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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. If I got her number, i'd be blowin up her phone, phone too, bro /fistbump
  2. So a small-time indie music publishing group has pushed a song that isn't really good? And some of you guys are acting shocked and outraged? This happens all the time, it's not a big deal, and if she ends up having a pop music career that gets large enough to impact any of your lives, it'll be several years from now, not in the immediate future. It is funny that her song is a new meme, but to say that this is indicative of the pop music market as a whole is pretty off base. The music of the song itself is catchy, but the engineering is nothing special, and those actual lyrics would never have made it past the label QA if it was a major. There is a difference between ironically trying to be bad (Ke$ha and the like), and legitimately being too green to write good lyrics. tldr: the song isn't good, but you guys are being silly.
  3. Definitely a step in the right direction as there is a good deal more clarity, so I can hear more of the underlying issues, but it is still being pushed too hard in some areas. The rhythm guitars are still being pushed too hard, and it's sounding like they have no headroom at all. They are also a bit loud, so bringing them down a few DB may fix the issues there completely. The drums also feel like they are being overpowered a bit, which in turn is reducing the overall brutality of the track. I know it sounds counter-intuitive to bring down the volume to make something sound heavier, but that is how it works in this case. The brief lead interlude around the midpoint of the track is also getting rolled over by the rhythm guitars. The lead levels at the end are more in line of where it needs to be. Tonewise, everything is excellent, the performances were as good as the first time, but now with the added bonus of being more audible. You definitely have some serious rhythm chops, those riffs are *on*. The arrangement was definitely liberal, but covered the source enough that I feel comfortable with it, and the flow is great. The ending was slightly abrupt, but it worked. Overall, just tweak the sound engineering slightly to reduce the compression a bit further, and i'm sold. No, please resubmit
  4. This is a case of where the somewhat meandering arrangement feels right for a song. There is a good gradual expansion, so that by the time the song is done, it's built up quite a bit. I felt that the arrangement had enough direction to be passable, and the layered melodies were fun. I think at times the arrangement is even too subtle, where a lot of the excellent details like the multi-panned percussion and interesting bassline are lost. The remedy for this is close listening, of course, and there is a lot to really love about this arrangement if it's attention demands are met. There aren't really defined transitions, just parts that wander in and out but that fits the theme. There were still some weird production choices, mainly the weaksauce drums. They didn't cut through at all and just added to a sortof grey fuzz to the background, which was unfortunate, because the partwriting for them was really nice, but everything else worked better for me. Nice improvement overall, I'll take it. Yes
  5. Really pleasant soundscape here, though there is a super high end pierce to your kick that should be tamed a bit with EQ. The lead really could use a little more life to it, It feels static on the long note, though some sections feel ok. I think switching it out for a bit would help. The compression on the master seemed a bit much too, as there was some noticeable pumping going on. I think even reducing the overall volume slightly and giving it a bit of headroom would help. The arrangement feels really good, with some nice additions and very subtle details; there are a lot of nice builds that add up slowly. Overall this has some great ideas a lot of promise, but I think giving the lead a little more life and adjusting the production a bit is what this needs. Very strong candidate for a resub, and a very good track overall. No, please resubmit
  6. http://www.kget.com/entertainment/story/Nate-Dogg-dies/utu6cj5lIk6Fk4Mr1bj5TA.cspx ;_; I loved his super smooth delivery. I'll be pouring some on the curb for ya, G.
  7. I played one at PAX east and it was siiiick - definitely not going to get one right away, but I will be purchasing one eventually. Until then, all you guys who are getting it, have lots of fun.
  8. The soundscape sounds good, but a touch more delay on the flute would be good. It *definitely* needs more variation on the arrangement, but the sounds are solid. Keep at it dude.
  9. I think I saw Darkesword at the convention too, but I wasn't sure it was him and didn't want to cause a scene. I don't think it was really him though, he seemed to be shorter than 7 feet tall...
  10. What ToN did to this song is like what happens in teen movies. The nerdy outcast girl takes off her glasses and lets her hair down and then BAM instant superhunny. The source track is straight-up unlistenable to me, but the end result is excellent. Awesome work, dude, and welcome to the Animal Crossing remixer fraternity.
  11. so good, there were some great results from that contest, and this was one of my favorites, along with the 2P track. I've kept this mp3 ever since, and have been a fan for awhile. Good to see it posted!
  12. there are some moments in here that really come together and are lush, full, and dreamy, but a few spots where the reverb gets to be a bit much. The snare tone also seemed slightly far back in some areas, like when things really filled out, though was good in the more subdued areas. Overall this is really nice, but needs just a few production tweaks to make it over the bar. I really hope you revisist this one, i enjoyed it a lot. No, please resubmit
  13. The bass and synths were a little rough, but once the more organic elements came in, it was gelling a lot better. Nice melodic details, and a lot of good sequencing, with plenty of action going on. The arrangement was very cool and super expanded, with a really nice feel to it. There was a bit of repetition with all the textures being piled up, but overall i felt it was very well done. Productionwise, there were a few mixing changes i'd make, to have the melody slightly more prominent, and I think the bass sound is a bit on the bland and cheapy side, but otherwise it was clean and had a good room sound. There was enough going on to keep the attention on the arrangement rather than the samples, which was a good call. Overall I am enjoying this, and think it's above the bar. Nice work! Yes
  14. ReMixer name - The n00b real name- Max Kravchenko Website - http://mak.official.fm email address- corp8@mail.ru userid - 32137 Submission Information: Title - "Ghosts of War" Name of game arranged - Contra Force System: NES Name of individual song arranged - Prologue Theme Hello! This remix has a long story! First attempt on this source I made when I was 15-16 years old) But who cares! Anyway, another experiment in sound, instruments, mastering.. bla,bla,bla.. Simple orchestra, metal riffs,sweet bass guitar(I love it), rock improvisations, "crying" drums(Dunno why, I just hear they crying) and gentle-aggressive electronic in background. This is the mix. Sounds like nonsense.. You better listen remix) I wanted to write some lyrics on it, but suddenly I realized.. I can't say "THOSE" words in english(guess, cause I'm Russian). And I have no quality equipment to record vocals. So I tried here to say something by music. Hope I did it. Thank You for your time! I have a request. If this mix get to the judges panel and takes "NO", do not remove link to remix pleas) Dunno why, but do it pleas. If it possible) Thank You! P.S. Sorry for my english, if I said something weird) Link to the original soundtrack -
  15. Contact Information • Your ReMixer name: blackguitar • Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 30704, Artist ID: 5877 Submission Information • Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy 1 (NES) • Name of individual song(s) arranged: "Shop Theme", "Floating Castle", "Menu Screen" • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: When Brandon asked me to collaborate on his FF1 project, i was happy to help because i fell in love with the series' music nearly twenty years ago. To rework their musical roots means much to me. since nearly all tracks were taken when i entered the project, i decided to make a medley from 3 remaining pieces that, in my opinion, fit perfectly together (with a little harmonic change here and there). The project goal was to recreate the music in a progressive-rock-metal-fashion, and a dark mood suited perfectly for me, so i modulated two songs to minor. the evil "Floating Castle" didn't need a change, it sounded genuine metal from the beginning . The funny "Shop Theme" sounds like a fairground organ piece to me, thus, i chose that instrument and also named the whole remix: "Fierce Fairground Fight". Hope you like it! Brandon asked me to make a breakdown when i submit this so here it is. 0:00-0:10 Intro (Original) 0:10-0:18 "Shop Theme" 0:18-0:55 "Shop Theme" (minor) 0:55-1:34 "Floating Castle" 1:34-1:58 Transition (loosely based on "Menu Screen" (minor)) 1:58-2:34 "Menu Screen" (minor) 2:34-2:44 Intro (Original) + Transition 2:44-3:31 "Shop Theme" + "Floating Castle" mixed 3:07-3:31 Solo ("Shop Theme"-harmonies) 3:31-3:43 Transition 3:43-5:39 Outro (loosely based on "Menu Screen" (minor)) This is a project track (Brandon Strader's FF1-Project) EDIT: Resubmitted this on OA's advice to soften the brickwall-limiter. hope its ok now...
  16. Remix: For Great Justice Your ReMixer name: Brandon Strader Your real name: Brandon E. Strader Your email address: oinkness@gmail.com Your website: http://www.bstrader.net/ Your userid: 3123 Name of game(s) arranged: Zero Wing Name of individual song(s) arranged: Introduction (Part 1), Introduction (Part 2), Open Your Eyes (Stage 1) Tatsuya Uemura, Sega Genesis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzqyOYTr5EA&feature=BF&list=PLC3DF3884CF593C88&index=1 <-- this is my playlist. It's the first 3 songs. breakdown: There's 2 parts to the song.. The first half is Introduction part 1 and 2. After the explosion, and ship "woosh" noise, it becomes Open Your Eyes aka Natols, Stage 1 theme. I am submitting this to MAGfest 9 DoD and OC ReMix simultaneously. I hope it does well in the contest. The idea for this mix started pretty huge, as it was originally going to be a medley of all of the songs. Right now it's only 3 songs (2 if you count the intro as 1 song) and is clocking in at almost 5 minutes, so a full medley probably wouldn't fit on an OCR post. I knew that I wanted to write the non-Engrish version of the introductory dialogue, so I wrote out a little script and asked Brushfire and Level 99 if they would be up for doing the voice acting. They did it, and I'm very thankful for that. They made about a 9 minute recording that was pretty much a mini-episode of OCAD and I chopped about 30 seconds of dialogue for the song from that. They did a few variations of each part. You can hear the opening voice almost goes into a laugh at the end, because Level 99 found that performance to be "over the top". Brushfire commented that is sounded like Snake. Naturally, I slapped a cloner on there and pitch shifted it down a bit to maximize on that. There's a lot of instances where I chose the performance that they probably would have considered too silly, but it came out very well and I threw a couple jokes in there as well. There was a ridiculous amount of sound effects and dialogue in there. Here's a few fun facts: - The wilhelm scream appears twice, signifying the death of Level 99 and then Brushfire - The second explosion is combined with a jaguar growl, a tribute to the movie MacGruber where I had heard that - There's a ton of sound effects from Star Trek throughout the opening. - During the second source, there's a truck backing up sound, a conveyor belt, and an electric garage door engine. This is supposed to recreate the "move zig" portion of the original game intro. - The 8-bit sounding explosions at the beginning were recorded by me personally from Zero Wing's sound test. I don't usually do large write-ups or write-ups in general because if the song gets NO'd, you look like even more of a pompous ass than if your mix had passed. I feel really good about this mix, however, as it has a heaviness and a clarity that I haven't been able to achieve with previous remixes. Every element of the song is clearly audible, there's nothing hidden -- the distorted organ is a bit low, but that is intentional. Anyway, a special thanks to Level 99 and Brushfire for doing the dialogue, and I hope you enjoy the song. I hope they enjoyed it at MAGfest 9. Hah! I'm writing that as if I am in the future, when they have not heard it yet. *shrug*
  17. Your ReMixer name: Psyguy Your real name: Bryon Beaubien Your email address: psyguy@gmail.com Your website: http://fireball20xl.com/music/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums: 33765 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic Spinball Name of individual song(s) arranged: Cluck Alert! Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: Sonic Spinball kicked my ass as a kid. 3 lives. No continues. So, I ended up listening to Toxic Caves a lot. Recently (relatively), Sega put Spinball on the iPhone. Once again I was jamming away to Toxic Caves. I thought this would be a fun song to remix. Turns out, this song was extremely difficult for me to get behind. It has kind of the same beat over and over so making it interesting was somewhat of a pain. Nevertheless, I put my hammer to the anvil and crafted something I'm satisfied with. I hope the same can be said for everybody else. Later days, Psy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbEfadBoE70
  18. Very ominous and classy mix, I remember hearing this on the panel and being impressed, and i'm impressed now. Very cool stuff.
  19. Reminiscence from Suikoden 2 Very simple arrangement and a bittersweet melody, this is one of my favorite game tracks ever. You don't even really need to play the game to appreciate this piece. It's a little short, but says all that it needs to.
  20. *standing ovation* Complete sickness! You've earned a break - I recommend beating Dragon Warrior on a dance pad next, as a breather.
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