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Sole Signal

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Everything posted by Sole Signal

  1. My thoughts exactly. I haven't said anything about being involved with OCR at all at ourstage. But enough, more voting now guys.
  2. I think I could get darn close, and would certainly have a good chance of it. Listen to say, "Visions" or "Rising Impact" and compare it to the other tracks in that same genre that month. I'm biased of course, but I feel that they "deserved" to win their channels. Heck, I even told OCR not to vote for "Stylized Chase" compared to "Rising Impact" in the finals and it still finished 14th out of 47th overall. I think you're underestimating the quality of the music that OCR puts out. If you were in this spot, we'd be voting for you too. Because you're not making it into the quarters? If you're thinking that we're asking our fans to go through hundreds and hundreds of battles in the prelims to make sure we make it into the quarters, that's just crazy. You say that you've come across your track after about 100 battles; that's 100 battles more than I've ever done in the prelims and I've certainly never asked anyone to help me with that. Hey now. But yes, more votes people.
  3. ChickenWarlord is right on. Making the quarterfinals is very tough; you have to have a legitimately good track to even have a chance at making it. Also, my three genre wins over the past two months ended up with around 10,000 song plays each. Optimistically, how many of those were OCR votes do you think? 1,000? 700? Sure, the OCR votes help but the majority of the votes are from "unbiased" fans who are running up the spots of their own favorite artists.
  4. You've still got two hours, man. The standings can change drastically in that amount of time, you'll learn quickly.
  5. Well, the system works well in determining the quarterfinalists (top 20 in each genre). That's extremely hard to game. Also, I'd venture to say that a fan who is voting "by far" for their favorite artist regardless of who they are paired up against is still voting in the other battles fairly. Seeing that each artist (probably) has fans who are doing the same thing, it all evens out.
  6. Very interesting to see Sony addressing the "risk factors" in their annual report so directly. I glanced through some of their past annual reports and noticed an interesting trend in their Game division strategy…(bold emphasis mine) In 2005 hopes are high and it details their strategy… In 2006, ostensibly after noting the Wii’s success, and thinking that a change of strategy might be in order … In 2007, after realizing that things aren’t going so great, and realizing that they have cash to be made elsewhere… Yep, the “accelerating market penetration for the PS3” has been relegated to dependent clause status, behind pushing for the growth of PS2. Check out these stats on Sony sales for the past year, both hardware and software: Worldwide hardware unit sales: PS2: 14.71 million units PSP: 9.53 million units PS3: 3.61 million units Worldwide software unit sales: PS2: 193.5 million units PSP: 54.7 million units PS3: 13.3 million units Obviously not going the way they hoped....
  7. Pretty cool stuff, though it kinda reminded me more of Blast Corps than Goldeneye. I know that the riff at 2:02 is prominently featured in one of the Blast Corps levels. Good quality strings in the opening, the bongo work is good stuff, and the beat is cool. It gets a little repetitive near the end with the sustained notes and not much variation. For a first mix this is great!
  8. SGX also has "But Underneath all That" in Experimental.
  9. I'm putting together a veterans tribute video for my church, with interviews, war clips and such. I probably won't have enough time to put together some tracks to use for background music, and I was wondering if anyone here has fairly "high-quality" military-style tracks lying around that aren't doing any good just sitting on their hard drive. I can't offer payment, and can only offer a small line crediting your work (the music will most likely not be forefront but rather just filling up the space.) The video will be shown at a continuous running booth at the local county fair, with upwards of 100,000 people potentially walking past the presentation. Either drop a note here or PM me if you're interested in helping with this. Thanks!
  10. Need music?
  11. Thanks guys! It's great to see people appreciate tracks that I've put a lot of time into and just "get" what I was trying to convey. I think I speak for all remixers when I say that well written reviews with specific examples of parts they enjoyed (like Apollyon's) are especially rewarding to read. Now to the next project...
  12. You sir, are organized. Here's my plan so you can fill out the checksheet. Buddy and I are going to be driving down early, probably getting there around 4 or so, then either hanging out at the hotel and meeting OCR folk or helping out at VGLive. We'll both be buying black OCR t-shirts, and going to see Dark Knight.
  13. +$208 to ifirit's account bgc, tweek, and myself +1 just paid. Let's go stragglers!
  14. Read the info. Just....wow. http://www.youtube.com/user/FreakinDeath
  15. That's not plagiarization at all, as long as you credit it correctly. Claiming that you made the music is. I'm happy to come across videos that use my tracks as background music. I'm not so happy to see my hard work claimed as someone else's.
  16. I agree, mostly. I wasn't saying that we should ignore it at all. I was hoping to get at least a few comments on the page from OCR folk where he stole my track; after reading several of the posts in this thread already I just didn't want it going overboard. By all means, flame away within reason.
  17. Good to see he's still active with posting his latest pieces of work. I wonder what's taking him so long; three plagiarized tracks in eight months? He really needs to pick up his game.
  18. My brother came across this the other day and said it sounded familiar, which it does (being mine). I really don't care, aside from the usual annoyance I have with anyone who claims things as their own. I just don't get how anyone could do this. I'm posting this more out of sheer amazement at this guy's stupidity than anything else, not calling for an all out war on him by any means. Anyway, check out the great dialogue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ8mnCCbMQU&feature=related sasuke2277 hey where did you get it FreakinDeath I did it and more... FreakinDeath If you people don't recognize t, remember those old days when we fought bowser in super mario 64 XD during the lair, and te battle, I couldn't resit to make my own remix, hope ya like it blee3ee What's the actual name of the song? I'm looking for piano chords/notes or tabs. Thanks. FreakinDeath I did it... (once again) and I don't have any tabs of this song, I will post them after And finally, watch out OCRemixers... Mikinthy Wow, that was awesome!!! FreakinDeath wow thanks, I plan on uploading varios of my songs from different videogames keep in tune
  19. Love it. I'm a big fan of LP, though I don't know if it sounds that similar. Great work guys!
  20. It's on the list of things to finish up. Right now the album takes precedence. Also, I've got a Chrono Trigger mix that will (hopefully) be posted one of these days. That should motivate me to get another song in the que.
  21. Great work on the hotel info, ifirit. I'm good with any of those hotels, though that Museum one seems like it could get kinda pricey when you consider everything. Anyway, I'll be sending my cash this weekend for ifirit; it's the last weekend we have, guys. You don't want to miss this!
  22. lol marketing scheme Congrats on the sales man!
  23. Slight bump. Great to see the interest, guys.
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