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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. THe main riff does get to be a bit repetitive, and if you want to repeat it that many times, i'll need a key change in there somewhere as a way of refreshing it up a little bit. Production-wise the drums are way over-compressed and need to be cleaned up. The guitars sound nice, and the effects throughout are cute, bu tthe leads sound a bit too distorted. Still needs some work, in my opinion. No, please resubmit
  2. The plinky lead is a bit annoying and needs some modulation, but the good news is that there are a lot of different leads that trade off, keeping it interesting. The sequencing is mechanical throughout, and the ending is a bland fadeout, but there are a lot of cool ideas presented, and the soundscape is pretty nice, with a bit of old-school charm. I do think the lack of humanization makes this really difficult for me to pass, but otherwise it is super fun. You've already received a yes, so maybe it'll go your way, but it needs some more humanization and modulation to get my vote. Keep at it, it's almost there! No, please resubmit
  3. The arrangement seems fine, but the performances are really sloppy, with timing issues all over, and no one feels tight. There are a few places where it clicks, but around every transition, things fall apart. I recommend unless the group is playing live at once, you play along with a click track to make sure everyone is on the same page. This has promise, but i think some more rehearsal needs to go into it and it needs to be tightened up a good deal. I hope to hear a new version of this sometime! No
  4. The mixing here is really weird, and not in a good way. The drums are moosh, and all i can really here is screeching, with some guitars and brandon in the background. The song itself isn't very interesting to me either, but that's neither here nor there. There's a lot of detail put into this, but the balance isn't there yet. No
  5. The string samples sound good, but yeah, they are pretty stiff, otherwise it felt pretty good overall, with good transitions and pretty decent balance. Nothing really blew me away here, but it was a solid entry and it passes the bar. Yes
  6. Greetings DJP & Judges! I've got a mix for you! It's a song I made for The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011 and then cleaned up afterward. It's called "Smooth Opeartor" and it features Pete Lepley (Phonetic Hero) on drum sequencing! Details below: My Contact Info: My ReMixer name: SuperiorX My real name: Matt Keller My userid: 28286 Pete's Contact Info: ReMixer name: Phonetic Hero Real Name: Pete Lepley Userid: 44763 Submission Info: Games arranged: Mega Man 3 & Mega Man 6 ReMix Name: Smooth Operator Songs arranged: Needle Man (Mega Man 3) & Mr. X Fortress (Mega Man 6) Comments: So like I said above, this was originally created for Darke's Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011. For the compo I choose Needle Man as my Robot Master, mainly because there is a severe lack of Needle Man remixes anywhere, and his theme is pretty cool. The stage I got matched up with that week was the Mr. X Stage from Mega Man 6. It ended up working great with the smooth jazz style I ended up going with. Whenever I try to make a remix it always seems to end up being some sort of funk/jazz fusion mix, and this is no exception My fellow teammate, Phonetic Hero, offered to sequence drums for me after hearing an early WIP, so I let him go to town. I think his percussion adds a lot of swagger to the mix, so I really appreciate his contributions! Overall I'd have to say this is the best mix I've made to date. I learned so much from participating in the compo, especially in the areas of production/mixing and sound design (I did a lot of work on the lead synth in this song), so I definitely want to thank my teammates, Phonetic Hero & Rozovian, for all their tips throughout. They've helped me improve so much, as well as everyone who gave me feedback in the WIP afterwards. So yeah here it is, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it! Thanks for listening! Here is a source usage breakdown: 0:00 - 0:15: original stuff written around Needle Man's F# minor chords. 0:15 - 0:31: original melodies with Needle Man bass 0:32 - 0:50: Needle Man melody A on lead, Needle Man bass 0:51 - 1:06: combo of Needle Man A and Mr. X Fortress theme A melody on lead, Needle Man bass 1:07 - 1:38: Mr. X Fortress A melody, Needle Man bass, Needle Man intro on electric piano at 1:22-1:38 1:38 - 2:09: Needle Man B&C melody liberal solo, Mr. X Fortress bass and electric piano 2:09 - 2:25: Mr. X Fortress melody B lead 2:26 - 2:41: Mr X. Fortress melody C 2:42 - 2:58: Needle Man melody A on lead, Needle Man bass 2:58 - 3:14: combo of Needle Man A and Mr. X Fortress A melody on lead, Needle Man intro on electric piano, 3:15 - end: Fade out with original melodies built around F# minor.
  7. Your ReMixer name: Archangel Your real name: Jaka Čibej (That's a Slovenian male name, short for Jakob - just to avoid any sex-change stuff, that happens kind of often. XD ) Your website: http://www.reverbnation.com/jakacibejarchangel Your userid: 23355 (http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=23355) Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon Name of individual song(s) arranged: Introduction Additional information about game including composer, system, etc.: Frank Klepacki; DOS; released in 1991 Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Greetings yet again, almighty primarchs! This is my tenth submission! Pretty cool number, isn't it? I'm finally submitting a non-project ReMix. The last non-project track I submitted was Dragon Wings back in 2010, which now seems like ages ago. Time just flies by when you're having fun, huh? This time, I've decided to throw popularity to the four winds and make an arrangement from a game only the elite few appreciate: Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon. Allow me to make the OC ReMix Emperor's writeup-writing job a little easier by providing some key information about the game: it was a classic DOS dungeon crawler, the sequel to the (supposedly) highly popular Eye of the Beholder. The plot was pretty standard and the gameplay was somewhat tedious (as is the case with most dungeon crawlers), but I liked it anyway. Probably because it takes place in the Forgotten Realms and because I'm a huge fantasy freak. If you're into old school dungeon-crawling, you should definitely check it out. The soundtrack was written by Frank Klepacki, whose work I've adored ever since I first heard the tunes he wrote for one of my favorite childhood games ever, The Legend of Kyrandia (of which you can expect a ReMix or two from me sooner or later). Unfortunately, his soundtrack for Eye of the Beholder II is not very extensive (the opening and ending themes, and a couple of short jingles, I think), but the game's introduction is a masterpiece. When I was little, I always imagined what that swelling, ominous music would sound like if it were orchestrated. Well, now I know, sort of. I turned it into my most soundtrackish arrangement yet. It's not played by a real orchestra, but I tried very hard to make my samples sound as realistic as possible. Hopefully at least a couple of people will overcome their consolemania and listen to this. Which brings me to another thing I wanted to mention. I've made this ReMix with an ulterior motive... I HEREBY DECLARE A REVOLT AGAINST GOD!!! Just kidding. I hope someone got the reference, though. What I actually wanted to say was that this track is a part of the PCReMix Initiative, an initiative I've started at the beginning of this year to make more musicians remix music from old PC games, because they are horribly underrepresented here at OC ReMix. It's basically a free-for-all project without the three-year wait. So again, ReMixers, I urge you to be just a little bit more original when choosing what source to arrange. Show the unmixed games the love and respect they deserve. Just look at the Unsung Heroes album. It's full of underdog music, but stellar nonetheless. Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, and The Legend of Zelda are all fine and dandy, but please, for the love of Avacyn, at least TRY thinking outside the box. Also, dear OCR primarchs, perhaps a well-timed unmixed games month along the lines of Review December 2011 would--dare I say--MIX things up? Just a suggestion. OK, time to wrap this up. Enjoy one of the many PCReMixes that are about to come, but beware of Xanathar, the Great Beholder! Here's the link to the mp3, AND ALSO, to make the Emperor's job easier, an image of the game's title screen, since it's as of yet an unmixed game: Archangel - The Myth of Darkmoon (Eye of the Beholder II Cover) - 192kb Regards J.
  8. meh, had a huge replay and then my browser crashed. overall much improved - the bass still could use a bit of work, but the timing and other sequencing was a big step up. Nice work! Yes
  9. I am almost done with my entry, and i gotta say that my strategy for taking a source that has cool riffs but no real meldoy is working very well for blending themes. I hope Jake brings his A game, because i am not holding back! EDIT: I'm done! Here is the final: http://oceansend.com/5502/ocr/ToD%20workspace.png
  10. Larry is definitely onto something with the first half being conservative, though there are some minor percussive additions. There is no question that the second half is interpretive, it's just the first half plays it so close to the original. I think some very minor additions to the first half would put this over for all of us. I think the track sounds really good, but just a touch more personalization will do it. Sorry to send it back when it;s so close, but it just needs a little more to be OCR acceptable. No(please resubmit
  11. The volume and vocal intonation is a lot better, and the panning on the backing vocals is pretty solid. Overall things are crowded and rowdy, but it all clicked for me, and reminds me a lot of the production styles in early-mid 90's. It's definitely raw, but the feeling of that gives it a lot of urgency and really feeds the track. The reverb could stand to come down a little bit, but I think i'm good with how this is sounding. The elements are all clear enough, and it has a lot of energy combined with some good performances. Yes
  12. This thread is very interesting. Anyways, I've been on inbox for the last year or two, and cannot recall receiving a single chiptune submission. Obviously uber pimps like Jake, Dan, and Sam have the goods, so just sub up and see what happens.
  13. man, seems like there are alot of people here with chips on their shoulders. *rimshot*
  14. TATSUMAKISENPUUTIMBALELICKS is my newfavorite word. Glhf everyone, lets make some music!
  15. I agree that the samples aren't blowing me away, but the arrangement is excellent. I love detailed percussion, and if this was ever performed live, i'd hate to be the guy cleaning up all the broken class after the show! the blending of melodies is excellent, and the arrangement outshines the somewhat generic sequencing and samples. I wish the ending had been a little more delicate than just ending, but it works for me. Yes
  16. The individual master blaance sounds ok, but it's individual instruments that have issues, specifically the drums seem to have all the high frequencies filtered out, making them lose a lot of power. The snare should have a brutal crack to it when the song is going full-on, and it just doesn't. It sounds a lot better 3/5 through the way though, but then the kick needs some more beater as well. The arrangement contains a lot of cool ideas, but some parts are a little hard to recognize, and they go on for extended periods of time, which makes it harder to latch onto the source. The sounds overall are pretty good, and you definitely have promise, but you'll need a little more polish on this. Tighten the arrangement, selecting the best parts, trying to keep source dominant, keep working on balancing the individual parts, and maybe tone the reverb done a bit. This is a good candidate for a resubmission. No, please resubmit
  17. Deia has some good production crits, and I agree with them; I'd suggest also increasing the humanization of the sequencing as well, focusing on the velocities. You have some good arrangement ideas, and I adore the solo, but the rest of the track needs to click as well. Give it a run through the workshop mods and spruce it up for a resubmission! No, please resubmit
  18. The song is definitely repetitive, but the overall mood shifts and builds enough that it's not completely stale, though i did feel it was cutting it really close. I agree with halc that the drums felt super weak and need to POWER UP. I think the song is really good, with a lot of washes of sound, but the drums need to have a lot more dominant power, and mixing up the riff a little bit would help too. The performances were fantastic, so the revisions are minor. I hope to hear this one again soon! No, please resubmit
  19. The balance felt pretty good, and the sounds chosen worked well together, and kindof reminded me of a hi-fi Ziwtra, at least in that aspect. I think the notes and arrangement were good, but for a good deal of the track, the drums were on autopilot something fierce. The little tom fills helped, and the beat changeup for the piano section, but for the most part it was incredibly boring and empty writing. There are some killer solos in here; put the same amount of care into your drum writing, please!!! I absolutely love this track, but I really think the drum writing should be looked at again. This song has the potential to be legendary, but the drums need to be more engaging. I may get outnumbered here (and maybe I am actually hoping that'll happen), but I gotta say it needs some more polish and attention paid to the drum writing. No, please resubmit
  20. I'm not gonna beat around the bush here, this judgment basically boils down to whether or not the unrealistic sequencing/instruments (which I've discussed at great length with Will during the development and he knows my feelings on it, even if we disagree in the end ) is enough to counteract a friggin STELLAR arrangement. The violin in particular is the most noticeable offender, when it makes those fast glissandos (?) in the last section, but at the same time you can tell that Will's put a lot of time into tweaking his articulations so they at least sound pleasant to the ears, even if anyone could tell it's not a real violin. Piano sounds a little sour when it hits the highest notes at high velocities, nothing much to worry about though. Production is pretty great, you've got a warm, deep orchestral soundscape that's well-accented by atmospheric elements like choirs and cellos that help bring out the beauty of your writing. No complaints here Arrangement is where this really shines for me. I can see how some might cry medley-itis here, but personally I think the clever melding of multiple sources into the one section works wonders. The way you take versatile chord progressions and modify various memorable Zelda tunes to fit them is indicative of some great writing ability on your part, Will Very solid stuff here, I don't have any issues at all. So yeah, the sequencing is an issue unfortunately and it's not one I can just ignore. There's so much strength in every other aspect of this track though that I think it's good enough to pass as-is, and the positives outweigh the only really noticeable weakness. Good luck with the vote Will, I'd really like to see this on the front page some day YES ps. i just copied Emu
  21. quick, get 3 people in here so Zircon can't join and BEAT US ALL! >____>
  22. Really enjoyed this one, though im not completely sold on some of the pronunciations. Cute cameo in the middle, I found it to be pretty clever and was thinking something similar. I think some slight vocal normalization would be good, but i's definitely on the minor side and other judges didn't express an issue. Some sequencing could be a bit smoother, but it supports the vocal well enough. Portal~~~ Portal~~~ gonna go through the portal~~~ Yes
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