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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. This is taking the source and expanding on it in a cool way, but arrangement wise, it feels a bit too conservative, but mainly, it just ends. I think you have a good start, and the production feels above the bar, but it needs further arrangement and expansion, and an ending. Something, anything, really. No, please resubmit
  2. Your ReMixer name : Kwstasg Your real name : Kostas Giannakakis Your website : NA Your userid : http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=48583 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : R-Type 1 Name of arrangement : R-Type 1 Music Rearrange (Stage 1) Name of individual song(s) arranged : R-Type 1 Music Rearrange (Stage 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaPU7Kej0oo
  3. I definitely agree that the piano sample and sequencing needs a slight upgrade to get passed. I'd recommend talking to a piano soloist; Rexy is pretty active in the community and may be able to help. No
  4. Remixer Name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd Email: Website: www.darangen.com UserID: 8948 UPDATED URL to Remix: Game: Chrono Trigger Songs: Undersea Palace Schala’s theme Original Soundtracks: Comments: Oh noes, a Schala mix! There’s a reason everyone remixes Schala though. I was listening to Chrono Symphonic at work one day and Rellik’s “Beneath The Surface” came up. That got me thinking about the undersea palace theme and through various other tracks with Schala’s theme, I eventually started molding them together in my head. Then this track was born. It’s working title was Killer Studio Chops. It’s somewhat symphonic heavy metal. Schala’s theme has been converted to 3/4, and the section in the intro is in 11/8. I tried swapping between 3/4 and 4/4 for the two sources, but it just wasn’t gelling like I wanted it to. I’m happy with the result though. As always, hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.
  5. Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35730 Remixer Name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd Email: Website: www.darangen.com UserID: 8948 This is part of a multi-resub/sub that Sir Oji said was ok. NEW URL to Resubmission: OLD URL to Remix: Game: Killer Instinct Song: The Instinct Original Soundtrack: Resubmission Comments: I re-recorded the guitar parts to fix the timing issues. I boosted the vocals a bit to try and place them better. Redid the mixing, tried to un-overcook the production a bit. The piano bass notes that “don’t sound in key at all” are still there. The piano is a sample/loop and the bass notes aren’t meant to be perfect. I like it. Comments: I actually remixed this source about 5 years ago, but was rushed trying to meet a competition deadline and I wasn’t satisfied with the outcome at all. So this has actually been in the making for 5 years, on and off. I finally came back to this source for the June 2011 Dwelling of Duels competition. I’m much happier with this outcome. The meaning behind the lyrics to this song are that at some time in life we all have to find who we are. For some it’s an easy discovery, for others it may take years upon years. A few years ago I found myself at a crossroads and I had to rediscover who I was in order to move on, and that was the inspiration for this song. As mentioned above, there are lyrics to this and they are as follows: Searching You’re looking from the outside Yearning for the inside There’s nothing that you can hide Exhausted You’re pushing yourself too hard You’ve never gone this far To find out who you really are Another day Another way To see the end your story brings Try again To see the end And open up yet another dream Hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it! -Michael ‘Darangen’ Boyd
  6. I really enjoyed this one at the DoD listening party and thought it should have placed higher. Good interpretation of the source, some good expansion, and i liked the rhythm playing with the more involved double kick stuff during the synth solo. The flute parts were nice as well, and it fit pretty nicely together. THere was a decent amount of high end space in the track, but everything felt meaty enough to feed even the hungriest of lionstamers. Yes
  7. thank you very much for the signature, i wear it with pride!
  8. Pretty good overall, though the drums seemed to be a bit muffled, and there were some balance issues that seemed strange, mainly a good number of synths sounding either too loud, or too pasted on top of things. The performances were generally on, though some of the rhythm playing in the first part wasn't quite locked in. Overall it's close, but the synths need to sit better in the mix before I am comfortable passing this. No, please resubmit
  9. Brandon Strader www.bstrader.net 3123 Game: Ultraverse: Prime (Sega CD) Source: Theme Song Composers: Tim Follin, Geoff Follin (Do two Follins become a Fellin'?) Remixtitle: Killer Studio Chops I would love for this to be on Dirge for the Follin if Larry wants it for his album... that album's been going for the last couple years though hasn't it? Is it ever going to come out? Remix notes: I made this in a couple days for MAGFest X Dwelling of Duels. They announced Nintendo vs. Sega month, and I had to drop my other plans and I thought, what do I even know from Nintendo or Sega that isn't Final Fantasy or something similarly overdone? And I remembered the Theme Song from Ultraverse: Prime. Norg made cricket noises when he announced it. It was awesome. If I had done something typical like Kirby maybe I'd have won! Long story short, I worked on this for 2 days straight. I played it a string lower than the original (the source is in A, I put it in E) and I had to use the 7-string for those nice B-powerchords. The guitars got reamped with a lower gain setting than I recorded it with using amp sims, but I think it somehow still sounds heavier. Not to mention it's very clean and can turn up loud. The intro is supposed to make it sound like a real band is playing it, I was going for a band-realism sound. I guess I do that a lot. So like, the original is mad awesome and this remix stands alone, like the stinky cheese that it is... I respect and enjoy the originals for every remix, and I don't view the remixes as a replacement or a competition for the original so much as just an homage. My remix is silly and I love it, but check out the original too. As for the title... I had picked 2 really dumb titles and then the whole "Killer Studio Chops" fiasco took place while I was recording this song. It seemed like a good fit. I transcribed the lyrics by ear from the youtube. Here's my guess: When he was a small boy did nothing but gaze at the filth in the street got him into a craze Those days are done and he's ready to rock, and those who he hates are in for a shock Oh he's growing so much, so strong.. He's gonna get himself some justice! But what will come of those who cross his path? Prime! Prime for action, baby he's... Prime! Prime for action, yes he is. Prime! Prime to explode on the streets of the city Prime! Prime to deliver the good from the bad And he's waiting for you Taking out the garbage, breaking up his foes, he's a lawmaker doing what he knows! Screaming into action, dealing out the pain, bumping up and thumping up those who fear his name! Oh he's growing so much, so strong.. He's gonna get himself some justice! But what will come of those who cross his path? Prime! Prime for action, baby he's... Prime! Prime for action, yes he is. Prime! Prime to explode on the streets of the city Prime! Prime to deliver the good from the bad And he's waiting for you Hit it! When he was a small boy did nothing but gaze at the filth in the street got him into a craze Those days are done and he's ready to rock, and those who he hates are in for a shock Oh he's growing so much, so strong.. He's gonna get himself some justice! But what will come of those who cross his path? Prime! Prime for action, baby he's... Prime! Prime for action, yes he is. Prime! Prime to explode on the streets of the city Prime! Prime to deliver the good from the bad
  10. Nice soundscape, and though I am not really sure i'd call this epic, it feels very spooky to m, and atmospheric. EPic would imply the entire orchestra was being used i'd say, and generally this is pretty harpsichord heavy, with light orchestral touches. The samples are decent, though the woodwinds and strings sound a bit stiff. I do think you cutting out the weakest section was a good plan, because it feels long as is, with a lot of rhythmic sections and not much in the way of a memorable melody. The atmosphere is great, and the track itself is good background music, but there isn't a ton that I can really latch onto melodically. The transitions seem a little gimmicky after awhile, as well, with fades and then a new theme, it didn't feel cohesive. Overall it's an expansive take, but needs some more polish. This has promise, so I encourge you to work on it further. No, please resubmit
  11. Pretty conservative, structure wise, but there are a lot of texture additions that make it better and more interesting than the pretty atmospheric and unmemorable original. It still is more of a backing track rather than something you can actively listen to, but it is a huge step up. THe new beats are cool and layered, so even though they are a bit repetitive, there is enough interest to keep things going. I think the soundscape is very well done, and im not sure what the 1up sound or whatever it is is doing in the track, as it doesn't fit the otherwise sophisticated sound scape. The lack of an ending is a bit of a downer though, and overall I feel a little underwhelmed by the arrangement. It think the production is fine, but there needs to be something more substantial to this one. No, please resubmit
  12. I think Drew is being pretty lenient on the compression issue, because I think it is way overdone. The arrangement is conservative but has some nice flashes of personalization. I also agree that the drums could use some changeups more frequently. Definitely need to tone down the compression, but also the arrangement could use some extra spice. No, please resubmit
  13. yeah, it's pretty good. I think it could have gotten to an even bigger payoff, and built even further towards it, but I enjoyed the song a lot. Nice work. Clean production and a good arrangement. Yes
  14. This arrangement and concept is really nice, but I do have to agree that the execution needs work. I think taking what you have started with and improving your tools. You definitely have talent, and the time spent slogging through multiple crashes was definitely not wasted, as this is very usable. Maybe sure to check out the workshop forum, especially the FL one, as there are a lot of tips for beginning mixers. No, please resubmit
  15. Yep, lived in MN my whole life:-) maxfrost and bardicknowledge live here too that i know of, and a few guys in fargo as well.

  16. I promise i will remix the musashi legend sometime this year.
  17. So critical! I think they look good and you guys are whiny.
  18. The arrangement of this is beautiful, but the samples are still sounding very dated. I think it is definitely a step up, and the instruments chosen are good, but the sequencing is very mechanical and could use some modulation and velocity work, and that would help make the current samples sound better. A great remix can be produced with cheap/free samples, and there are resources available in the workshop section of the site. You definitely have talent as an arranger, but the sequencing and samples still need improvement. Hit me up with a PM if you'd like a bump of assistance in the right direction, I can help. No, please resubmit
  19. Im pretty sure if you miss the time deadline, you are disqualified, so its most likely setting up other stuff.
  20. There are some very nice moments, but overall there isn;t a lot of cohesion between the parts. Drums are interesting but never really settle in on a solid groove, and the samples tend to bleed into each other a bit and could use some separation. There is a good foundation here, but it needs some refinement. The breakdown section is really nice though, that was my favorite part. No, please resubmit
  21. Little too much over compression on the drums, but the arrangement and ideas are really good here. Synth lead could stand to be a touch louder, but overall i'm feeling this. Yes
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