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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. some light clipping on my earbuds- i'd be really nervous to hear this on my home setup. :/ Arrangementwise, this is really fun, with some well chosen sounds and a good progression, complete with good transitions, though unfortunately not complete with a good ending. I appreciate the token root chord, but there's no lead up to it at all. I'm guessing you had just had enough with this one and wanted to move on to your next mix. Still a peppy and fun mix, and it'll sound good on your ipod.
  2. Some of the samples are a bit dirty, but this is a pretty capable mix. I wish a little more attention to velocity was paid, as some of the piano bits were a bit clunky, but overall this is a really nice mix and a good way to mix things up in an unexpected way (extra funny, as I try to personally rock just about everything). Synth guitar was obviously fake, but higher quality samples than i'm used to, and the only real spots it sounded off were some of the fast runs. I think part of that was again the velocity issue. Nice interpretation, as well. Some of the melodic lines went to unexpected but welcome places. The breakdown with the sax solo was very Falcom sounding, and sounded awesome. Overall this is a really nice prelude, and if the sample usage could have matched the arranging skill, this would have been perfect. As is, it's still very very strong, even considering the age. Nice work.
  3. Mark down another victory for ilp0! Great production style that's clean but still powerful (and dare I say almost a bit too high on the rms?). The arrangement here is great, and the instruments and panning are perfect. Good changes, rhythmic shifts, and all that goodness. The flow is smooth, and the middle section is a nice breath of fresh air, complete with piano runs. Extra points for the cute ending that switches up the victory theme. Classy. Good stuff, sir.
  4. Nice lead tone for sure, the harmonized parts are nice, and the changeups are good as well. I think a little more bass in most of the sections would have made things gel a bit better, but overall I was feeling this one. The blast beat is a bit lol, but I think blast beats in general are lol, so it is what it is. The wah'ed lead is a little loud too, but it's in their briefly and doesn't really detract. I'm loving the harpsichord flourishes, and though i think the kit sound is a little too raw, it still sounds good. I overlooked this one when it first came out due to not being familiar with the source, but i'm glad I finally got around to rocking; this track is excellent.
  5. Almost a little *too* packed in some sections, but this definitely has some serious power packed in! It sounds like a complete snail-trippingly fun party, with all the instruments invited. I really enjoyed the trombone and sax sparring, and the piano bits were good too. The part where the horns are playing the main melody in unison really clicked with me, and the various drum breakdowns beforehand were great too. Fun stuff with a lot of energy, even if it almost gets to be too much.
  6. I hope you have a great day, you crazy King of Sweden! <3
  7. This mix started out pretty cool, with a fade in syncopated piano line, a small build to a moving piano breakdown, and a nice chord progression- so far so good. The percussion that came in was good, but it was muddy and lost a lot of it's punch because of it. Some more separation would have really kicked it up I think. Part of the issue is the excessively distorted synth taking up a lot of the same frequencies, so it just ends up sounding messy. There is a larger breakdown which sounds really good, but some of the counterpoint has a detune on it or something, so instead of it really clicking, it just throws me off. Overall a great source, and a very well thought out arrangement, but the production brings it down. Still very enjoyable though, and I encourage people to check it out.
  8. well, i'm not sure anything can make me phear a monkey more than the monkey love mix can, but let's give it a shot... Arrangement-wise, this is damn hot, but the execution is where it falls flat. It's clear that the mixers had a strong vision here, and the sounds chosen are all perfect, but there are just a few production issues holding things back, like the levels on several elements. You guys should have taken your own advice and pumped up the volume on that lead guitar. There were a few timing issues in the rhythm playing as well, and the synth that's on the right side as well. Nothing so dealbreaking that the mix is rendered unlistenable, but it certainly does keep the mix reaching it's full potential. The vocal breakdown was even cool, which is rare praise from me. The mass of monkey soundeffects at the end started out cool, but it just ended up being excessive. Overall a good mix, but it hasn't aged well.
  9. Classy work. Solo piano and new age together with good production and a good source makes a great combination, and it's interesting to see the arrangement decisions made. This really works well at the new tempo, and in addition to being a really good stand-alone track, would also make a great title screen song for a remake. Incidentally, this source would also sound awesome as metal. I think that's just the sign of a great song. >_>
  10. Killer kick on this one which anchors the whole thing, while all kinds of high frequency madness transpires. I love the interplay between the pads and the piano, and when that beautiful gated synth comes in (awesome transition on it, btw- that was classy), the whole song picks up. The transition out of that section wasn't as smooth, but the track still works well, and the whole quiet section makes that kick feel brand new when it comes in later on. good stuff overall, nice work.
  11. The sounds used are fine, though I gotta say im in the camp of people who think the kick is a bit wimpy. My main issue with the track is that the flow is strange. It doesn't really drive, it doesn't really chill, it does a little of both. There are some cool transitions in here, and the ending is decent too, but overall I wasn't really feeling this one. Sorry dude.
  12. the soundscape is really good, and the samples are well used, with maybe the exception of the super delay pizzicato strings. There are some great effects, like the slow and subtle pitchdown of the initial bell hits, and the flute sounds good too. I think the issue with this mix not being more popular is that it would be completely amazing in game, but without a visual of some sort, it's not going to jump out , except to people who love the ambient genre in the first place. There is some good stuff here, especially the string bed changes around the halfway point. Subtle and beautiful. Not really my style out and about, but i'd be freaking out over this track if I heard it in-game.
  13. Sweet, i'm reviewing 2 great piano pieces back-to-back! There's excellent playing, and a very nice arrangement of a piece I wouldn't initially expect for solo piano, but this works exceptionally well. I especially enjoyed the light B section, right before the ending. Awesome emotive playing, especially in the right hand. I'm not sure if there should have been as much rubato at the end, but it doesn't detract at all, and it finishes off a strong mix decently enough. Great work!
  14. It starts out delicate like a flower and ends up strong like an oak. This is how piano mixes should sound. It certainly helps that the source music chosen is a pair of fantastic songs from a game that had an overall phenomenal soundtrack, but as things get more interpretative, the remix ends up stronger. I loved the rhythmic changeup after the climax. Great stuff, shame there aren't more comments on this one. Shenmue is one of the games out there that i'd never want to play, but the music is about perfect.
  15. OCR classic material. If there was ever a 'remix retrospective' for the OCR 10 year anniversary, this or DD's bubbleman mix would be required on the list. Great builds, clean production, pretty good samples that are well used, and well-chosen source music = something that lasts the test of time. Even the breakdown section with the 4 on the floor works because of the catchy bassline. Great stuff.
  16. The drums are interesting and well done, and the bass does some cool tricks, but the arrangement is really bland otherwise. Midi + excellent drums still is midi + drums. It's really old though, so I think dwelling on it is counterproductive. I'd love to hear a completely nuts version of this source though.
  17. This combination has been mixed a lot, but usually in similar styles, so it's refreshing to hear such a unique style on such a classic. Honestly, I didn't recognize the intro at all the first time I listened, and the title screen, while more recognizable, still had a huge shift in rhythm and phrasing. It's classy and cool, but also really quirky, and I think this is one of the few cases where the very popular source improves the track as a whole. Going as interpretive as this is on a lesser-known source would probably just end up sounding like an original track. The feel of this is really casual and futuristic, while being really clean as well. I could imagine this being played for an IKEA commercial or something in 20 years. The instruments are well chosen, and I like the flow. Overall a really good mix, but definitely something no one would expect.
  18. Stunningly beautiful intro. The synth that comes in afterward is a little too loud for the mood setup, at least that soon. Great drum sound, but I wish the loop was varied up a bit more early on. For being a 1xx era remix this is fantastic though, there are transitions, some creative synths, and a lot of layered percussion. The sections where the piano comes in are where it really takes off for me though. The drum and chugs added to that are extra good, awesome juxtaposition. Basically this is only rough because of it's age. If this was done nowadays, it'd be the prelude to end all preludes. Even though Mustin's opinions of late have been ridiculous (), he's right in that this is one of the top 3 preludes ever.
  19. A little dated and not much beyond a genre adaptation, but built proficiently enough to keep me interested. the builds were effective, though the one section that really needed a massive build (the change to a different source maybe?) didn't really have one. Production was clean enough that things were well defined, but lacking a bit of punch and high end clarity. Hearing his more recent work, this is definitely something he has improved on. Anyways, a good, but not amazing track. Siamey was one of the very very first dudes to help me out years back when I first started learning remixing, and i'll always appreciate that. Thanks dude.
  20. Though there are a few minor changes that would improve this overall, I think it really works as an arrangement. I've listened several times now and even though there isn't a lot of movement going on between parts, this doesn't get old. It really captures a very distinct nostalgic mood, and the textures were transcendent. I'm going to be studying this mix for quite some time to see what ideas i can steal. I'm glad this passed, even though there are a few rough edges. Awesome work.
  21. Don't worry about it, I got Nutritious to do your part because you blew me off for 3 weeks.
  22. I hear that; don't get me wrong, I think you accomplished something great. This is just critique for next time. At least you didn't release RD. XD
  23. Not to stir up dramaz, but I do tend to agree that QC seemed a little lax on a lot of the tracks. I know that things have changed a lot at OCR in the last 5 years, so it's to be expected, but the older tracks had plenty of time to get updated as the mixers improved. I know Cpac is the man, but he really should have fixed up the recently rejected Dark Corner, which I found to be downright embarrassing in spots. It's obvious that it's a super old track of his, and I can appreciate that; I have tracks that are probably a lot more recent of my own that are equally painful to listen to. But it's clear he had the time, so why not make something that really shows OCR off well to potential newcomers? I do agree that there is about 1 disc of exceptional material on here, 2 discs more of decent but possible-to-improve tracks, and 1 disc worth that definitely should have been reworked or rejected.
  24. I know Ryan could really spruce this one up nowadays, as there are some technical issues hampering the mix, but the arrangement idea is so good, it's been a favorite of mine for years despite them. My main concern is some intonation, and some tone choices, but I still love the idea of this one. Very charming, it has become dear to me. <3
  25. I have loved this mix from afar for too long. It is time that I express my love in the time-honored tradition of writing a review. In this case, maybe I'll have pizza for lunch as well. Great soundscape, the panning tremelo is a bit much on headphones, but sounds lovely on speakers. The instruments used are pretty classic Dale North, who shares my affinity with early-mid 90's pop, but adds a few surprises, most notably his excellent singing voice. The lyrics silly of course, but it adds some personality to an otherwise brief mix. The synth that comes in at the end is also great. Overall this is a fun and classic mix. Check it out if you haven't already.
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