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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Very interesting, you definitely can't get a feel for this on the first few listens, but it is very rewarding to keep digging for details. The tempo and dynamics were very solid, and the sequencing throughout was very good. Excellent work. Very moody and nuanced. Yes
  2. This is literally on the edge for me, and there are a lot of excellent changes here from the initial resubmission. The drum patterns are varied and things sound pretty good, but i think a little bit of spice would kick this over the edge with the other J's. I do think really just adding an additional layer of percussive elements and synths would make this really engaging. If you want to get some more detailed ideas from me, hit me up via PM, otherwise you are definitely capable of tapping this over the edge! Normally i'd give this a borderline yes, but in the interest of moving it back so you can get this feedback, i'll No, resubmit it. Looking forward to hearing the final!
  3. This is definitely feeling pretty good. The drums were nice, and I like the source and the way it was treated. I don't think the synths were amazing, but they are light flourishes in a primarily rock song, and fit well and give the song some charm. The drums could have been a little punchier, but overall the balance was decent, and it had a breezy feel. Some of the synths that came in were a touch on the loud side, but nothing that really kills this. It's an excellent theme performed in a fun way, what's not to like? Yes
  4. The sound quality on this is much much improved. The soundscape is warm, and things are clear and crisp. Well-deserved praise for improving the overall sound of this from your first submission! Performances were improved over the original submission as well, but still are shaky as an ensemble. I can't strongly enough recommend a click track if you are going to be doing a live feel. The sound quality is there for me, I like the arrangement and the performances are better, but not quite there. I recommend taking the skills you have learned and trying some additional songs, then come back to this one. I like it a lot, but the performances need to be tighter to get onto OCR. No, please resubmit
  5. ah, thanks Vinnie for writing my vote for me! Definitely has it's liberal moments, but is a very well imagined and now better sounding submission. I like it. Yes
  6. I definitely feel this is close, and has some cool stuff going on. The instrumentation used was great, and I think that with some minor humanization tweaks, this will be on the front page sooner rather than later. I agree with some of the judges that the ending is a bit abrupt, and the harp sections could be a little further personalized. It's very close, so please se this one through! No, please resubmit
  7. I will cut and paste this becuase it pretty much sums up how i feel too. The rendering and such is incredible.
  8. wait, featuring Jill *AND* Larry? PLEEEEAAASSSE tell me you will be performing Toyota Disco
  9. looks sweet, I will definitely be seeing this, and that is not something I often say.
  10. Agree with Callas here. Definitely not a form letter, and as someone who regularly deals with a mountain of submissions, I can relate to their position.
  11. nah, it's fine if you don't like it. I personally can take it at face value, but if it was a brand new series, it has a lot of great things going for it. Cool, colorful art, great music, challenging gameplay. I do appreciate you sharing this so I know about it and can buy it now.
  12. If every talent spec was viable, the game would be laughably easy. There are different types of players with different goals in the game, and if you want to do the super hard stuff, then you'll have to min/max. Half the challenge is finding what talents work for different stages of the game.
  13. never seen this before, it looks awesome and the music sounded great- I guess i really disagree with Mak. Sorry man, this looks awesome!
  14. This was one that started out as just for fun, but then a lot of people in the forums liked it, so I figured what the heck, I'll sub it. It's a remix of Stardust Speedway (JP) from Sonic CD. I had never played Sonic CD growing up because I never had a Sega CD (only Genesis), but over last Christmas I found it on PSN for $5 so I picked it up. I was blown away by the cheesy 90s soundtrack (the Japanese version), particularly the Stardust Speedway song, and it was the perfect opportunity to use my library of vocal samples and brass hits that I figured I'd never ever use in anything The song is a little conservative, but I was going for a bit jazzier (slightly slowed down) version, with a bit more focus on the brass & vocals, compared to the original. I hope you all like it! My Contact Info: My ReMixer name: SuperiorX My real name: Matt Keller My email address: My userid: 28286 Submission Info: Games arranged: Sonic CD ReMix Name: Supersonic Stardust ReMix Link (at my box.net account): Songs arranged: Stardust Speedway - JP (Present)
  15. Chiwalker Luke Barden http://www.facebook.com/lukebarden 23642 Name of game arranged: Donkey Kong Land Name of arrangement: Banananaz Name of individual song arranged: "Blimp Off" Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments: My stab at a 100bpm glitch-hop-ish track that I like to refer to as 'walking music.' I call it that because when listening to this tempo whilst walking, it is easy to fit with your stride and makes you feel like a badass. I wish I was skilled enough at making animation to create a video to go along with this remix: Imagine the Donkey Kong walking down a path (0:00), and Diddy Kong's sneaky self throws a banana peel (0:48) that DK slips on (0:57) and starts to fall and hit his head. He hits his head and opens his eyes and stars are circling over his head (like in Looney Toons) and he gets up and the setting has changed to a trippy jungle and DK resumes walking with o-so-much more badassness (1:07). He continues walking and similar events happen to him a second time - diddy throws a new banana in this already trippy world and sends DK's mind into a much more distorted perspective of the jungle (2:43). Eventually, his mind clears and he comes back to reality. ***0 illegal drugs were used for the inspiration and creation of this remix*** I wanted to submit a new kind of track (compared to my Dire Dire Docks submission which is still in the works!) and this glitch-hop 100bpm genre has been what I've been listening to and liking recently. The little melodies in many of these DKLand tracks are so clever and I hope to make people aware of that with this remix. Thanks OCR!
  16. So there is this hilarious meme Shariq brought to my attention, mainly because the guy in it looked somewhat like a white version of our esteemed judge, Palpable. http://weknowmemes.com/2012/05/best-of-the-oh-you-dog-meme/ When Vinnie agreed to match the pose of the guy in the original meme, we were in business. It is now time for Jooj-Cat and Vinnie's version of 'Oh, You!' With contributions from Deia, Vinnie, and Brandon Strader! OMG MAKE YOUR OWN If we get some realllly good ones, I will give you all a SPECIAL PRESENT
  17. *NOTE THAT THE MP3 SEEMS CORRUPTED AT THE END- WE WILL NEED A NEW FILE* Nice touchups, definitely feeling this arrangement! That bass is ridonku-groovin, there are some nice breakdowns and changeups, and some solid clav-i-motionz. This is great stuff, I love it!!! Yes
  18. I enjoyed the first one and voted yes, despite a few weaknesses, and I feel this shores up most of them pretty well, with filled out soundscapes and some more humanized sequencing. The bass and drums was good, and the beat was good. Definitely a step up, nice work! Yes
  19. The main issue that is causing a lot of the production and mixing issues seems like the compressor is pushing way hard on the rock sections. Overall the performances are really nice, it's just the balance and mixing, as well as the little details that are keeping this back. There is an excellent foundation here, and a lot of good critique from the judges, so taking this back to the shop for some tuning up will improve it a good deal. No, please resubmit
  20. whew, this is a borderline call for me, as it feels very close to the source. It adds some good counterpoint and harmonies, and overall I feel that it adds enough to be unique, but dang it's close. Yes
  21. Again, hi! Guifrog r1bb1tz1ng for ya'll. And those were hard times... Game arranged: Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn) Song arranged: Volcano Valley ( )ReMix name: Renewal ReMix links: Here's another attempt of doing a melodramatic mix. Heh. So what's the story this time? In which place? It can be any you want, coz I didn't intend to focus on a specific country this time (yet you'll probably notice a slight unexpected asian feel ). About volcanoes, you know what those scary things do when they explode, right? They basically destroy everything in their surroundings and leave nothing else but a huge pile of dust. Comma. You also know what happens next, yeah? Well, they create nests. Our lively Earth has a hot deadly past. You can tell we need to fall in order to stand up, we need chaos so the order's set, and we need eruptions so the life has new and fertile ground to sprout; that said, there's many sweet things that only happen for a bitter price. My track's divided in acts - 'before', 'during' and 'after' the eruption, which you'll probably identify by yourselves. I gave personality to a few 'special guest' instruments - oboe's the life wind, triangle's when it touches the ground, piccolo's a newly born bird. Sure, that's a metaphor. All in all, this track's not about volcanoes. It's about recreating, reviving, renewing.
  22. Remixer name: DR.WELI Homepage: www.soundcloud.com/weli UserID: 49169 (waiting for activation) Submission Information Game: Megaman 4 Remix name: Foiling Dr.Wily Song arranged: Last Boss Own comments about the mix: I've always wanted to make a VGM remix and finally took the effort to do so. I chose the last boss theme from my favorite NES game Megaman 4. The actual track is basically just a 10 second loop so I tried my best to expand on that theme and take the composition a bit further. The genre is drum and bass which was a natural choice for an epic last boss track. Enjoy!
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