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Sole Signal

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Everything posted by Sole Signal

  1. Pretty cool so far. I don't really care for how the beat and guitars started all off a sudden. Maybe just starting the track out with some "simple" drum stutters would help a lot to transition it to the harder section. I can just hear a swelling french horn before the hit, too. Nice production, sounds great now.
  2. Haha this is awesome. It's scary how well the source fits in this style. Sounds like you know what you're doing productionally, hard to pick out any spot that could really use some work. I'll definitely be following this for updates, nice job so far!
  3. Really? I took that one as a gimme. Of course, I got only nine so what do I know.
  4. 18% here too. I got 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 24, and 45. Didn't recognize a single one other than these 9.
  5. I'm really curious as to how Gecko is coming along with my request. Good luck is all I have to say with that one.
  6. If you're a registered user, there is now a post on the FL forums about fixing corrupt .flps. I haven't tried it, so I dunno if it will work, but it's worth a shot. http://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?t=8771
  7. One of my favorites sources ever, and this mix does it justice. Great track.
  8. Alright, just posted the finished song as a streaming link at vgmix: http://www.vgmix.com/members/271/audio.php Again, thanks to Tweek for the great acoustic guitar work. No download until (if) it gets on the front page of OCR. However, I do reserve the right to change my mind on this issue.
  9. This is great, love the intro ethnic beat. Maybe tone back on the reverb a bit and play with the stereo separation some; it gets a little muddy and busy at parts. Really awesome start though, :30 sounds like something straight out of a movie (and I mean that in a good way.)
  10. Thanks guys, this is completed (exactly 5 minutes long) and submitted as "Day's End," with some new acoustic guitar work by Tweek. Maybe I'll post a quick new preview here later to give you a taste of the full-blown orchestral parts.
  11. Thank you sir, glad you like it. Hopefully I can get around to adding more soon.
  12. Oops, sorry, I should have read that. Anyway, here's my first WIP for Donkey Kong Country 3 - "Cavern Caprice," as requested by Another Soundscape. www.audixmusic.com/audix_cavern.mp3 I'm hoping to hit up Fishy or Sixto for some electric guitar work later if they're interested (to replace/supplement the crunch guitar and the lead at :36).
  13. Aw man, I'll make it up to you. Maybe. Also, Rama, I've got a WIP for Cavern Caprice (professor didn't show up for one class), so I just submit it here?
  14. Great track, love the intro especially. Was :40 with the spacey background synth influenced by Pendulum's "Granite"? Superb the whole way through.
  15. Hm, let's see, I have Aqueous Transgression waiting to be posted and another new submission waiting to be queued...I'm sure we can work something out if you know what I mean. But yeah, that Treasure Master is just a tad too much for me to tackle at the moment. Great source though, I gave it a listen and enjoyed it. Mark me down for Cavern Caprice.
  16. Sorry, never got a PM so I kinda forgot about this. I'm not entirely sure how this re-roll thing works, but I'd certainly be interested in taking this one instead (played a TON of DKC3 when I was younger): Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble: Cavern Caprice
  17. Awesome stuff. Don't know the original at all, but this rocks. Snare sounds a little strange, almost distant. Might be a stylistic choice though, judging from the rest of the track.
  18. Very cool. Nice clean mix, with esp good bass work.
  19. Okay, this story ends with me buying this card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150275 Thanks everyone for the help (mostly convincing me to pay a little more for something that will last me much longer).
  20. Sure, go for it. Definitely interested in hearing the final product.
  21. No, actually the last thing that Pats deserved was to win. It'd just be another talking point for their inflated egos and the media's Brady man-crushes. Remember when the Pats ran up the score on everyone any chance they had during the regular season? Going for the end zone instead of kneeling with 20 seconds left on the clock and up big? Yeah, it all came back to bite them. Awesome.
  22. Belichick has NO class. I'm glad he lost. AMAZING game.
  23. Game: Ken Griffey Jr.'s Major League Baseball Song: Play Ball! (track 02 on the soundtrack) SPC: http://snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php?profile=set&selected=1373 This track would be a heck of a challenge (haven't been able to find a midi anywhere), but it'd be worth it.
  24. Hey man, good to see you around here. Also, I can promise a good WIP after a month, but not a finished song. Don't know if that automatically disqualifies me or anything.
  25. Eh, sure. I'll be adding tracks to it soon. http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Audix
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