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Sole Signal

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Everything posted by Sole Signal

  1. I'm a big fan. Oh, music's pretty good, too.
  2. Updated my Bowser mix on the project forums...loving the intro a lot more now.
  3. For the Pirates of the Caribbean remix that I did on my album, I contacted Disney to set up the licensing issues. It was relatively "easy," actually. They drew up the contract and sent it to me, I signed two copies and sent it back with a check. Contacting Klaus Badelt (or Zimmer) probably wouldn't have gotten me anywhere.
  4. Good luck all! I dropped from 7th to 33rd on the last day.
  5. I have a hard time watching and cheering for "judged" sports in general. There's just too much frustration involved when your score is based on judges who are easily swayed. I like how the new gymnastics scoring system seems to help to curb that a bit, but it's still not perfect by any means. I also saw rhythmic gymnastics for the first time today...wow, if there's anything that should not be a sport...
  6. I bought the Orange Box a year or so ago, and still have not played a single match of TF2. Take it easy on me if you see me pop in a match here pretty soon.
  7. Nah, all I'm saying by the Smash Brothers soundtrack reference is that it sounds like stuff I've heard many times before as these franchises like to repackage newly produced versions of their old familiar melodies (smash brothers especially, fzero games, zelda, mario kart). This is all beside the point, of course. Just because it doesn't necessarily appeal to me doesn't mean others won't enjoy it. Great musicianship, I'd love to see a live recording session.
  8. As covers, they are quality pieces of work. I dunno, I guess I just couldn't get over the feeling that I was just listening to the originals with sound upgrades (i.e. kinda like listening to a Smash Brothers soundtrack). At any rate, I wish the creators the best of luck with the project and as with Larry, hope it's fully licensed.
  9. ...and they're charging for this?
  10. Wow, how did I miss this? Ridiculously good. Props man.
  11. Lots of soundfont banks have this kind of sound. Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure the Unison and Aspirin banks have an orchestral hit patch that sounds like this.
  12. Hey guys, I'm working on a Top 5 list video here and I'm in need of some good quality (pro) vocal samples of one person saying 5...4...3...2...1... Help would be great!
  13. I'm slightly jealous that you all who pre-ordered are going to get your copies before I do.
  14. Awesome! Thanks.
  15. Agreed. His work with the Pirates soundtracks was just awesome. Bombastic orchestral with strong memorable melodies? I love it.
  16. Thanks for the comments! Physical copies will be sent out within the next few days so act now if you want yours to be in the first batch shipped.
  17. He's 2 for 2 so far. He already gold medaled the two toughest events he had to swim and is favored for the final 6 events he's in. Pretty cool.
  18. US swimming is awesome, but Phelps was the lead man in the relay.
  19. HOLY CRAP that relay race was amazing. Take that France.
  20. Haha, wow. Love sports, love the Olympics, and it's gonna be hard to get anything done with them on for the next two weeks.
  21. Agreed. I'd say DKC3 is probably my favorite of the three. And yes, the DKC3 soundtrack is way overlooked. I need to finish my Treetop Tumble mix.
  22. Huge fan of all three DKC games. Music, controls, level design--all were stellar.
  23. QFT. Apparently the index is at 94 right now (with a level of 100 being unfit for children and the elderly).
  24. Thanks, that was def my inspiration. What I love about this mix is how well our separate sections blended together. Basically, each of us took our own section and developed it separately from the others (except for the outro section, which all three of us worked on).
  25. Hm, short of sending a check to sgx, I'm not sure how else we could swing that. Wish I could just tell you that you could just run over to Wal-Mart and pick it up. Thoughts Danny?
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