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Everything posted by Kanthos

  1. Sold it just before Christmas to someone via Craigslist, sorry.
  2. Doesn't hurt to disable them all, as long as you can remember which ones were enabled previously, so you can re-enable them when you're done with your music.
  3. Dissidia has an optional menu-based control system that would be similar to this, I think.
  4. Please add this one under For Sale: :::computer/music electronic stuff::: Native Instruments FM8 (download only): $50 [kanthos] Please remove these under for sale. :::pc::: Oblivion + Knights of the Nine disc (all downloadable content) + Shivering Isles expansion (discs in third-party cases only, no manuals/boxes/official cases) + Strategy Guide: $25 (includes shipping) [kanthos] King's Quest I-VII package (2 CDs in official case; manual is in PDF format and contains codes for all KQ games that need them): $10 (includes shipping) [kanthos] :::gb/gba::: Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (cartridge only, perfect condition) - $10 (includes shipping) [kanthos] :::computer/music electronic stuff::: Native Instruments Pro-53: $100 [kanthos] Please change these (For Sale again) to the following: :::computer/music electronic stuff::: Line6 PodXT with FX Junkie expansion pack: $200 + s/h [kanthos]
  5. I use my laptop for live performance and found this to be an issue. Even though I'm obviously not connected to anything via ethernet while performing, I still need to go into control panel and disable the network connection entirely in order to get sound without any other noises.
  6. What instruments are you looking for? There are very few instruments that haven't been used for jazz.
  7. Y is for You don't know the alphabet Also,
  8. W is for
  9. Happy birthday! More Flickerfall please
  10. H is for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
  11. MIDI itself is quite fast. The ASIO card is more for reducing the output latency. Overall latency has 3 parts: the time it takes for the MIDI signal generated by you pressing a key to make it to the VST that will produce the sound, the time the VST takes to make the sound (including effects and such), and the time it takes the sound to get to your sound card outputs. The first part is always pretty fast; the second is dependent on the speed of your computer. The last is dependent on both your sound card and its buffer size. A normal sound card probably won't let you touch the buffer size, but a decent one will (and will perform better anyway). Make the buffer too small and the CPU won't be able to fill it with audio fast enough so you'll get crackling; make it too large and you'll get latency. A latency of 10-15 ms will be inaudible; more than that and you'll start to feel the lag as you play.
  12. Try this. Doesn't look to be spectacular, I think.
  13. Glad to help. I just figured out how UTF-8 and other multi-byte character sets worked a week ago, as I needed to know for work (I write software that we localize to all kinds of languages, so we need to support that kind of thing), so it was more just luck that I saw the problem and knew what was up. Briefly, UTF-8 is a format that uses one or two bytes for character, depending on the character. Some other character sets always use two bytes per character, so to represent standard ASCII characters (the English alphabet and numbers and such), one byte is, I think, 0 and the next is the ASCII representation. All those weird characters every other byte were probably the 0 bytes.
  14. What character encoding are you using? It looks to me like you're using some kind of non-standard two-bytes-per-character encoding. Possibly you're uploading it as a binary file to your server instead of a text file or it's getting garbled in some other way. Save the original source file as UTF-8, which can be multibyte when necessary but for standard ascii characters (as all web servers require for HTML tags and such), it will be single byte.
  15. Probably something like 'find keywords in the subject, google for it, take the first link, and grab text from there.' I wouldn't think it'd be all that hard.
  16. The scroll wheel actually does zoom in both IE and FireFox (by default), though that's not necessarily a bad thing. In Firefox, you can go to View -> Zoom and click on Zoom Text Only, which makes Ctrl+Scroll Wheel change just the font size. IE8 doesn't have that option, but you can choose View -> Text Size.
  17. Count Dookie? Is that some distant relative to Tre Cool?
  18. Sad to see you leave the panel, but I'm sure you'll make good use of your time. Thanks for all your work in providing us all with quality music.
  19. Thanks for all your work, Fishy.
  20. Haven't gotten around to checking this out yet, but I'd like to. Anyone able to send me an invite?
  21. Going from a lighter action to a harder action is much more difficult than harder to lighter. There's an adjustment in any case, and the better and more experienced you are as a player, the easier that will be.
  22. Yes, exactly. There are three classes of weights of the keys. Synth action is really light, weighted is a piano feel (or reasonably close to it), and semi-weighted is more like an organ, somewhere in the middle.
  23. 88 keys is far from essential; it'll take years of practicing before you come across material that requires it, and even then, it's mostly more advanced classical and jazz where you might need that range. I use a 73-key keyboard and have never once had an issue with the missing octave-and-a-half for anything I perform (rock, pop, jazz-type stuff). What *is* important is having good weighted action if you want to be a pianist and not just a keyboard player.
  24. Congrats! Try not to get stressed out (and keep her from getting stressed out) over the planning. It's just one day. An important one, for sure, but the rest of your life together is more important.
  25. No, 100 is the cap for players. Skill and gear are what you need in this game.
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