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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Creative and varied- some really fun synths and different styles, even without super huge transitions, it works well. Arrangement is so great, it's just really fun and free spirited, and it is definitely going on my playlist.
  2. Good stuff, a great room sound and a nice feel. Drums could have come down a bit in volume and it'd have been perfect, but this is really enjoyable.
  3. Pretty great stuff, this yard be rockin- nice work Brad (and the assist from Andy). Good sax playing, some nice fills, and a lot of variation. The panning was cool, as I'm a fan of dueling saxes, and it let you layer on all kinds of craziness without things getting smashed together. Great harmonies too. I'm excited to hear more. Maybe we could collab and have *real* dueling saxes. I'm sure you are dying to do another track with someone else.
  4. Lovely work- i'm very happy you stuck it out on this one- It's a very classy arrangement of an incredible theme, and I'd love to hear more of your arrangements. I really loved the ending, it was handled really well.
  5. Great textures, and I really like the smaller details, like the layered synths, the wah guitar bits, and that kettle drum roll. I wish there were some massive sections where the track really opened up, especially at the end; I think a huge ending would have been more exciting than the way it sort of faded out. Despite this, it worked out really well, and remained intelligent and sophisticated throughout. I'd have never heard this soundtrack if it wasn't for your remix, so thank you.
  6. Exceptionally brave and ambitious, and not only works, but works really well. I seriously thought that the mp3 was messed up or that my computer was melting down at the beginning, and then when it go more and more rhythmic and led into the song... This super creative and well put-together.
  7. i think mountain dew is almost as gross as the shut-ins who play MMOs.
  8. I happily update tracks that end up being below the bar where production is concerned, as that only makes the track better. If I happen to do a song where the arrangement doesn't fit OCR right, that's fine too; as Doug 'n friendz run a perfectly awesome site that will host game tracks. I've had a few that were basically covers, and a few that were a little too out there, and they have a lovely home now, even though they don't fit the goals of OCR. It's a beautiful world we live in.
  9. Damn, I wish this was longer, because it's so good. After it stopped I could hear where i'd have taken it next, but I'd like to hear what Pascal would have done. The way it's arrange, i'm really surprised the source is so short, because it doesn't feel stretched out at all. Amazing work, you need to get more mixes up in here.
  10. I was an actual 14 year old mall rat and watched the filming of Mall Rats for the entire summer they were there. My sister was an extra.
  11. Scaredsim and I are doing a collab on Lufia 1 town theme.
  12. Just a bump letting you guys know i enjoyed the show. The drinking game was fun, but I was too sick to go on after about 25 min. Nice work Larry. )
  13. Nice work on this one; it doesn't have the crazy cool tricks that later BGC tracks have, but there are plenty of twists and turns, and even the vocal clip worked out pretty well. Great layering, cool rhythms, and solid transitions. Recommended.
  14. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the nice comments. Good to know there are so many Lufia fans out there!
  15. Really really nice- beautiful swells and a great atmosphere. Some of the transitions were well thought out, but not 100% executed cleanly, but it's a fantastic piece regardless. The arrangement itself is pretty subtle, but definitely lends a lot of emotion to the original. Strongly Recommended.
  16. + Cool melody, and the rain SFX got me into the zombie escaping mood. The melody is really lightheartedly arranged, and is a fun surprise. I would normally hear this track as driving metal, but this is bouncing and peppy. - That snare is a little too piercing for me, and the cymbals sound pretty bad. The constant screams are also annoying. If it wasn't for the screams, i'd totally dig this one, NoppZ really made something cool, and while I can respect his vision for constant terror, i'd listen to it a lot more without the screams. Check it out for yourself and see how you like it.
  17. Cool lofi intro- the attack on the sax/violin thing is a little weird, but it draws me in wondering what the heck is going on, and by then, the song kicks into full gear. Tons o energy, and pretty good, if dated sounding synths. Rockin and a great original theme.
  18. It's a song played in a completely empty marble hall! Somehow it works though, and i'm groovin to it. Nice builds and some creative sounds used. I also certainly wouldn't think trance while playing Ultima Online, but it fits the genre, and I think the arrangement is great. I do wish at least a few elements would be further forward, but I'd guess that 6 years after the fact, it won't be happening anytime soon. Good stuff.
  19. Nice intro, and i was feelin' the sound of this overall. The trumpet was pretty weak, some intonation and breath support issues there, but otherwise, the rest was awesome. Nice harmonica, and though the production wasn't pristine, the same room sound made it feel really live. Short and sweet.
  20. i didn't first hear his track until the project was mostly done. i love that song though
  21. There's lot of weird and distracting production on this one, and it leaves me a little torn. The guitar sounds pretty good as an intro, but flat soundwise. It's one of those sounds that is great to use as an intro before the actual sound comes in to me. Once you add the beats and the first iteration or two of the chiptune melody, and i'm digging it decently enough, but it develops so slooowly that I quickly lose interest, even though there is a lot going on to attract me. ADHD maybe? If it developed faster it'd be a lot more interesting I think, or even had the B section appear sooner. The section with the panning glitches was my favorite, that was classy. Overall there's a lot to like about this, but it's too poorly produced for me personally to truly love it. Sorry dude.
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