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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Super happy birthday! I hope it is the superest and also the happiest!
  2. and a friendly thank you for the reminder; totally slipped my mind.
  3. Join the Fabul Men's Choir! I am looking for a group of singing badasses to help out with a choir part on an upcoming mix. If you are interested in lending your amazing skills, please PM me or respond in here. It's a group choir sound, and the part is really easy.
  4. What i'm wondering now that his wife is in the picture is if I am still the big spoon, or if I have been demoted to medium spoon.
  5. Just took out the antlion this morning, and I have to say the increased difficulty isn't tough at all if you use all of the new abilities. Even Edward is useful when he does his healing song, and pray is great too.
  6. They need to update their tracklist then, they are totally throwing you under the bus. I also am in need of your oral services. ..to record some vocals ;-D Get on aim tonight if you can.
  7. BAM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchestral_Game_Concert
  8. or dragon quest 8 where everyone called you "gov" I played a bit during lunch break, and yeah, it's tougher than the original snes game, but nothing that i can't handle. Due to my multitasking lifestyle, I am a master of grinding exp.
  9. I updated it 15 days ago when you posted your WIP. i call them as I see them. Shouldn't you be more worried about the 2 tracks you need to complete so you aren't singlehandedly holding up the Tales project?
  10. ok, I just played on the car ride to work this morning and the new dialogue is awesome. I miss being able to rename my dudes, since that was one of my favorite features, but I guess that is the tradeoff for voice acting. Speaking of which, so far it has been very good, and adds a lot to the game.
  11. More WIP updates. Art is back on schedule. -___- Happy FF4 DS Day to everyone!
  12. picking this up tonight! Oh it's going to be great!
  13. I recently rerolled alliance with some RL friends about 4 months back and have a 70 mage, 65 priest, and a 18 druid and you could come hang with us. !!!HOWEVER!!! Their server is a PVE server, so you wouldn't be able to go back to the awesomeness of ganking. As for the (finally) announced paladin changes!!! My main character is (was ;_ a holy arena paladin that gradually saw less and less action as the seasons went on. The changes aren't really what I was hoping for, but they are a lot more creative than what I wanted anyways. I think there are enough new tools added to arena healing to at least be optimistic until there is more information. I was actually really disappointed until I saw that a holy shock crit makes your next holy light spell be instant cast. *That* is frickin sweet. Even in all PVP gear (no access to BT or sunwell), My holy light crits were around 65% of someone's health in one cast. When I first got my newish mage to 70 and started doing arena, I was pretty overwhelmed by all the things you had to do coming from a paladin. Giving paladins more tools is awesome, and being a mix of proactive and reactive is excellent. I still was hoping for a flash of light style spell that was less mana efficient, but could be casted while moving, but I think the new stuff is great.
  14. I laughed so hard at that guy's comment because it was almost exactly the same thing i said to my coworkers about the photos, only much, much funnier.
  15. I hope a ton of people buy the game so poor Andy can afford some shoes. ;_;
  16. For your own good, I am holding you to this.
  17. I see music as a super-stacked redhead. <3
  18. I'm actually disappointed in the seemingly lack of really good drama over this. Too many people are being reasonable and level-headed, and most of the 'fanboy bitching' i've seen has been parody. Can someone link me to some especially entertaining PS3'fo'lyfe rants? Personally, I was prepared to skip out on this one, since a ps3 didn't appeal to me at all, but it's cool I can buy it now.
  19. I think that having bonus tracks downloadable is a pretty good idea, as most of the bonus tracks I thought kinda sucked, so being able to pick which ones I take is a very nice prospect. I almost wish there was a way to "uncheck" a song in the game so it would never appear on random as well.
  20. Pretty awesome setlist; i'm excited to pick this up. I am also very excited to be able to choose which songs I take over from RB1, since there are a few i'd have no issue with dropping forever. I especially can't wait to play Jam Alive by my favorite band, Pearl.
  21. Only with your massive signature
  22. I have leopard and in my opinion, it's awesome. Zero issues with it from me, and I bought it the day of release.
  23. Pull through; I hope the pain isn't completely unbearable.
  24. I can't confirm all of Pez's list, but these three are spot on.
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