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Sole Signal

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Everything posted by Sole Signal

  1. Actually, it's "Hey Einstein, I'm on YOUR side!" Sorry, just felt the need to correct that. Also Slippy's "YipppEEE! You did it!"
  2. Yes and yes. Digital and physical copies will be available.
  3. Never had any real training. I took Music Theory 161 two years ago Pass/Fail but that's it. Kinda taught myself piano but I'm not "good" by any means. It's really because I went the sports route in middle and high school; didn't really think music lessons would help me in life at all. Oops.
  4. Fruity Mute 2 on master channel in mixer. It's a really handy tool if you want to create interesting stutter effects. Protip: Put a delay effect on after it with the ping pong stereo effect for cool sounds.
  5. I was initially going to release this on my upcoming album, but decided against it. As such, I'm releasing it for free download. www.audixmusic.com/secret/audix_StarWarsMagnusVir.mp3 Enjoy.
  6. Eh, that style doesn't fit well with the rest in the album. Maybe I'll find a spot for it in the future. Cool, GT. Just let me know! EDIT: Subz, hopefully within the next month and a half or so.
  7. Album Preview Finally! My first album release is nearing completion. I've got a four minute preview featuring a few of the tracks that you can check out here, with tentative titles: www.audixmusic.com/secret/audix_albumDemo.mp3 Don't worry, there are more tracks than these in the final release. It'll be an 11 or 12 track album. :01 - :40 - "Visions" :41 - 1:10 - "Metropolis" 1:12 - 1:31 - "Lockdown" 1:34 - 1:56 - "Mystique" 1:58 - 2:22 - "Pirates of the Caribbean Remix" 2:24 - 2:51 - "Untitled" 2:53 - 3:52 - "White Rain" Star Wars Remix Also, after much deliberation, I decided to release my newest remix for free, an orchestral trance mix of several Star Wars themes titled "Star Wars Magnus Vir." You can download it here: www.audixmusic.com/secret/audix_StarWarsMagnusVir.mp3 Mailing List Signup And finally, a mailing list signup link to stay updated on this album and other projects (remixes, free original tracks, etc): http://www.audixmusic.com/documents/mailinglist.html Thanks guys! I'll keep this thread updated as the album nears release!
  8. So far: "White Rain" in Techno/Club/Dance "Magnus Vir (Star Wars remix) in Cover Bands And working on another at the moment for DJ/Beats. Interesting, we've got 4 OCR people in the top 20 in Techno right now.
  9. Yeah, I'd like to chime in with my thanks as well. It was definitely reassuring going into the last hour of the finals knowing all the people that were behind us. It wasn't to be this time, but that doesn't diminish the community's contribution at all. I'll probably be in a couple categories this month again, we'll see. I'm hitting a wall cause' I don't want to show off too many of my album tracks yet. Look for an album preview soon.
  10. Finally... I did Rising Impact "by far," by the way. Thanks for all the votes guys, looking good for a late push!
  11. Some genres just always seem to take a beating in the finals. Through about 215 battles so far, a few tracks I'm liking are "The Traveler," "Something Like That," "The Plunge," and "Velvet Skies."
  12. Nice, we need more dnb remixes around here. Don't have time to break this down properly for now, but I like the sounds used for the most part. Beats sound crisp and clean. The background chimes doing the main Zeal riff seem a little on the generic side. Maybe try dirtying them up with some glitch or stutters, might sound cool. Arrangement wise, the main Zeal riff gets a little stale after a while, and a few of the bass note choices seem a little suspect. Might just be me, though. Overall though, cool mix, nice production, maybe try some unique instrumentation (esp for the main riff) to make it your own.
  13. Thanks man (men), appreciate that a lot. Again, I'm making my push for Rising Impact, so if you get a Rising Impact vs. Stylized Chase matchup and can't decide, go with the former. Good luck Jill!
  14. Thanks for all the votes guys! OCR three months in a row sounds good to me.
  15. Make that Audix +1. Got a buddy who's coming along. Hopefully buying tix on June 16 is enough in advance; I would think it would be.
  16. Whenever anyone submits a mix, they have the opportunity to request that a link to the mix be included in the judges decision post in the case that it is rejected. As you've noticed, however, most people don't do this. You'll probably have to ask the remixer directly in those cases. Hope this helps!
  17. Thanks! Yeah, I would have voted higher for that track but it's just like a 20 second loop for 2 1/2 minutes, no thanks. "String Theory" is really the only other one I like in the category. I hope this works out, I'd really like to see Rising Impact make the finals.
  18. I like it. I'm curious as to what search terms you used to come up with that stock image. Anyway, pixie's looking good, been sitting at #1 all day. I hate to pander for votes, but it's such an easy round to vote in and I could use a little more help. Thanks to all who have voted so far!
  19. I'd really appreciate votes for both my tracks in the semis: "Rising Impact" in DJ/Beats and "Stylized Chase" in Electronic/Electro-pop If you only have time to vote in one of these channels for me, go for the "Rising Impact" one. Thanks guys!
  20. Thanks for all the votes guys! Looks like I'm safe for this round, but I'd appreciate your votes again in the semis! Still time to help Jill out with Winds of Change! EDIT: "Fasten Seatbelt Mix" is still in. What the heck?!
  21. Just got a somewhat generic message from Daniel Palmer, which didn't reference the copyright issue that I described to him at all. The track's still up too, so I dunno.
  22. "Studio quality" headphones aren't necessarily supposed to sound "good," but "accurate." The last thing you want while mixing tracks is an over-emphasized bass response. Sounds like you just want a nice pair of headphones for listening to music, in which case you'll probably be fine just picking up a pair in the price range you said at Best Buy or maybe even Wal-mart. Sorry, I can't recommend a specific pair cause' my ATH-M40fs is really all I've used and that's way over your price range (not to mention a flat response curve, so no added bass at all).
  23. I'm sure bgc won't mind at all; he'll probably be relieved. I'd say you're good with setting up the paypal account and making plans, but just check with him to be sure.
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