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Everything posted by Darklink42

  1. So I'm not sure why the highway has come to my backdoor, but whoever it built it out over there, what direction do you want it to continue? Straight North, or parallel to the road it branched off of?
  2. DO NOT attack the pig men! They will swarm you, even if you leave and come back. And they hit hard, even with full armor. Best to just leave them alone. The wights, on the other hand, are pushovers. I hit one with a single arrow and killed it.
  3. Wow, server is a real jerk. I want to talk to it's supervisor immediately about a refund.
  4. Can't log in either, which may be because of the update? I know it re-downloaded.
  5. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/10/29/minecraft-halloween-update-hands-on Cannot wait for this and biomes.
  6. I'm impressed that they managed to reproduce the GBA Fire Emblem games so well using RPG maker XP. I didn't think you could do that. SMB-X isn't a bad hybrid either, especially the "secret" character.
  7. Arcade aid is back up with a new quiz. I know we all had a fun time last time getting all of them last time. Let's do it again. http://www.arcadeaid.com/challengingstage/quiz.htm
  8. I too wish to be whitelisted please.
  9. Darklink42 = Casey Affleck Reasonably good actor, and significantly better looking than I am.
  10. I had so many problems with this game, but the worst was when I found a door in one of the towns that was locked, successfully picked it, and the game froze as soon as I tried to enter it, taking my saves with it. I can't say I've played that game since.
  11. It's probably neccesary, so I'll vote for a reroll after the update. I just hope the biomes are worth it.
  12. I just... I mean holy... I think I just found the ultimate reason to buy a 3DS. Excuse me while I go change my pants.
  13. Happy birthday to one of the great sig cartel heroes. Hope you're having a good one Douli.
  14. I am speechless. If I didn't know better, I wouldn't believe someone could be that stupid on purpose. Seriously, dick move Strader.
  15. This is what the basic Hyrule castle looks like in Minecraft, at least as far as I guessed. Fire Slash is also working on his own too, from the Link to the Past model as well. I think both are going to look awesome in their own rights.
  16. My place isn't mention either, although truth be told, no one else is really out there but me. This will change when the foundation for Hyrule Castle goes up.
  17. Went exploring in Moria today.... I found the literal MOTHERLOAD. The cave had everything you could want. Diamond, gold, iron, redstone, coal, lava. And it goes on forever. I eventually had to dig my way up, only to find that I hadn't traveled all that far from my home base and Halcyon's underwater base. If people don't mind, I'd like to explore it on my own, so please don't enter it. There will be pics eventually. In other news, I finally figured out what I want to build. Hyrule castle from Link to the Past. I think with enough natural stone and time, it could be done quite nicely.
  18. I started a reed farm, so people can make paper, and eventually bookshelves. Let me know when I'm on and I'll get you some, or find it yourself. Please remember to only take from the top though, since otherwise they don't grow back.
  19. Unsurprisingly, my name is Darklink42. My house is currently being converted to a floating island, but it's near one of the Author's and HalcyonSpirit's tunnel entrances. Also, the hole to Moria in there is mine, just to be clear. Halcyon said I could have it.
  20. Had a lot of fun on the server. Made a new base on a reverse mountain, fell into a seemingly bottomless pit in one of Halcyon Spirit's caves, ended up digging straight up only to come out under my base. Went back in, and explored for a bit until I found a random yellow flower on a dirt ledge above some lava deep underground.
  21. When you load the game, and it gives you the option for single or multiplayer, when you go to multi it asks you for an IP. I just copy-pasted it into the box and it worked for me. I'm on right now, up on a mountain top.
  22. I set up a base. If the name tag is too much, I'll take it down again. I just wanted to let people know I was there.
  23. In that case, you can do what my fav server does, and place an adminium cage around the spawn for the night when no one is left.
  24. You can make the server private so that only people who know the address can log onto it. It's not fool-proof, but it will keep the majority of random assholes from wandering in and blowing everything up.
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