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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I will send a song to thasauce immediately to show my approval for this message! Also, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think Rama is probably the most attractive man I have ever seen.
  2. Which is the correct name? The track I just got from Itunes is called "lather to the sky" good to know the sky is clean and all, but hmm..
  3. I always imagined him with a sort of sarcastic voice. Like a "who cares?" kind of attitude. That's my guess as to what he will sound like.
  4. oh damn, the voices sound awesome. I am extra excited now.
  5. oh look; from DoD last month http://dod.vgmix.com/past/jun08/06tie-HopeFails-PWAA-Tap-DoD.mp3 http://dod.vgmix.com/past/jun08/15tie-Vegeroth,Streifig-AJAA-Lameness-DoD.mp3
  6. In some of the cases, the synths they used in the DS version are a regression. Anyways, I updated the little chart with some new WIPs. I spent a huge chunk of my weekend on the Artwork. I am totally behind on it, but I think it'll be worthwhile when it's all done.
  7. I am decently excited about this. A port would be fine as long as the load times were the same as the snes version. I don't have the game anymore and occasionally want to play it, so it's great news. I love portable systems and 2d, so it all works out for me.
  8. There is a lot of mud; i'd ease up on the reverb for a few of the instruments, and maybe tone down the compression overall as well. Some EQ cuts on a few instruments would give some more room in there as well. The stop in the middle I totally didn't dig; the track lost all it's momentum. Having something melodic carry through would help it I think. Some of the piano comping near the end was really unfocused and sounded tacked on. I'd try revising it to have a more cohesive melody that fits with the song, rather than fights it. Awesome source choice though.
  9. Maybe my expectations for a single hour's worth of work are about where they should be? I wasn't expecting perfection, just some decent ideas.
  10. I totally missed this but I thought it was "final fantasy adventure" compo and I about had a heart attack. O_o Some very nice entries. Nice work peeps.
  11. Of course you add Well not that it isn't the weekend and I can't play. ;_; I had a fun time on Sat playing with you guys. Too bad I suck so much.
  12. Happy birthday I hope you have a fun time.
  13. I have a 360. I'll get the game when it comes out.
  14. Try Airship, Palom and Porom, or Battle 1 for a WIP and we'll see how things go.
  15. good to hear. lern2firewall this time. PS. dudes can't get pregnant.
  16. We got some new WIPs up in this, and both Nutritious and Pot Hocket are the first to be inducted into the HALL OF GLORY! I'd really like to see updated wips or at least a hand written note and some cookies from: AeroZ Avaris BogusRed Dhsu James George Longebane Monobrow Overcoat Let me know how you all are doing.
  17. Speaking of tearing it up, props to BGC and Norg. My hat is off to both of you gentlemen.
  18. yeah i'd also like a druid too I can't kill casters, but 1 on 1 (or even 1 on 2) I can take down rogues...eventually.
  19. ^ fixed ah ok, you are talking about keeping *yourself* alive, and yeah, it takes about 3 dudes to take me down. However, keep *others* alive is more difficult as a paladin, thus me rolling a priest.
  20. Don't you play a priest? Man, the grass is always greener..
  21. Inspiring work; I do think a bass would have rounded it out, and added some interesting voicings, but I will certainly not refuse this amazingly delicious cupcake. I'd certainly check out an entire album of stuff like this. Super recommended.
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