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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I'll be honest and say I didn't really think too much of the source track for this game (sorry guys ), but this remix really rocks my socks. Some very creative transitions, panning, and rhythmic adjustments. The vocal clip was chopped and arranged really well, and I loved the solo. Great work all around.
  2. pretty nice stuff, while the sections themselves has some good distinction, I felt that the dynamics within each part stayed a little too flat. The arrangement itself was great, and really carries the track. I loved a lot of the harmonies and triplet section was really well done. I can see why a lot of the judges were torn on it, though, so be sure to take their criticisms to heart and kick it up even higher on the production end for your next sub. I'm very glad this one passed.
  3. i'm so happy that Brian and Cliff redid this one. It was good initially, but fixing the small bits made it great. Highly recommended.
  4. There are some definitely cool ideas here, but a lot of the production is really strange. The dude in the beginning vocal clip was right when he said to turn down the treble. Some of the notes in that early synth were rough, and then the sawmill static feedback was excruciating. Arrangement-wise, there were some cool additions that really kicked up the rhythmic aspect of the tracks, and I dig that a whole lot, but I think some sections added with more of the melodic aspects of the mixes would make this feel stronger and more expanded upon. This could make it, but it's going to need a little more work. I suggest hitting the WIP forums, or possibly checking in with a judge 1-on-1 to get this tightened up, because there are some good ideas here, it just needs a stronger execution. no
  5. I agree with Vinnie here that there is an overall pleasant vibe, and some good ideas, but as a whole, I think it needs refinement in both production and arrangement. The ideas you are using are good, but they seem too spread out, where you'd have a complete repetition of the theme (or sometimes two), and then a single element would be added. This makes it feel plodding, and really, a lot of it could be truncated to keep the theme fresher. Production is a mixed bag- I was feeling some of the synths, despite them being lofi, but as a whole, it needs a bit more zazz. I think soem hifi pads, some effects, and some stronger drums would make this a lot stronger. It has some potential as an arrangement, but just needs some more work. no
  6. This is much improved. All the instruments in the straight up orchestra sections sit better, the performances are more natural, and the quality throughout is much more consistent. Thanks for taking a second look at this, it's much stronger. yes
  7. It started out strong enough, though I question the inclusion of the segment i'll refer to as "omg lazorz pew pew". It seems more irritating than awesome, to be totally honest. It could be the volume, it could be the non-connection to the source, i'm not sure. I think it's that it goes from harp and some pads and saws straight to teh lazorz. Like the source was just an intro to them. I didn't hate it's inclusion near as much the second time through, where it felt more like an awesome breakdown, rather than the main hook. I think just positioning it in the song's flow better would warm me up to it. There is enough energy and drive throughout, and production is above the bar, though some of the levels could be a bit more balanced, as some of the highs get a bit much in some areas. There is attention to detail in making the main source segment fresh enough throughout, and some really cool uses of it. I think if this was edited down a bit, this would be a pass for me. no, please resub
  8. I I think this is really charming. The atmosphere is great, and for a handheld recorder there is a nostalgic, warm sound to everything. Arrangementwise, there is enough dominant source, and plenty of interpretation. Some nice solos (your bari player is a monster), and everything clicks. The drum solo was a little bit self-indulgent, but I can dig it. Overall nice work by everyone, this is great. yes
  9. * Your ReMixer name : Hemophiliac * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=4862 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged : Donkey Kong Country 2 * Name of individual song(s) arranged : Lockjaw's Saga * Your own comments about the mix: For this remix, I was heavily inspired by a track from the anime Gurren Lagann called "Baf baf! Sonna ni moeru no ga...Suki kai?" I used a similar style and structure to the piece. Orchestral opening building to a break into a gated synth/more percussion driven section. Along with my own flavors added piano and orchestral based percussion rather then electronic based. Getting some of the parts to work right really had me pulling my hair out at times. Enjoy. old ruling: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23691
  10. thanks for releasing the songs, Joe. I'm sorry that the project didn't work out like you wanted. There are some really good songs on here. Girlz Melon is the winner I think.
  11. A lot of the sounds are definitely similar to the original, but I am hearing a lot of expansion in different parts, with original melodies, counterpoint, and rhythms. Combining new production ideas (those pans are a simple change, but well executed, great hook there), and some really good original ideas that bring the funk while staying true to the source. The structure is somewhat similar, but definitely not 1-1, with a few sections that expand on the groove while doing it's own thing melodically, a well done solo with a cool homage, and some cool breaks. This moves beyond cover territory i think. Production-wise, some sections get a little cluttered, but a solid foundation is in place, and even when it gets tight, you can still hear the different parts clearly. I think this could have been cleaned up by toning down some of the delay and reverb on a few select instruments, but i would say production is above the bar. yes
  12. I'm definitely feeling this, and props for taking an 18 second song and really squeezing a lot of goodness out of it, but I agree that it does get a little repetitive. I guess that is part of it's charm, as I definitely feel lulled into a sortof trance listening to it, and it has a distinctly timeless feel to it, but it feels that once you get the song built up, it stays on autopilot for the remainder of the track. I think the best way to remedy this without destroying the mood you've set up would be to add a few breaks where you had a deceptive cadence change up the chord structure for a moment, held the note, and then went back into the main melody would be enough for me to really feel that some sort of progression was occurring in the arrangement. Anything, really to change things up and add a little bit of differentiation to the structure. Production was solid and sequencing was pretty natural, no issues there at all. Overall this is super close, it just hits autopilot. no, resub
  13. Starts out really well produced, though the sax is a bit close sounding, but once the vocals come in, they are almost indecipherable because of a lot of clashing effects added. I'm not sure on the reasoning there, but combining pretty dry sax with vocal mush doesn't really sound good, especially when they vocals are supposed to take center stage. Mixing is pretty solid, though it gets cluttered in some parts, and some of that organ gets a bit dissonant in parts. The arrangement is cool, there is a lot of added goodness, and though some of the sax solo note choices seem strange to me, i'm always down with adding some unexpected color, and they all resolve fine. Sorry bro, but I know you can do better. You've got the skills to really rock this one out, so let's hear it. <3 no, please resub
  14. For source usage this is pretty good to go, but there are some arrangement and production issues that are holding this one back. Most noticeably are things Vinnie touched on, being the stiffness of a lot of the sequencing, and the overuse of some of the backing pads, making things seem a lot more repetitive than they actually are. I suggest finding either a different pad for certain sections, or maybe piano backing chords. On the mechanical front, velocities are really similar throughout; you'll need to mix them up in a more natural manner. Humanizing some of the tracks would be really helpful too, though depending on what software you are using, that could be as easy as pressing the humanize button, or as difficult as moving each note around. The main culprits here are the guitar and piano, and though the samples aren't jaw-droppingly amazing, if they were properly humanized, they'd suffice I think. This has some great ideas in it, and the different source tracks work very well together. this mix shows some great promise, but the execution isn't quite there. Getting advice from Taucer is a good start, perhaps you could take this to the WIP forum and see if any mixers who focus on primarily synthetic tracks could help you take this to the next level. no
  15. Here is what I am hearing in this for source, it may or may not be dominant enough, but this is just what's in there: 0:16-1:20 Toad house arpeggio - possibly original melody, might be modulated from dire dire docks, as the rhythm is very similar. Either way, it's not recognizable easily. 1:23-1:41 sounds similar to the B section to dire dire docks, but it's kind of a stretch, especially since the connection wasn't obviously made earlier. 1:42-2:22 Toad house arpeggio again, with some piano cameos of other themes. There was a bit of dire dire docks at 1:53 2:23-2:55 SMB3 underwater- very clear and dominant 2:56-3:16 main groove again 3:17-end toad house arpeggios again I think we should email and ask for a source breakdown, some of the linked pieces that supposedly have cameos i don't hear at all, so it's gotta be buried deeper. As is, I think it's really good but too liberal by far.
  16. Starts out with a pretty nice lush sound. I love those pads mixed with ethnic instruments, and some choir chants are nice as well. I think all the sounds chosen work well together, and production-wise, this is over the bar. It wasn't free from areas that could use improvement, however. The brass attacks were a bit samey- i think a little more velocity smoothing would have improved it, but the sound itself is well filled out. It's a nice phrase that really adds to the build without taking too much spotlight away from the original writing. The arrangement was pretty damn cool, it really suits the original theme, A+ there, IMO. The weak point was the ending, I think, it needed more of a flourish to really succeed with your intent, but as-is I think it is passable. The idea itself was great, but the execution was a little weak. I'd either have the voices continue with the crescendo, and then add the pad, or just cut the pad out all together. So, overall a lot of nit-picky issues with this one, but it can all be things to work on for your next sub, because this one works pretty darn well. yes
  17. Regardless of the mic you get, make sure you also get a popper stopper- dirt cheap and invaluable.
  18. I gotta agree with Larry on basically all fronts. I love the track a whole lot and have spent the last few hours trying to find a way to yes this, but it really is a very well done cover with lyrics. Sorry dude. no
  19. If you don't care about your phone being something to brag about, go with the pay-per-use. I end up paying about $12-15 a month, and I don't even have a land line. Just a warning, my phone was probably cool about 5 years ago. It has a camera though! I have used this feature once, because the default wallpaper was so bad.
  20. My Friends, the beats have been dropped. Super intense and a lot of great hooks packed in. Some of the high end was a little too brittle for my tastes, but overall the track was really nice. I love the counterpoint parts of the arrangement, and each listen revealed new parts, so as time went on, i liked it more. Awesome work.
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