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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I just finished the dark elf cave and as long as you make use of all the new special abilities, it's pretty easy. Yang is a complete beast and his focus skill makes him even better. I actually thought Cid has been pulling his weight pretty well so far, and it gives me an opportunity to use those magic items that normally rot for his hammer upgrade. I am having a great time playing this. <3
  2. i think you missed the hilarious joke. The joke was that I am in fact saying I am Larry, who is the creater of this thread. Also, since in the photo, I am near Larry, he has met me before and he can figure out who I am in the photo. See? Hilarious. >_>
  3. me me pick me! i am the handsome dude on the lower left. http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p238/biggiantcircles/M6/IMG_0629.jpg edit; also use that source file for Avaris, IMO.
  4. Consider me amazed. Not as amazed as i'll be when this project comes out, but amazed enough.
  5. so does anyone have this and could make a recording of lead sounds?
  6. Added some WIP updates and some milestones. November 1 is a hard deadline. I am giving advanced warning on it, so no crying if it comes up, you aren't done, and you get cut. edit: ps I will have project banners ready by the end of the week.
  7. I'm pretty happy with my rhythm tones right now, but my lead tones are beyond bad. Would this be something that would get a nice lead sound; high gain without being brittle or harsh?
  8. like Chex Chex? I'm not so sure how that'd go.
  9. Thanks, I appreciate it. Honestly i'm not too interested about the library, I just need the plugin so I can use my orchestra samples again. ;_; 10 minutes later... Actually, I've looked the library up and there might be some cool stuff, especially that harpsichord. I'm decently set on synths between Logic and Vanguard, but some extra percussion some more piano sounds is always good.
  10. the game looks super fun to play. I love multiplayer games, and this looks pretty great.
  11. I'm considering your copy of kontakt 2. Is it a dual install disk? I'm on a mac.
  12. Please someone help. Magfest without Mr. Tamer is no Magfest at all. ;_;
  13. No; sorry, Hemo and I changed that and the sheet music hasn't been adjusted to reflect that. End it at the same spot as the guide mp3 please.
  14. I've sent out additional PMs to people with info! Hemophiliac has put together this very useful style guide; check it out yo! http://ff4.oceansend.com/uploads/Fabul%20Choir.pdf http://ff4.oceansend.com/uploads/Fabul%20Pronounciation.mp3 Thanks to everyone that has sent stuff in so far.
  15. happy bday to a Brotacular, Generous, Caucasian!
  16. i'll be flying into dulles and renting a car again. I'm pretty thrifty so right now I am assuming that SUVs will be the cheapest to rent (it was the case last year). So depending on timing, I will be able to drive people to the MAG goodness from the airport as long as 2 rules are followed: 1. I am the captain of the cd player. 2. no matter the general consensus of the vehicle, it is not "too loud".
  17. I'll be there! http://youtube.com/watch?v=739JpsT-k8A
  18. i said it before, but this is totally pwn. Your audition will go amazingly.
  19. PMs are sent! Consider the parts i sent out to be a test run to see if I can even handle this; there will most likely be a good deal more of arrangement to go over. Thanks everyone for the support, this is going to kick ass.
  20. thanks for the interest everyone; yes it is for the FF4 project. Sound quality doesn't have to be beautifully pristine, as it is going to be a large number of singers. I can effectively clean individual tracks in a way that wouldn't be possible for solo parts. I'll be sending out lyrics and guide tracks later tonight, so be sure to keep an eye on your PM boxes.
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