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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Even though I love FF4, i'm sortof finding it difficult to focus on this one. THe transitions between the different themes are really abrupt, especially going into Long Way to Go. It just suddenly happened. THere are some nice parts of the mix, like the solid drum writing, and the chiptune section was decently thought out, though it had a bit of a piercing sound to it, and not much in the way of transitions, either in or out. So the pros are that the source tracks are great, and there are some creative flourishes and good drum writing, and the cons are weak transitions, and poor sound quality. Personally, i'll pass, but people should check it out and decide for themselves.
  2. Wretched synth sounds, but some cool soloing and counterpoint. There's clearly interpretation, but the GM sounds have gotta go. With updated sounds this would be a really cool mix, as there is a lot of care put into trading the lead and counterpoint parts. Sometimes the melody gets buried by all the extra parts, but it's pretty repetitive as far as the sections go, so I guess that distracts from it. Not really feeling this one, but an update to the sounds and maybe some breakdowns or something to add some freshness to the track would make this one a lot better.
  3. Loud beats are loud. Too loud. Totally breaking from my normal preferences, I kindof dug the battery vocal sample. Weird. Anyways, the way this mixed really can't let me get into it. The synths sound good, but the beats are sooo loud. Sorry dude.
  4. Nice melodic flow, the synth guitar is decent and well performed, but the sample is starting to show it's age a little. Good velocity and mod usage though, as well as delay, so it definitely holds up better than it could have. Nice and ambient flow, but still with forward momentum. The loop starts to get a little old after awhile, but there is enough harmonic content to carry things otherwise. Nice and relaxing. ^__________^
  5. Audix + Tweek + BGC? It's like clash of the titans, but they aren't clashing! Good stuff, and some good variations, I think I preferred the more synthy sections because of the harmonic content, big the big orchestral bits were cool too. Exceptionally nice beats, and transitions. It's pretty ovious you three work well together, and the song progresses really nicely as you all have some time to shine. This mix really has everything, and it managed to stay glued together, even though it covers just about every genre in the book. Great mix. I love it. We just got a slammin new BGC track recently, and I can't wait for Audix's presumably incoming Earth Day mix, and Tweek's rumored tribute to Administrative Professional's Day! Good times at OCR!
  6. Great synth sounds here- I love a well done distorted synth that doesn't sound quite like an electric guitar, but sortof fills the same sonic areas, and this mix really delivers that. It has the standard Zircon beat that he puts in every song of his. Well, there are some stutters too, which sound very cool, and there are a lot of percussive layers keeping things textured. I love that dropout and then the big ol' chord. Power up, IMO. The only thing that I really am not feeling on this one is the (lack of an) ending. It is rocking-rocking-rocking-STOPPED. Great collab, you guys work well together.
  7. My favorite track from possibly one of the best OSTs ever, this is pretty great stuff. I hate the vocal samples, but the rest is so strong, i can't help but love it. The style is so different, and there are a lot of rhythmic changes, but what really was great about the source remains intact, and is well showcased. Some really cute homages to some well known 80's songs as well. If the vocal samples were gone, i'd say it was perfect, but I can see how they lend charm and authenticity to the whole mix. Even with them, it's great, and a whole lot of fun. Nice work.
  8. Lead tone was overly muffled, but it's clear Goat knows his way around the Castlevania world, trusty axe in hand, rocking those skeletons to dust. The drum sound seemed a little overly canned, and some of the synths seemed a little forced (that weird sweeping one near the beginning that was way loud and treble heavy in particular), but the guitar performances were good. Not my favorite Goat mix, but it has some cool moments.
  9. Like life, this remix if fleeting. Really, I think the arrangement is so great that another minute of exploration would have been lovely. Of course i'm going to say something about the recording quality, which is unfortunate that it's so muffled, but the arrangement is really good. Though they weren't especially elegant in stating their opinions, I can see why the judges were torn on this. Great dynamic contrasts, and the source is apparent throughout, but radically ornamented. Cool stuff, I really enjoyed it.
  10. I hope you have a happy birthday filled with things you like. Manning up +1!
  11. Great stuff, cool synth and an excellent feel for the track's strengths, which you've improved with your own material pretty seamlessly. Mastered a bit hot I think; it hurts when the prominent cymbals come in, but nothing that a volume adjustment doesn't fix. Crazy distorted ending as well, it works awesome and really reminds me of Lavos. Recommended!
  12. Rocking stuff, and a little more raw than i'm used to hearing from Snapple and co., but it's a welcome sound- sounds like live playing to me. Great rhythm playing, with some excellent riffage. Leads are uber, with some excellent solos, tasteful and shredding at the same time. Added to a great source tune, this is definitely a keeper. Rock on guys.
  13. Possibly one of my favorite remixes ever, this is AAA material, even with the generally lo-fi samples. Percussion is incredible, the bass and backing synths are full of motion, and the transitions and flow are spot on. Nothing less than the triple heart for this one. <3<3<3
  14. Nice rhythmic shift in the melody, and a ton of additional material turned into verses. A little crowded in some spots sonically. There's just so much going in in specific frequencies. It also repeats a bit much, but for an older mix it does show a pretty distinct separation of original and remix, rather than just midi + upgraded sounds and drums.
  15. Nice guitar tone, and a cool take on some of the themes. Excellent solo as well. Some of the early entrances are a little late sounding on the lead, but that's about it. Some of the drum panning at the very beginning was a little weird, and the bass sample is pretty uninspiring, but the guitars more than make up for it. The shift to the second theme near the end is absolutely inspiring, with a great drop out transition to it right before. Really uplifting stuff, and I wish it lasted longer. Really nice stuff though.
  16. Excellent transitions and some great texture changes. I'm super impressed you were able to rock this out in 2 days, considering how much thought was put into it. Nice work dude, this is excellent.
  17. Good stuff, really classy synthage mixed in with some piano and marcato strings- pretty classic combination, and it's cool to hear Audix hit the OCR ground running with such a killer mix. Great pitchbends and filters. The only real detriment is that the percussion is pretty passive for most of the mix. I'd love to hear a more involved beat with some powerful fills. There are a few that work pretty well, and there is a lot going on to distract from the basic beats, so I guess it's not a complete issue. Great mix.
  18. I wish the drums were a little forward in the mix, as they are really tasteful and groovin, but otherwise this is good stuff. Nice live instruments, some cute track cameos that aren't too obvious, and a great written bass part. Some excellent drum fills near the end as well. Ending was ever so slightly abrupt, but throughout, this is a very classy arrangement.
  19. Exceptional playing and a great piano tone- this is really serene and nostalgic. A little questionable style choice (if it was in fact a choice) at the end of the run near the middle, but overall top notch work. I think Nirvana is a pretty apt title.
  20. New Age + Industrial? Count me in as a fan. It's like NiN meets Sting or something. I'm absolutely in love with that little chirp, and the bass sound. Some cool vocals as well; I can't discern lyrics, but really it's about the sound and the atmosphere, which works really well. I think the snare is a little too loud, but otherwise, no complaints at all. Awesome work! I love it.
  21. Wasn't feelin' it. Those drums hurt my ears, especially the cymbals. Sorry dude. I loved the warm opening textures though.
  22. When I first saw the track title, It made me think of some sortof Mario Tennis but featuring the Zelda Characters. Maybe Overhead Smash Brothers? Really fun with lots o percussion, it was interesting to hear all the drums in a distinct room sound. I'm just so used to hearing drums right up in my grill, ya know? The sax sound is a little synthy for my taste, but it's very well treated, and sounds very natural, if that makes sense. Plenty of attention to velocity and modulation. Overall a great party track, I'd feel more inclined to mingle with this playing.
  23. I kindof wish this progressed a little deeper, because I was really feeling it for most of the duration. It got a little repetitive near the end, but not so repetitive that I wasn't compelled to hit repeat. Nice textures and pretty good breakdowns, and some cool percussion processing and changeups, though I really think the build before the keychange would have been amazing if it was bigger, to really help sell the concept. Overall a good mix, and a cool snapshot of Zircon before he really kicked up his game. Check it out.
  24. Holy loops, this sounds more like an experiment to try out some new samples rather than a polished mix. There are some cool elements, but if you took out the loops it's pretty barren. I like the atmosphere set, it really feels like it'd fit something like FF7 if it was re imagined as a modern day, non-fantasy story. I'm pretty torn on this one, really. I dig the atmosphere and all the drums, but on the other hand it sounds like it could have gone so much further. I guess as is, I like it.
  25. This remix title always makes me laugh. I always thought it was really pretentious, like "what is this remix telling me what to do?", but I get it now with the name of the game. Very clever. Overall, it's really treble-heavy to me (kindof surprised no one else mentioned that), but the arrangement is really nice, and I really like the synths used. Progression is good and the breakdown is really effective. It has a super crisp gated synth that i love, and some nice pads. Great track from an obscure title, nice work.
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