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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Basically this. I mean there's some epic medley-type things (*cough*prancingdad*cough*) that are different but like... Take a source and just... reinterpret it. I've often found that just the ACT of reinterpreting makes it different enough to be OCR worthy on that front.
  2. I know that feeling. I turn to carrots and broccoli as snacks. Keeps me from going overboard.
  3. It's ambitious but I just tracked today's dietary plans with no changes to my overall diet (my fitness pal set to sedentary even though rehearsing for my live performances definitely is a work out in and of itself) and I'm actually still short like 600 calories (with my weightloss goals set to 180 and 1.5lbs per week) Yea I think that's exactly what I am going to be doing, like just eating a little less, like 1/4 cup less here and a tablespoon there should be really helpful. I think that explains why I haven't ballooned even in my most sedentary times. I love squats, they're usually part of my mobile training cuz squats are squats even when you have no additional weight.
  4. @Zircon: I have to find a more general way to count the calories than keeping track down to the single digit... or maybe handwrite it. I've found that what can make me backslide the most is when I am keeping track meticulously but something happens (usually a con appearance or something) that doesn't allow me to track very carefully. I've just noticed that has caused me the most issues so I've not started that up (though my wife has) maybe I will soon, I have a myfitnesspal set up and everything I just get really discouraged when I find myself unable to keep track super precisely.
  5. It would help if i proofread my posts! That should be 201 not 210. Sorry that does sound really really dangerous. I am mostly dieting, honestly my base diet is a fairly good one (oat meal in the morning, plain greek yogurt/carrot snacks and vegetable filled dinners usually with quinoa or chicken) but I've been going really ham on the sweets and cookies lately so I'm just getting rid of those lol. I'm 5'11", and yes 20-30 pouts in two months is dangerous, but considering I lost 5lbs in water weight following me cutting down on sweets (and with it some sodium) 201-196 makes either of those goals seem far more reasonable. Geez, sorry about that. No I just want to look 10-15 pounds in the next couple months not 20-30!!! Also, did more running this morning, still sore from Sunday, I must hav e atrophied more than I thought.
  6. My only goal at the moment is to get to 180-90 by April (I'm at about 210 now) and beef up my guns basically. I'm being very general at the moment since I want to get a habit going *first* then set more intense goals for myself.
  7. Alright after 2 weeks of fallowness I went to the gym today and spent 20 minutes on the elliptical at about 70RPms the whole way through (Resistance 2) Then I did some chest presses on a machine and some bicep curls
  8. I love how 3 out of 4 people are like dissatisfied. I was also bogged down with other work this week too XD
  9. I had no time and my initial idea was crap. So I restarted it. The melody was harder to transcribe than expected.
  10. I love it when I start and restart something 12 times. Tis a good feeling.
  11. 1. Jonathan! 2. MushroomSword 3. Ghetto Lee Lewis
  12. Yea I think I trapped myself in the disco thing, I bet if I changed up the drums that would be enough.
  13. Why would you wanna cut the transients down? Keep them! Or just squash the fart out of them.
  14. I honestly amped up the attack of these things as much as I could like I squeezed everything out of the particular samples that I have, there's a reason Edirol Orchestral isn't supported anymore. My options were slight and while there was some weird chords there I was trying to... evoke some more of the harmony? Looks like I failed in that regard though lol. I just need some samples that I don't feel like I need to hide really.
  15. The orchestra sucks. I need to buy better samples. Edirol is so eughwinegon
  16. I submitted this to DoD and got 26th place... what could I do to it to make it 1st place? It's on my youtube because it is "done" but I'm thinking of doing an albumish thing so I have some time to improve it before I release that... Remix: Original:
  17. To be honest IVAN I'm basically overhauling my vocals, my guitar and almost everything (except the leads the dude gave me) because I can probably do it way better now.
  18. The album sounds so gooooooooooooood. y'all a even better live to be honest. Good work.
  19. I saw you Snappleman, like 5 times geez. (Do I count as OCR? Or am I just a weenie) I was sort of busy with the soundboard for the twitch stream which I am really happy with how it sounded. Very very pleased. However, I didn't get a lot of time to chill with folks as I would have liked, I can never seem to find enough time even though I was only working concerts for a few hours probably. Friday was a ridiculous day though. Part of my problem was that my hotel was pushed to another hotel which, while not far away, was a bit of a drag because it was a bit of a pain in the ass to go refill my flask or just... lay down for 20 minutes. Overall, I had fun, hopefully next year I can balance chillin' out with all the jamming I wanna do and the concert stream soundboard (looks like we have another person on the stream-team for that purpose so it doesn't have to be 36 hours of concerts divided between two people) <3
  20. 1. Nutritious 2. Garpocalypse 3. TheShaggyFreak
  21. I haven't done jack since a couple of weeks ago as I stopped sleeping well and got sick. GUH. Workin on it.
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