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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. talk to larry. He not only is pro, is is also super hot.
  2. i believe the medical term is "girly bits". seems like you are more than capable enough of defending yourself, as evidenced by the carnage. I love how LT looks all business in all the shots.
  3. The new mastering sound a lot better on this, and though the arrangement itself certainly takes it's time to develop, it conveys the themes clearly and has a certain melancholy about it. There really is a lot of crazy mangling stuff in here, and I think that part at least works well, as do some of the plinky synths that get pretty rhythmic. Structure is a little weird, but as an ambient track, I think all bets are off. Not my favorite track by Shaun, (that'd go to Too Hot for Clothes) but production and arrangement are over that beloved bar. yes
  4. I am totally hearing the zelda 2 motif all over this; if it was intentional, let us know, please! It would certainly fit thematically, so hopefully that was your intent. I love the performance, you are a very expressive player. Sourcewise, unless you were also including the zelda 2 bit ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIb2GxXHduM&feature=related ), there is definitely not enough source. I'd like to hear back from the mixer on this, but as of right now, it is definitely too weak on source. no
  5. I want to go sooo bad- I need to work out logistics before I can 100% commit, and i'll try to figure it out ASAP. It's about 8.5 hours via car for me.
  6. osv theme of love theme of love for guitar duet full of courage goodbye cid... ana(pro)logue there are no angels in the skies for us rhymes with elixir metal mage almost fell for the trojan.. of fiend and man golbez 'n goblins fighting for tomorrow the might of baron OMFG! GET OUT OF THERE!! step into the light somewhere to hide the flying machine
  7. i'll be doing some minor edits to the site tonight, and i'll link up a complete mp3 + art zip.
  8. a lot of misconceptions by about 15 people tops, when the story has around 12k views. I can live with that. also, 'Eternal Vague Grudge' is an awesome remix name, and I call dibs on it. \m/
  9. Welcome to the Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption feedback and opinions thread! Feel free to leave your thoughts about this remix album here. You can download the project and read more about it here: http://ff4.ocremix.org/ Thanks to everyone who had a part in putting this album together, large or small! We hope you all enjoy it! Here is a fantastic video put together by Jose showcasing the project:
  10. totally makes sense consiering the review of Stevo's track rom originalsoundversion.com "I imagine it being used in a film during a montage where we see a bunch of burned-out teenagers laying around on floors, couches, and staircases, making a half-assed effort at trying to finish downing their beers and make out with each other."
  11. it's cool, John, no harm done. I am just as excited as you are.
  12. I've got a whole .txt file of things to add to your inevitable hate thread.
  13. Me, Kyle, and Larry talking for a long time in this interview: http://kngi.org/p=658 Also a few cool songs!
  14. ohooo one I can answer!!! ^_______^ even when songs are voted as *YES* they still aren't guaranteed to be posted until they actually are on the front page. Not posting the *YES* threads just makes it so mixers don't get all excited, only to have their hopes dashed if something comes up. TO my knowledge, it's never happened (at least not as long as i've been visiting the site), but it's still a good policy.
  15. Salluz, you are maybe the most modest dude i know. Hmm, well thinking about it, there might be one of two guys more modest, but you are sure close.
  16. Another review up! A little more mixed, but still fair! http://www.originalsoundversion.com/?p=3602 I think those wacky Scuba Divers have found the president of their fan club.
  17. Everyone of us has heard the call! Pretty damn authentic sounding, with some rocking guitar parts- this has come a long way since the WIP thread. I think the mixing was still rough, but it makes it more kvlt. I'm sure i mentioned it before, but vikings wielding katanas? I assume it's because you are fighting with your homies from Japan and you gotta make due with what's available. Struck me as weird until I put two and two together. Anyways, congrats on getting this posted, seems like a death vox explosion this past month; pretty cool. La oss skåle for Chipp and Fray!
  18. I'm going to help put this one down; it was submitted 9 months ago, and has been on the panel for 7, and it's pretty clear of what the verdict will be- at least eventually. Dylan- Great work on this one, i'm really proud of your artistic growth over the course of this track, and i'm legitimately impressed (and a little envious) by your keyboard solo skills. I never knew you had it in you. I'm sorry this one wasn't your OCR debut, but I can tell that it won't be long before you are on the front page. Jay- Thanks for jumping in and adding a ton to this, it may not be a good fit for OCR, but it is definitely a good fit for the project. no
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