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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. (You did it wrong. The next line is "your mom kind of looks like jill". Then everyone goes OHHHHHH and DAAMN. Try harder next time. We can practice it at Magfest. ;_; )
  2. it means that is when prophet gets his video card that will of course be broken as are all of the components he seems to buy.
  3. I would care more if the Twins actually had a chance of going somewhere this season. ;_;
  4. Aite, I made an image over lunch; just kindof freeformed it while jamming to the tracks. big version: http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/spamtron/SPAMTRON-clean.jpg or with some typography big version: http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/spamtron/SPAMTRON1.jpg V2. big version: http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/spamtron/SPAMTRON2.jpg .PSD just because I have .OCD http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/spamtron/SPAMTRON.psd
  5. Just a bump to encourage people to check out his tracks on his myspace. Totally great stuff. The absolute definition of badical, actually. I'll be making an image for ya, Spamtron, if you dig it, then awesome, otherwise no worries.
  6. Updated! Some new tracks have owners, some other tracks have progressed, and as promised, a new banner!
  7. If you want, you are totally welcome to use the sigs! I'll have an edge one by monday, provided my weekend isn't super packed.
  8. Come on guys, don't let Europe down! Right now Aeroz And ilp0 are totally carrying you, as they both have 2 completed, genius tracks. ALSO! I made some banners!
  9. to change the default search engine, right click on your URL box and select "edit search engines".
  10. A remix of this song was just accepted; it should be appearing sometime.
  11. i'll have my guitar as well, i'm down with rocking on this one.
  12. using this now; pretty cool stuff. I'll be using at work regardless because I need to test everything on all browsers, and as soon as it comes out for OSX i'll use it at home.
  13. Though I only played the game for about 20 minutes before giving up in disgust, i've always been a huge fan of the soundtrack. The general level of quality is very high, and the original theme is one of the nicer ones, IMO. This is a beautiful and inspired take on the original with a completely different feel, but still possessing the hopeful and heroic spirit of the original. Playing is fantastic and though some think the low end is a bit much, I think the amount is negligible, and it does nothing to detract from this. I wish the final chord resolved slightly more traditionally, but really there is nothing wrong with this fantastic mix. Recommended!
  14. I love that high end cold synth. Mixed with the choir; such a sinister sound. The feel of this is great, it moves slowly but with a purpose, and it's not plodding at all. A very difficult balance pulled off expertly here. I love how the cymbal crashes don't really hit as much as explode into particles. Fantastic effect and very well used. The original theme was pretty good to begin with, but this takes it to such a new level, the comparison is simply ridiculous. A++ material
  15. Pretty kickin stuff, I was grooving throughout the whole thing, but the super slowdown is where things just got nuts. I would have loved one more shot of the chorus, but really you can't go wrong with this. It really shows off what a great melody the original had with all kinds of extra ornaments to make it sound fresh. Classic Awesome right here folks.
  16. Pretty nice stuff going all up in this, very moody intro and then a pretty rocking pick-up section. Sounds are well chosen and there is a lot of interesting overlapping ambiance. The sound effects are used judiciously and always fit, rather than distract, and some of the synths are way cool. Very nice flow on this one, and a cool take on the original.
  17. Several more completed tracks! ALSO: Cecil Art preview! http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/picture%201.jpg
  18. i've played a bit, and I love the banter between the characters. Hilarious. Of course it hasn't really started to repeat much yet, so once it gets to that it might not be as good, but there have been lots of laughs. THe art is beautiful too.
  19. Some nice production details like the reverse reverb on the piano hits and the samples were decent overall, but the transitions were really weak, as was the percussion. Overall this has some very competent bits but I don't think it came together completely. Still a good listen, it just didn't feel like a full song to me.
  20. Very nice beginning, it is has a bit of DiCola in there, which is always a good thing. I think the snare is too loud, but I know how you love your snares. -____- Source is pretty good, and the piano breakdown is beautiful as always. I think the rhythm guitar is a little too quiet. A little more high end would give it a nice crunch. Transitions are superb, they work very well, and it takes a moment to even realize it's a different source. Very cool stuff. Simon is a Super Singe!
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