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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Better and brighter screen x100 is the main selling point, and it is pretty sleek. But really it's all about the screen.
  2. Damn, not sure how I missed this gem. This track is both intense and inspiring. Kindof at a loss for words, really. :/ Just download it.
  3. Took me a few listens to hear the original in the backing instruments beyond that intro bass solo. The source was obviously there in the lead, but the rest was really nicely disguised. I think the lead is a little too distorted for the rest of the track, but otherwise it's a pleasantly unexpected style that fits really well. Maybe not in an in-game context, but certainly it stands alone as a good song.
  4. I wish that this track had a little more punch in the percussion and bass, and i'm not really liking the rhythm guitar one, but the lead is fine. Gets a little too repetitive though, but it's nice enough. I don't really feel too strongly about it either way. I think a little more time taken to differentiate the sections and to develop it further in the second half would make it more interesting to me, rather than what sounds like just a cut and paste of the first half. it works well enough for BG music.
  5. Pretty cool stuff, I love the alterations to the track, it gives a much more tranquil feeling. Like for a moment, there wasn't a world to save and you can just experience the feeling of flight. A few minor issues, like the tempo transitions being a little abrupt, and some of the sample attacks being a little slow are pretty easily overlooked when the arrangement is this strong, and overall it's a beautiful and very original take on a great theme.
  6. I'm not loving the bass sound, but otherwise this mix is pretty awesome. I loved the breakdown section with the clean harmonics especially- beautiful and creative section. Good guitar tone and great playing, and nicely programmed drums. This mix is recommended!
  7. Interesting percussive effects on this, though one sounds like clipping, even though it's pretty obviously not. Synth was interesting, but overall I wasn't feeling this one due to the source. It just wasn't that interesting to me.
  8. Way to take a theme that i'm pretty ambivalent on and make it awesome! Great synth selection, flow, and transitions. Excellent everything. No crits on this one, just asspats. Good game.
  9. My DS is hanging on to life by a thread, so this might be a logical upgrade time for me. None of the newer features really appeal to me though, but the potential downloadable games could be cool.
  10. at this point, E, but it definitely started as A.
  11. A little compression crazy on that snare sound, but it's interesting that there are a lot of trance elements in a song that has a massive snare like that, and a more involved kick pattern as well. Pretty cool hybrid of styles on display, and though the melody doesn't really stand out much to me, the production and energy certainly does. Super cool distortion-to-nothingness effect and then having the track come back in. Good stuff, with a collab that I think worked out really well.
  12. Little heavy handed on the piano delay, and the percussion is pretty mechanical and dry, but this is a really well done mix otherwise. I really enjoyed it, great guitar tone with both the clean and leads, and a good sense of progression. Good mix of live and synth instruments, and a well captired nostalgic theme. I dig it.
  13. Mostly a sound upgrade with a few flourishes and some additional personalization, I really loved the warm piano with the record crackle effect, and throughout, the soundscape keeps changing, but always sounds cohesive, due to that bass and drums. Even the solo violin sounded decent. A pretty groovin track, even though the drums are pretty mechanical. This mix has held up pretty well, and is a good listen.
  14. A little too heavy on the repeating riff, I'd have loved to hear more organ.
  15. The synths here are pretty bad, but instead of laying down and dying, the mix pulled out all kinds of creative ideas with good panning, lots of un-traditional uses of instruments (love that crazy tambourine), and a lot of layering to get a cool sonic sound. While i'm not personally in love with this mix, I really respect the care that went into making it unique and pretty cool. The kettle drums especially are nice for driving the track.
  16. There were a few flashes of brilliance in this mix, but I felt the intro was a bit drawn out without a ton of direction. Was the intro seriously twice as long as the source section, or is it 2 themes from the game, and the first one not as recognizable? Decent background music, but doesn't really engage me that much.
  17. The intro strangely mixed and with wonky volume levels, making me feel the production of this isn't really up to par. THe opening vocal clip is annoying too. :/ The strings playing the chords also have too slow of an attack, and it's throwing me off. Once the distorted beats and synths come in, it starts to sound a lot more balanced, and I can dig that section. Vocals coming don't really fit the soundscape set up, but are decent enough otherwise. Really weird track here, i'm not sure what to really think.
  18. hehe, the loops are really piled on strong here. The melodic content is kindof buried by the phat beatz, but I guess it's fine, as it doesn't seem like as much care was put into them. Good matching the beats to the melody of the original tracks, but this one doesn't really keep my interest for long. The fadeout ending is also kindof weak. Showin' it's age, imo.
  19. There's a nice distorted bass drum to start this out; I love that sound. Actually throughout the whole mix, some sort of percussion is distorting throughout. Sometimes it gets to be almost too much, but it is always tasteful, and the care of the panning and rhythms is really good. A lot of the synths used are pretty cheesy and overly lofi, but there is so much good stuff going on in the percussion that you really won't even notice. The piano is good, and the tubular bell motif that appears a few times is completely kickass. For an old school, lo-fi mix, this is incredibly cool. My only real complaint is the terribly abrupt ending. Otherwise, this is pretty damn great. I wish mp was still around mixing. ;_;
  20. The most notable part of this mix is that great lead synth and the piano interplay, it really sells the mix. I wish the percussion was little drier in some spots so it'd have a little more impact on me, but it's still very well done. Nice flow and transitions, and I really like the semi-gated synth. None of the synths themselves sound exceptionally high fi, but they are all layered so expertly, that they sound full and they all fit. Nice mix, good job.
  21. All 4 of Hanson's uniformly excellent albums have been overshadowed by mmmbop.
  22. a little heavy on the medleyitis, but things are nicely arranged and very personalized. This is definitely more than just the tracks strung together, but some of the transitions are so flimsy. :/ The samples are very good, but more importantly, they are utilized very very well. Lots of humanization and velocity changed, some excellent partwriting that plays to the strengths of the samples, and the source tracks are all beautiful. VHD has come a long ways, even from this strong debut, so be sure to check out all of his stuff.
  23. Pretty generic rhythmically and texturally, and there's nothing specific about this mix that stands out, except for the vocal sample at the beginning, and it doesn't really stand out in a way that is complimentary. :/ Gonna pass on this one, but Rayza has some good tracks you should try out instead.
  24. Despite sounding a bit lossy, this is a pretty awesome arrangement. Good source to begin with, I always loved that track, and the arrangement of it is pretty great. Synths and piano, a cool meter, plus good percussion. Production though is pretty weak, and prevents this from being really a standout track. I'd love to hear a version with cleaner production.
  25. Not really feeling this, but it's apparent that some thought was put into making the arrangement a bit more fleshed out, with several breakdowns and some good drumwork. The guitars sounded decent, and the synth was ok, but there really wasn't a great hook for me to latch onto.
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