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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Great arrangement, and all the sounds were really clicking for me, with the exception of that violin lead. It was a little loud and not as expressive as the rest, but seriously, this was a classy mix that made a great original track even better. Kudos
  2. Damn that violin is overly detuned- It certainly got my attention, but not really in a good way. It sounds like an especially reverbed and delayed recording of a kid just learning how to play. Things improve once the beats , synth, and piano come in, and the breakdown afterwards is good, but not super compelling. There is a deep ambience with this track, but overall I wasn't feelin it; I think that violin at the beginning colored my perception of the track too much. Sorry dude.
  3. so I heard Larry is staging a coup to take over NGI- is this true?!?!?!

  4. Damn, I didn't know they made samples this nice in 2003. Really good stuff, with nice balance and very natural phrasing. The transitions are a bit uneven- some work very well, but others seem forced and abrupt. Besides that though, everything else is quality work. Good textures, good phrasing, nice personalization.
  5. Starting with a chill epiano, I was thinking I had accidentally clicked the wrong remix- this doesn't sound like a gale force to me. Then it shifts to a catchy syncopated riff, and then has an extended cliffhanger. Big opening, and the mix is really underway. This is well produced, but really what makes this mix great is the interplay between the sections. The builds are good, and though the beats are a little standard, but workable, and the synths are great. Once it hits the end and all the themes mesh together is where the mix really shines. Fantastic stuff all around; this track made me download the .gym for Shinobi 3. Highly recommended.
  6. Dang, this mix got a ton of love early on and then nothing- what gives, people? I first heard this track at the best doujin contest at gamingforce I think a year or two back, and of course, before I started listening, I did my standard doom music eyeroll. That was before I knew it was TO, who always manages to make doom music interesting and exciting, and Bladiator, who's piano skills I have the utmost respect for. Needless to say, I was exceptionally impressed. The mix has a great driving feel and sort of juxtaposes something calm and serene with some sinister undercurrents and textures. Great modulation about 2/3 through, and a very classy ending. An exceptional mix, be sure not to miss this one.
  7. Actually, Sunday might make more sense, as the servers to get the actual files won't be as pounded; meaning more people will actually have the album. A Dilemma draws near! OA attacks with indecision! OA MISSES! A Dilemma begins casting Meteo! OA attacks with Executive decision! CRITICAL HIT! A Dilemma takes 9999 damage! A Dilemma dies! OA receives 259 exp, 78 g. A Dilemma drops a chest! OA opens the chest and receives SUNDAY LISTENING PARTY AT 6PM EST! ps. i'll be sure to save a chat log. I gotz yor back, Stevo <3
  8. Pretty nice soundscape here, with some very cool synth sounds. I really love the synth version of some ortof low sounding pan flute. It's such a cool tone! The beat is a little generic for a good chunk of the mix, but overall, this has massive textures, some good breakdowns, and the interspersed jungle bird sounds really give it an awesome feel in an otherwise synthetic backdrop. there's a lot of repetition, but it has a lot of builds and breaks, so it doesn't get too old. This is a really nice mix, and it's cool to hear SGX's debut.
  9. pleasant enough, but somewhat forgettable to me. The only thing that really sticks out to me is how I don't think the sine wav really fits. :/ Sorry dude, not really feelin this one. Good source selection, however.
  10. This has been on my playlist for years, and it's good stuff. Great epically atmospheric main section, with a cool acoustic guitar solo. Great original theme, and a nice rendition of this. Modulation was a nice touch and kept it building. This is a super good remix.
  11. what time will the panel running? I can shift our time back a little bit, though it could be argued that if you are at otakon, you have better things to do than chill on IRC. It is open to all, because I'd say a lot of these prizes will already be in most of the mixers' possession.
  12. I guess game companies call this stage 'going gold', as everything the album is totally complete. Congrats to everyone! Let's talk IRC listening party- it will be occurring on SUNDAY, JULY 19 AT 6PM EST. It will be in channel #ocrff4release, and we'll do it DoD Paragon style, where a moderator will be running it, and will announce tracks, so everyone can be commenting on the same ones. Here's an example: [18:36] OA: QUEUE: 1-05 - Ana(pro)logue (prologue) - Another Soundscape [18:36] Abadoss: this is so cool, i love IRC! [18:36] Zircon: that last track needed more cowbell lolz [18:36] OA: PLAY: 1-05 - Ana(pro)logue (prologue) - Another Soundscape [18:37] Snappleman: this song is so beautiful, i'm crying or, you know, something kindof similar to that Once it's closer to the actual date, i'll make the announcement in general, so more people can see it, because there will be some cool stuff. Like at the end of each disc, there will be trivia for prizes! This should be a lot of fun, and a good way for all us internet buddies to celebrate a job well done. I'm proud of all the mixers and people who helped make this happen, now we just need to wait for the release date!
  13. Wow, I wasn't expecting something like this at all. Pretty awesome, and runs way longer than expected. I like it
  14. Beautiful track, I love this light jazzy style, and added to a great source track, you have a winner. Great progression and some classy modulations; this really gives a great feeling, and it's varied enough that six listens later i'm still finding new things that impress me. I love the little syncopated parts in the middle section. Drums still seem to be a little loud, but everything else is really nicely balanced, and the flow of the track is good too. Excellent work, I can't wait to hear what you've got coming up next.
  15. Nice melodic shifts, it really makes a track that has been beaten into most of our heads surprising and fun. The lead could use a little more modulation and personality, but the rest of the track is great; at least up until the overly sudden ending. Some great breakdowns and detours, into something that is a bit reminiscent of the secret of mana soundtrack. This track takes the scenic route, and is really fun- check it out, you'll wish every chocobo remix was this good.
  16. There is a high pitched drone going on here, but this source song is one of my all time favorites. This remix is just an extended version of the original though, with no new additions, and a very slightly slowed tempo. I love the song and this mix a ton, but you can hear almost this exact same version on the original soundtrack.
  17. Not my style at all, but it is very well put together. I can appreciate the care that went into this one. Crazy soundscape, but very meager melody. You'll either love or hate this track.
  18. Have a good weekend, er, birthday! Keep on rocking
  19. Wow, if the artist wouldn't have said it was sequenced, i'd never have known. A super natural sounding performance, and some really great additions to the source make this one a definite keeper. Piano sound was slightly muffled, but still sounded good, just not optimal seating for the performance is all.
  20. Damn, this is really intense. Great arrangement, something crazy is always going on, and i'd never have guessed the source would sound so convincing with this style. Great pacing and performance, the only thing i'd have done differently is held the last note out a bit longer. Great stuff.
  21. oh damn. Sooo good- i love it. The panned harmonies were excellent, and the harp sounded great. Very well done.
  22. Wow, a really thought-provoking mix here- it's very well suited to telling a story, and it floats from one theme to another effortlessly. There are some great details tucked into this one, but it never comes across as cluttered. Some really nice moments throughout, and it really does tell a story. Nice work.
  23. The sample quality and pacing here makes the song pleasant enough, but a bit unmemorable. It's nice when it's going on, but once it's over it doesn't linger. I've listened a few times and had fun, but in an hour, if you'd ask me the melody, I wouldn't have any idea. The slow down at the end is classy, though. I'm sure if you've played the game, it's much better.
  24. Great sequencing throughout, it feels very vibrant and this is really how to make the most of good samples. It's a super expressive solo cello When I think of DJP's mixes, I tend to think more of a funky sound, but it's pretty obvious he's gone into a ton of different musical directions over the years. However, I don't think any were as successful as this. I think the track gets better as it goes along, as the writing gets more sophisticated, and the melodies richer, and the little ding after the cadenza was awesome. Recommended.
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