestly, depending on how much time I can afford, I might want to do Slothrazor Strings completely overhauled. I really enjoyed the arrangement, just the execution sucked. Leave it as vetoed. Chances I'll even get half the fixes done that I want on Space of Blades is iffy. BTW Sixto, your sig is awesome.
  8. Actually I don't like any of those. Last few games I played were Mirror's Edge, Borderlands, and Split/Second, all which feature very little (if any) cutscenes and story. And they're better for it. If you can't do a story right, then don't do one at all. Not every game needs a story. Mirror's Edge is the only one that even attempts to make the story matter. Borderlands uses the story as a source of comedy rather than being the driving force of the game. Split/Second doesn't even have a story. You're a driver in an extreme sports television show. And guess what? THEY'RE ALL STILL REALLY GOOD. Also, this:
  9. I would rather my first round (Slothrazor Strings) not be on the album. It is a truly embarrassing track If at all possible, I'd rather have my third round sub (Steel The Wind) because that one is obviously much better. Also, I may or may not feel up to completely re-doing the guitars in Space of Blades. It would be a bit of a task, but I think the mix would benefit from it. If nothing else, I do want fix the mixing levels, since the track is severely squished.
  10. Metroid went downhill after Super Metroid. What little story they had was good enough. With Prime, they went overboard, adding all kinds of backstory, trying link games together that really didn't belong together. Let's all admit that the only reason they made up the whole Ridley/MetaRidley/MechaRidely thing is so their most recognizable villain could pop up over and over again. It's lame story telling and I'm sick of it. Metroid needs to reboot, forget all the crap they added since 1994, and stop trying to make Samus into a dramatic character. She's a lone bounty hunter. End of story.
  11. I like both, together and separately. Mixing electric and acoustic is a very full, rich sound. The first thing that comes to mind is Tenacious D. They have many songs that feature both acoustic and electric guitar and the sound is very unique. All kinds of electric and acoustic instruments together can make for a really interesting sound. James Horner purposefully used an electronic choir on the Titanic soundtrack along with a full live orchestra and the effect is beautiful and eerie.
  12. Note that 64-bit also requires twice as much RAM as the 32-bit. 1GB for Win7 32 2GB for Win7 64 I'm stuck with the 32-bit until I can get more RAM. Also, that update didn't do the trick. Still freezing. DLed RivaTuner and Power Assistant, so hopefully these can finally stop the freezing.
  13. Yeah I had Rozo's stuff inside me--I mean....in my box--uhh..... turned in to me for a while. I have also received andyjayne's stuff. So the rest of you better hurry up, because I think Damned is getting a little too excited about writing his own bios for people..... I sent PM's on OCR to everyone on that list and only a few have responded so far.
  14. Well it seems nVidia was having this problem with a lot of their cards (on PCs and Macs running Win7) so they have released updated drivers. I've installed them and so far, no freezes! Crossing my fingers that this has fixed it.
  15. Fallout 3 with co-op. Borderlands came close, but that was more of a OMG SHOOT EVERYTHING game. Fallout 3 had so many different, non-violent ways to solve things. Bethesda needs to crank down the graphics and make room for some multiplayer, for reals. Their games are so huge, they practically demand it.
  16. If it is left idling while still connected, sometimes it will still freeze, but it's not as often as when I'm actively browsing. An idling browser while disconnect, it runs completely fine. Only when I'm actually connected does it cause a problem.
  17. Okay, I'm at my wits end with Windows 7. Here's the story: About a six months ago, I bought Windows 7 Home Premium. I dual-booted my MacBook Pro with Boot Camp to install Win7. It worked great, but I started to notice that it would freeze when an internet browser (read: any internet browser) was open. It wasn't always immediately. Sometimes it froze 15 minutes in, sometimes not until hours after. Needless to say (as some here may remember) I came looking for answers. I tried installing a different anti-virus, different browser versions, turning off all unnecessary plug-ins and programs, changing power settings. Nothing has helped. Now even installing updates is slow, and can cause freezes. I check the event logs every time it happens and the only alert that shows up is an unexpected power loss (which is from me manually forcing the laptop to power down). Two of the simplest tasks, updating and browsing, are causing Win7 to freeze up. A lot. I can run Visual Studio 2008 at full tilt, but I can't browse the internet. WTF? I'm so fed up with this. I've never been a fan of Windows and unfortunately my career choice pretty much forces me to use it (Software Development). So if anybody, has even a glimmer of hope for me, I would very very much appreciate it. I have no idea what is causing it. MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB RAM OS X 10.5.7 Leopard Windows 7 Home Premium
  18. this, or Maximo/Achille from its spiritual successor.
  19. Everyone needs to get over to the website discussion thread right now. NOW DAMMIT
  20. I forget what game it was (Eternal Darkness maybe?) that you could save at any time, but if you died, the game wiped out your save file. That is hardcore. Also cheap as hell.
  21. I like how Borderlands had the New-U stations that were both autosave points and checkpoints. I also like that they placed them so that if you died, you weren't penalized by loading a previous save, but you placed far enough from where the objective was that it totally sucked to get killed.
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