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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I agree that the only real issues with this track are generally plain sounding samples and a few production weaknesses; the arrangement itself is really strong, reminds me of some late 70's prog rock like Yes or Kansas, but synthed. This is a concept I fully support. I am hearing a lot of expression in the guitar lead, but the attack it has inherently is really distracting. I don't know what to say besides get a better sample, since I think a live player would ruin the theme of this mix (and this is possibly the only time i've ever said that a synth guitar would be more appropriate than a real one). The other judges pretty much covered the other issues; the snare could be bigger, and things could be a little more defined, but it all seems to be little details that add up. no, please resubmit
  2. it's just Kyle hitting refresh for the past 4 months.
  3. It's awesome to see you gys as excited for this as I am! Thank you! We got a track-by-track review from Higher Plain Music! Check it out for an idea of what to expect! http://highermusic.wordpress.com/
  4. The style you're going for definitely works, but the execution in both arrangement and production is a little too weak to make it across the finish line just yet. The piano came in a little too strong for a backing element at the beginning; when the synths came in, it didn't feel dynamic at all, it was just background noise, when it should have been the reverse. Also, as the other judges mentioned, the drums seem to be run through a frequency tube of some sort, with very little if any highs or lows present. The inner section I thought was awesome musically, but was far too liberal, even for me. There needs to be a stronger connection to the source there. There were hints of it, and that's good, but it needs to be more dominant. For a first go around with reason, this is pretty good stuff, so don't get discouraged, but it does need some work to get posted. no
  5. You certainly have. I've been going over the project a lot recently to get everything ready, and I really am amazed at how ridiculously good the whole thing is. At the same time, I also can't help but think of how ridiculously smooth Lando was. He makes me believe in the power of colt 45.
  6. someone's siiiiinnnggiiiiingg.... at the paaaaarrtyyyyyyy.. in other FF4 related news, I finally beat the DS version this morning, it was pretty cool.
  7. lol, this thread has gotten pretty weird. I think we are all excited for release
  8. I am like a newborn mole- completely hairless and squinting in the sun.
  9. AnoSou is gonna be there! If he can do it, you can too!
  10. My new album is out today, guys! Featuring the smash single, "No Surprise"!
  11. Stevo is hookin it up- this guy knows the business!
  12. discs arrive as soon as I get them myself! I got word from the manufacturer, and they should be sent to me within the week! Then I need to pack them up and ship them out!
  13. Sorry, but I gotta agree with my colleagues here that it is really too close to the original for comfort. Combined with some of the string and percussion issues (the snare especially sounds flat and lifeless), and it just ends up being something that is a good base for a remix, but needs some more personalization and a few production improvements. no
  14. Production is decent, one of the nice things about chippy stuff like this is that everything is so clean, you can do some crazy arrangement stuff, and with this track, Will doesn't disappoint. Great panning, stutters, and all kinds of other tomfoolery. Nice and peppy source, and though some of the sound quality is a bit weak (specifically that bass for me), it's still carried by a strong but loyal arrangement and some cool processing ideas. No reason to not give this a yes
  15. I agree with my fellow judges that some more highend is needed here, and that it is sounding a bit lofi and needs some shimmer and sizzle. I can get where you are coming from with the prominent woodwinds at the end, but really, they come in way too abruptly for it to really feel like a natural transition. I gotta second Larry and suggest you swap them out. I thought the gliding synth lead was beautiful, and there was a lot to like about this, but the production high end was too subdued- check out some of bLiNd's stuff as a comparison and you'll see what I mean. sounding close, but not quite there. no, please resub
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_World_Championships THe image AnoSou posted is a screencap from this cheesey video clip: Scaredsim has done some pretty hilarious photoshops for that image- maybe he will post some.
  17. To help commemorate the release of OCR's 14th album, Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption, We are going to be throwing an IRC listening party! Here's the INFO!! WHEN SATURDAY JULY 18, 9PM EST WHERE Channel #OCRFF4 on irc.enterthegame.com http://www.ocremix.org/info/Chat WHY Because album releases are more fun with others commenting on stuff, and there will be some other fun activities, including trivia for FABULOUS PRIZES!
  18. ooooshii Something hugely important came up, and we are going to have to reschedule the listening party AGAIN back to SATURDAY NIGHT at 9PM EST.
  19. You should send a WIP now. I don't really care what your source is if there isn't anything to compare it to.
  20. Great stuff, tracks like this, AeroZ, Willrock, and some of AnoSou's stuff make me think we are seeing the beginning of a new OCR chip renaissance, and that sounds pretty good to me. Nice sounds and a great mood, like the game boy traveled to the future! This is like a modern take on old-school OCR; great arrangement ideas throughout. Highly recommended.
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